Monday, August 31, 2009

Mouth Update

I'm finally done with the appliance for correcting my bite. Now it's onto the painful stuff. I get my spacers this Friday. I hear they hurt more than braces. Thankfully, I'm doing Invisalign. (Well, thankfully for my mouth, but not my pocket.) So, the spacers will be the only thing involving pain. I think... You never know what can happen with me. Afterall, I am the freak who had 5 wisdom teeth. lol.

Anyway, I wear the spacers for 3 months--top and bottom. Then it's on to Invisalign. I can't wait. Hopefully in no more than 2 years, I will have beautiful, nice straight teeth. Just in time for wedding pictures (please, please, please)! Yay!

Lukewarm = No bueno

So, I'm reading Francis Chan's "Crazy Love" (finally... I've been meaning to for awhile now!). So far it is very thought-provoking and convicting, at the very least. =) Right now, I'm in Chapter 4 - Profile of the Lukewarm. Francis lists a bunch of signs of a Lukewarm Christian--one trying to live for both the World and Christ, which is impossible. Like Francis says, a Lukewarm Christian is an oxymoron.

Anyway, one description really stood out to me:

LUKEWARM PEOPLE do not live by faith; their lives are structured so they never have to. They don't have to trust God if something unexpected happens--they have their savings account. They don't need God to help them--they have their retirement account in place. They don't genuinely seek out what life God would have them live--they have life figured and mapped out. They don't depend on God on a daily basis--their refridgerators are full and, for the most part, they are in good health. The truth is, their lives wouldn't look much different if they suddenly stopped believing in God.
(See Luke12:16-21 and Hebrews 11 for scripture that Francis gives for rebutting this characteristic of a Lukewarm Christian.)

Wow. Talk about convicting. We are such control freaks in this day and age, that we don't want to have to depend on whether God might help us out in a bind. We want to make sure we have a back-up plan.

How dare we have a back-up plan to God!

I may not have a savings account with more than $100 (no, seriously... lol). I may not have elected to have the best retirement plan the County has to offer. I may even appear to be very reckless when it comes to my future by the world's standards. Yet I know, however, that despite appearances, I don't always completely trust that God is going to take care of me. For example, I don't always tithe as much as I should when I know that I barely have enough to buy groceries and some gas before my next paycheck. Instead of just giving the Lord what I owe Him, I hold back a little to make sure I can get a few extra things from the market.

How shameful. I'm basically telling Him that I don't think He will sustain me for the next few days so I'm going to dip into His account... the money that is RIGHTFULLY HIS. Wow! WOW!

Lord, forgive me for not fully trusting in You at ALL TIMES. From now on I will go hungry before I act like a Lukwarm Christian:

I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth. You say, 'I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.' But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked. - Revelation 3:15-17

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Training up your kids...

I was watching Charles Stanley this morning and he gave a message about training up your child in the ways of the Lord. I was going to give a summary of the message, but when I took a look at my notes for a second time, I realized they are pretty much self-explanatory:

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart
from it. Proverbs 22:6

1. Spend quality time
- Investment in their eternity
- You are most important in their life

2. Listen to them carefully, so they will listen to you
- No education is needed to give your kids time or to stop and listen
- They deserve your undivided attention (the Lord gives us undivided attention when we come to him)
- They will go to someone; better you than someone else

3. Admit when you are wrong
- Tears down barrier and builds relationship
- They won't mind coming and talking to you when they are wrong

4. Love them unconditionally
- Despite their looks, attitude, brains, etc.
- Not bringing up past wrongs
**Love never fails! (1 Peter 4:8)

5. Discipline them motivated by a desire to protect them
- You want them to grow up to be a good person

6. Motivate them to be all they can be
- "Look your best; Do your best; Be your best"
- Do you think Jesus did anything less then His best?
**Correct without demeaning

7. Lead them to fully understand that their ultimate accountability is to God
- When you aren't around, they still answer to God
- Being accountable to themselves is a disaster - they will try to play God

8. Most important thing in their life is their personal, intimate relationship with Jesus Christ
- If you don't have one, you can't teach them to have one

9. Teach them to spend time daily in the Word of God
- You won't live a godly life with a closed Bible
** "Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path" - Psalms 119:105

10. Teach them to obey God and leave all the consequences to Him
- Will teach them to 1)recognize the sovereignty of God; 2) recognize His personal interest in them; and 3) trust Him

Most important: PRAY FOR YOUR CHILDREN!!!!!

