Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Well thith thuckth...

Got my spacers in yesterday (finally), but I'm already hating them big time. I sound like Daffy Duck ("Thuffering Thoccotash!") and everything I eat gets stuck in a million different crevices. It's so annoying! I'm embarrased when I talk and I'm definitely having a not-so-good time answering the phones. Unfortunately, my boss' name, her boss' name, and my own name all contain at least one "s." So, I'm sounding like an idiot everytime I say their and my names. Gah!

I guess the only benefit is that I will definitely NOT be overeating for the next 3 months. I seriously can't even enjoy food anyway. I'm too busy worrying about not getting bits and pieces stuck in this contraption.

Sorry, I know I sound like a big whiner and complainer, but this really is no fun. I know it will be worth it in the end though, so maybe I should just keep my big metal-filled mouth shut...

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