Monday, September 30, 2013


I've been reading through the Bible since the new year and I'm at Proverbs (I know... Barely lol).  So many awesome nuggets of truth in that book.  Solomon truly was wise.  

Anyway, the theme that jumped out to me this morning was about forgiveness toward one another.  Part of the reason it stood out so much is because there is someone in my life who has been unforgiving with me.  Worse, I don't even know what I did to insult her to begin with.  This person is new in The Lord and still in the learning process, but nevertheless it's been weighing on my heart so much because I love this person. 

I took a few of these verses and posted them to Instagram with a caption acknowledging how unforgiving and easily insulted I used to be before I yielded to God and let Him work in me to change these things.  Not gonna lie; I'm hoping she will see it.  Lol.  I'm praying God does a work in her heart to be less sensitive and more forgiving.  She reminds me so much of myself and I know it took God a good while to change me; not because He is incapable, but because I was stubborn.

Lord, help me to remember how far You have brought me.  Help me to choose forgiveness...

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Oh hey!

Whoa.  It's been awhile blog.  How have you been?  Lol

Oh man, it HAS been awhile.  A long while.  So much has happened.  I almost forgot about you, but someone commented on a post yesterday and I thought I should drop a line to let you know I'm still alive and kicking.  

Usually, I give you a life recap, but that's just too much.  So here are the major bullet points:

- New nephew named Diego.  He's one year old.

- Brother-in-law, Mike, got sick and within 4 months he had gone on to be with The Lord.  Brain tumor. Cancer sucks.

- Transferred to a clinic closer to where I was looking for my home.  Been there a year next month.  It's different.

- Gave up on condo.  Decided to get an apartment.  God said, 'no way!'  He put me in a condo around the corner from church in less than 2 months. I'm officially a homeowner since February.

- Got into a real, live relationship.  First one ever at 31 years old.  By 32 it was done.  God said, "neither of you is ready." (We both have some growing to do.). It's been less than a month and it still hurts, but God is good and faithful.  

- Went on first missions trip to Mexicali.  Was attacked big time by the enemy, but still feel blessed by it.  Feeling there might be a calling there.  Praying about it.

- Just started Women's Bible Study at church.  It's on "the Characteristics of a Godly Woman."  Perfect.  Excited to see what God does.

Well, blog.  You are caught up.  Let's not be strangers, huh?  ;)