My main reason for recording this is so that I can come back and refer to it when I finally have children of my own, but also because this is direction that all parents need.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

Thursday, August 27, 2009

In His shadow...

It's funny how being praised can sometimes cause you humility.

Today, God has used quite a few different people to let me know how appreciated I am. I'm talking all day long.... I was even told that I am at a corporate level when it comes to my skills. Wow. I guess when my mom brags to people about how I could be an administrative assistant to the CEO of a big company, she's not the only one who thinks so. Hahaha! That sounds so egotistical!

Seriously though, you would think it would be blowing up my head, but it actually embarrasses me and reminds me that in the grand scheme of things, I'm really not all that special. I'm just an average person. I make mistakes and fumble up all the time. BELIEVE ME! At the end of the day, I can do NOTHING without my Lord.
I can do everything through him who gives me strength. -Philipians 4:13

He gave me my skills--I didn't give them to myself.

All this also comes from the LORD Almighty, wonderful in counsel and magnificent in wisdom. -Isaiah 28:29

I was nervous about coming to my current position. I was scared that I would be bored and, even worse, I was scared that I would be too intimidated by my boss' boss to function, but it's been almost quite the opposite. I say almost because my boss' boss still does intimidate me, but not the extent that I can't still do well at my job or make a good impression on him.

Right now, I couldn't be happy or feel more blessed. I am EXACTLY where the Lord wanted me and to top it off, I am surrounded by believers. It's so good. I know that He is watching out for me and guiding my steps. Not to sound redundant, but HE KNOWS WHAT HE'S DOING!

Thank you, Lord. You are too good to me...

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Forgiveness... It's what's for dinner

As followers of Christ, we are instructed to forgive. In EVERYTHING, forgive. Jesus even told Peter that we should continue to forgive even when someone sins against us multiple times:

Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, "Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me? Up to seven times?" Jesus answered, "I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times. (Matthew 18:21 & 22)

Man, that is one tall order. It's already hard sometimes to forgive someone when they do something bad or hurtful to you the FIRST time, let alone if they do it again... and again, and again.

Personally, I admit that I am prideful (hey, I'm Mexican... lol) and it's very hard for me to forgive. As hard as it is for me though, I'm really trying to work on being more forgiving and less sensitive. I think this is something the Lord really wants for me. When you are quick to forgive there is less to worry and suffer about. You aren't allowing yourself to be repeatedly injured by what happened, which is what occurs every time you remember it or bring it up because you haven't forgiven.

Right now, I'm struggling with having a forgiving heart towards one of my sisters at church. We met at my first Women's Bible Study last year and I love this girl to death. She is funny, quick-witted, and outgoing. She's the kind of person everyone likes to have around.

So, what did she do? Well, she kind of flaked on my birthday, which also includes flaking on my baptism. She told me she would be there, but never showed for either the actual baptism or the dinner afterward. I ran into her son in the parking lot at church and asked him if they were coming to dinner. All he said was, "No," and then walked away. Rude.... but then again he is a 13-year-old boy. What do they know about manners?

Anyway, I then sent her a text telling her that her son had told me that they weren't coming. No reply. No, "I'm so sorry. I forgot and I volunteered to serve tonight" (which I'm pretty sure is probably what happened). Nothing. I understand if she forgot and was helping at church, but the least she could have done was acknowledge my text. I mean, I took a whole day off of work to go to Disneyland with her for her birthday. The least she could do was let me know she wasn't coming to my birthday dinner.

Well, I was upset and hurt, but I went ahead and forgave her. I didn't want to have a strained relationship with a sister from church.

Then a few weeks ago, I ran into a mutual friend who told me that my friend had hurt her knee very badly. I felt bad and decided to text her to see how she was doing. She answered my text letting me know that the doctor has her off her feet for three weeks. I told her I would pray for her, and her reply was something like, "Yeah, I need all I can get." That was it. She didn't even say Thanks or mention my birthday. Plus, it seemed like such a short answer... the kind you usually get when someone is upset with you.

Again, I was hurt. I haven't heard from her since. Now I'm wondering if I did something to make her upset and that's why she didn't go to my birthday and why I haven't heard from her. Or maybe she feels guilty about missing my birthday and sometimes, for some crazy reason I've never been able to explain, when people feel guilty about something, they decide to flip the guilt on you and become angry with you instead of feeling bad for what they did.... ????? Maybe she's not even angry with me and has just been wrapped up with the whole knee issue. I don't know anymore!

Meanwhile, I'm starting to feel upset with my friend and totally rejected for no good reason, and it's getting harder to be so forgiving. I feel like I've proved myself to her as a friend and all of a sudden she's letting me down big time. Well, okay.... it's not even like I really hold this grudge. I'm really more disappointed than anything because this is the kind of stuff I expect from non-Believers. Then again, we are all sinners--believers or not.

Although I'm not necessarily angry with her to the point where I don't want to be her friend anymore, the way I feel just makes me become prideful to where I feel like I don't want to communicate with her anymore unless she initiates it. Even though though on the surface it's not all that deep of an issue, I guess I still feel like I need to forgive her (apparently... since I'm writing this big old long blog about it... lol).

I'm going to choose right now to just forgive her, but not to press the issue with her. Hopefully, I will have her in my Bible Study again this year and hopefully we can work out what's going on right now.

I can't wait for Bible Study to start. I'm not good with unresolved issues....

Monday, August 24, 2009

No intention....

I was reading this article on and the author said the following statement, which really stood out to me:

"If you have no intention of getting married for the next decade, then why in the world are you dating in the first place?"

Amen, brother! So many people (men AND women) are out there dating people for long periods of time with no intention of marrying the person they are "with." What a way to waste someone's time. There are so many (seems like mostly women, but there are men too) who DO want to get married and get into a relationship with someone with hopes that it's going to lead somewhere... and somewhere is not dating for a really long time or moving in together to "play house" for a while and see where things go. It's a lifelong commitment and partnership of marriage.

Those of us who are marriage-minded are not dating just for the fun of it and for something to do on Saturday night. We are dating to try to find that special person that God made just for us so that we can do the thing that God created us for: leave our families and create new ones by marrying. So it's really unfair for people who are not marriage-minded to come along and use up our precious time when they know they don't want the same thing. They are just getting in the way of us finding the people who do want to get married.

This is why I hate the whole game of dating. Why can't we just be real and honest about what we want. No. Instead, society tell us (mostly the guys) not to allow anyone to put pressure on you and to run from anyone who wants to "tie you down." Don't ever grow up. Please! If you would just be real about not wanting to commit, the rest of us can move on and find someone who does, and you don't have to freak out that someone is trying to cut your fun time short. It's selfish. You want your cake and to eat it too. Meanwhile, those of us who want to settle down are still single into our late 20s/early 30s, lonely, and don't know who we can actually trust anymore.

It's really sad how our society has changed so much for the worse. Despite what the world would have you think, Feminism and the Sexual Revolution have messed it up for us all. Men are living self-destructive lives (that "seem fun") instead of marrying, having families, and, as a result, living happier, longer, and fuller lives. Women are being abandoned, having kids out of wedlock with no real promise that the father will stick around or being stuck to raise them alone, OR choosing to abort their children only to go back out there and get pregnant again. All this because we no longer think it's a good thing to pursue marriage...

Sounds like progress to me!

Well, keep your progress. I'll take marriage... Now if only we could identify and immediately avoid the losers who don't want a commitment, then we could find the winners who do a lot faster. They should have a Tag & Release program or something....

Thursday, August 20, 2009

ObamaCare is a bunch of ObamaCrap

And I think MANY people all across America agree with that. Although the media and the current ruling party in the White House would have you believe that all those angry people showing up at Townhall Meetings are fake and being paid to be there. Riiiight! Let me tell you something: If angry people weren't showing up to those Townhall Meetings, I would be asking myself, "why the heck aren't more people angry about this?!" I'm just glad to see that I'm not the only one fed up with this crap!

Why in God's name would you want the government handling your healthcare? Just like Obama said himself, it would be run just like the Post Office (or like that other fun, government-run business, the DMV). GREEEAT! I really want to show up to the doctor and be ignored for 20 minutes, only to be sent away because I don't have all the right paperwork and blah blah blah, all with attitude to top it off and NO OTHER OPTION. Yes, that's how I like to be taken care of.

When I moved in with my dad I had Comcast as my cable company because that was all that was offered in my area, unless I wanted to get satellite, which I cannot afford. So, I took what I had available to me. Then Time Warner took over and they almost immediately pissed me off, but what pissed me off even more was the fact that I had to essentially put up with their crap because there was pretty much no other option and they know that. Now, yes, I can go with Satelite if I really hate it that much, but I'm just trying to make a point here.

So, I'm pissed because Time Warner is my only option, even though I do have an alternative if I'm willing to pay for it, but with ObamaCare, just like the DMV, there is no other option and that would make me BEYOND just pissed. There will be no competion--no other option even if you are willing to pony up the cash for it. You have to suck it up and take it up the you-know-what. Yes, that sounds like a great plan, Mr. President. All the while, if one of your family members gets sick, he/she will never have to wait as long as we will have to wait for care, and there certainly won't be an attitude about it because everytime you get around people, they get all googley-eyed anyway.


Competition is what makes this country great. If Domino's pisses you off, you can call up Pizza Hut or Poppa John's. You don't like Disneyland? Go to Magic Mountain. Target too expensive for you? Go to Walmart or the Dollar Tree. Options, people! You have them. They are good. They drive down prices because people are going to go to the cheapest place causing the other place to lower there prices so you'll come back. This is how a good economy works, yet Obama wants to take it away from us.

Yes, healthcare needs to be improved in this country, but socialist, "single-payer" (a.k.a single-OPTION) ObamaCare is NOT the route we need to take, people....

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

My 1-1-1 Project

This month will be one year since I started my "1-1-1 Project."

About one year ago (on 8/28/08 to be exact), I was running really late for work. The 60 was horrid because of an accident so I tried to take the 10, which wasn't any better. Frustrated, I got off the 10 and tried to take the streets. I was running VERY late, but God had a reason behind it. As I waited at red light after red light, I listened to Focus on the Family. That day Lee Strobel was speaking. As a former Athiest who went on a scientific quest to disprove the notion of a Creator, only to prove that there is One, he is definitely someone who's insights I like to hear.

Well, it got to a point where he started talking about prayer life and how we need to pray for people we know who are not saved. He got into how at his church they started a 1-1-1 project: Pray 1 time a day at 1 o'clock for 1 person who is unsaved. Well, it turned out to be a huge success. Almost immediately people were coming back telling him about the miracles and work that God had done as a result of their project.

This message fired me up and as soon as I got to work I wrote an email to my saved friends and family asking them to join me in doing the same:

Basically, it's a call to pray everyday at 1 o'clock for 1 minute for 1 person in your life who doesn't know the Lord. They had started this project two months before Easter and wanted them to pray for their chosen person everyday until Easter to see what happens... to see just how many people are changed by it. Of course, within weeks, the stories started pouring in about people who were giving their lives to Jesus. This moved me so much that I just started crying (I literally ruined my make-up for today!). That's when God put it on my heart to share this with you and to ask that you join me in doing the same thing.

I definitely have more than one person in my life who is lost and needs the Lord,
but I'm going to choose just one for now and pray for that person everyday at 1 PM for 1 minute, but I'm personally not going to do it for just a certain amount of time. I'm going to do it until that person has come to the Lord. Even if it takes years. (You can set a time limit if you want to. It's up to you and whatever God lays it on your heart to do.)

Won't you join me? Prayer works! God is faithful, even if He doesn't answer right away... We all have someone in our life who is lost, whether it's someone who just doesn't know enough to make the decision, or someone who has completely turned his/her back on God all together. We may not have the ability to personally bring them to Him for whatever reason, but He does. He can change their lives! He has the power.

God Bless you guys! I hope you can give just one minute of your life each day to ask the Lord to save one persons life for eternity....

Well, I have kept my promise to pray every day all the way up until now, except instead of 1 person, it has changed to 3 (and I usually do the praying at night before I go to bed). I've been praying for these three people for almost the entire year, and although none of them has accepted the Lord, I have still seen some work in their lives.

The biggest work I've seen through this project , however, was that I began to see big blessings in my own life since I started praying for others. I believe it is what opened up the door for me to finally get over myself and start to surrender to the Lord. A little after I started this project, I began Women's Bible Study, went to the Women's Retreat (where I surrendered my life fully to the Lord), and started to get more involved in church, including volunteering for Children's Ministry.

Everything is not all fine and dandy though at times. I admit that sometimes I get frustrated and impatient because I'm not seeing the progress that I would like to see with these three people, but I have to remind myself of what I said in that email: Even if it takes years! I will keep praying until my last breath if I have to. If it's to happen, it will happen when He ordains it. My only job here is to keep praying, and to rejoice in the little bits of progress I do get to witness.... God really is SO GOOD!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Revisiting the Bad 'Ole Days

This last weekend was Mandy's birthday, and since I knew I wasn't going to the Harvest Crusade, I decided to come down to Santa Clarita and hang out at her house. It was fun, but I have to admit that I got slightly sucked back into some old habits. No bueno.

On Friday night, our old friend, Mike, took us out to this bar in Encino. I didn't intend on drinking, but the "Palmdale boys" (friends of Mike's from Palmdale) bought me a drink. I only had the one (and after not drinking for over a year, half of that sucker got me buzzed), but I still felt like I was being a bad witness. Especially because these same people have seen me SMASHED in the past. Even though I don't believe there is anything wrong with having a drink or two here and there, as long as you don't get drunk (Ephesians 5:18) , I still felt hypocritical.

Then a few times, I caught myself saying some bad words. Now I didn't get so far as to drop any F-bombs or anything that bad, but I still wasn't too happy with some of the language that came out of my mouth.... even if the people around me woudn't have even noticed I said the words. The bottom line is that we are not supposed to have anything come out of our mouth that is not beneficial and edifying to those around us (Ephesians 4:29).

There are other things I've done lately that I thought I was done doing, but I won't go into details.

I really don't like that I can so easily slip back into old habits. I know that we are not perfect and that we still have to struggle with our flesh. I especially know that the enemy is going to step things up now that I've been baptized and am trying to be obedient to the Lord, but I thought I was past all this stuff. I guess I also need to step it up: be in the Word every day; limit time around non-believers; continue to pray that the Lord will fill me with His Holy Spirit and convict my heart of sins (both apparent and hidden); etc.

Thank you, Lord, for being so forgiving and merciful. Please continue to work in and through me.


Well, other than all that negative stuff up there, I had a nice weekend with Mandy and the kids. I finally got to see David, her newest grandson. He is pretty cool. Got to hang out with Ruben and Baby in the pool, and was able to refresh my tan. Ate plenty of good food! Too much food actually, but it was worth it. (New favorite BBQ restaurant: T-Bo's in Canyon Country... their garlic mash potatoes are the BOMB!) Then had an awesome brunch with Mandy, Baby, and Jen. Hopefully, I'll be taking a little weekend trip with Jen to Phoenix pretty soon. Should be cool. Maybe I can redeem myself and be a good witness to Jen. We'll see.....

Thursday, August 13, 2009

The enemy never sleeps...

This weekend is the Harvest Crusade. For the last month or so I've been excited about it. I love Greg Laurie and one of my favorite groups, the Katinas, are performing. I really thought it was going to be great because I had it in my mind that Sandy (my unsaved, adopted sister) was gonna come and hopefully give her life to the Lord.

Well, just kidding. Of course, now it's not happening. Grrrrr! When Sandy not-so-convincingly told me that she forgot to email me back to let me know she couldn't come because she was babysiting her niece and nephew (really? Friday, Saturday, AND Sunday?), I got very miffed. It was everything in me not to get upset and call her out on the fact that she knew I was planning this for a while and she knows that this event is happening the whole weeked, but I had to stop myself. That's would have just upset Sandy and not have been a good witness.... and THAT'S exactly what the enemy wants. Plus, it's not her I need to be angry with, it's the enemy.

That's the frustrating thing. Satan really has a tight grip on the things he doesn't want to lose. Sometimes, though, it's hard not to get frustrated with God too, even though I know He is working in HIS time. If Sandy is to receive the Lord, it will be in HIS time not mine. It's just difficult to wait and pray, and wait and pray, and wait some more, just to have to stand back and watch the enemy win little battles here and there. It makes you want to look up to the sky and say, "Lord, I know you are stronger than this guy."

But alas, He has His reasons for everything and in the end, He WILL win. He IS stronger.

Satan might have won a small battle this time, but he is not winning the war. And he's definitely not stopping me from continuing to pray for Sandy's (AND Juan's) salvation...

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Dreaming Obama...

I had a random dream last night... well, I guess all dreams are random; you don't really know what you are going to get when you shut your eyes every night. But I digress.

My dream went like this:

I am in the Middle East working as a secretary (as in someone's assistant; not like Secretray with a big S, a la Hillary Clinton). I am the secretary to someone close to Obama and they have me proofread a letter that is going to be signed by him and given to some top official in whatever Arab country we were in. I'm in a hotel room, looking at this letter, and it's basically trying to appease the leader of that country (big surprise there).

Well, even though I know this letter is meant to appease the Leader and not piss him off, I know that it's going to lead to killings and kidnappings of any Western foreigners, which includes me. So, I get scared and ask the person for whom I am working when the President is supposed to sign this letter and have it publicly released. Why do I ask him this? I want time to get out of the country before it is released and before my life is in even more danger than it probably already is.

So, I finish the letter and take off. I'm walking through the streets as women with burqas on and men in Middle Eastern garb stare at me suspiciously. This only makes me more scared... I'm just waiting for something to happen.

PAUSE: Please note that I don't intend to come off as ignorant or like I'm stereotyping, but this is just the way my dream went. =)

Anyway... I get back to a room (not sure if it's in the hotel or an apartment or what). No one is there, but when I turn around to leave, I see this suspicious-looking guy carrying a dying young man in a white shirt and pants. He puts him down right at the doorway of the room I'm in. Although I can't see anything, I realize that this guy is strapped with bombs that are about to go off. I bounce out of there as fast as I can and before the bomb can go off, the dream changes stories....

Crazy dream, I tell you. I felt like I was in some suspense thriller movie or something. When I woke up, I was pissed at Obama. He really is blind. I know it was just a dream, but it does reflect my fears of how foolish Obama is when it comes to dealing with countries that hate us and want us destroyed. I don't feel safe with that man as my President and it's starting to carry over into my dreams.... I guess all I can do is pray for him and for the protection of this country. Not that I think our last President was the greatest, but I sure don't see Obama making sure we are safe the way Bush did....

Monday, August 10, 2009

That new girl with the skin rash....

So, I'm into my second week of my new position in Administration. So far it's going great! I have been nothing but busy and that's the way I like it! On top of that, for now, I'm highly appreciated and welcome. Unfortunately, the previous person sitting at this desk was not too capable (partly because she is almost 2 years into recovery from surviving a brain aneurysm) and it didn't help with the workflow around here. I am pretty capable, so I'm hoping to be a big help to these people. I've already begun to re-organzie, so hopefully I can be a little more help. Thus far, it seems like it... though I'm still just learning the ropes.

In other news... I must have been more stressed than I thought about this work change because I broke out in that crazy "leprosy" again. Yes, the Pityriasis Rosea is back. So, now my torso and neck are covered in little red semi-itchy dots. Great. The thing that sucks is I again got a large one right in the middle of my neck. I was so paranoid yesterday that people at church were gonna think I had a hicky or something. lol. Seriously though, I don't think the kids' parents really want to leave their kids with a potential flousy. Hahaha! Just kidding. Oh man! At least this stuff doesn't break out on the face...

Speaking of the kids, I've been working with them for almost 3 months now. Why does it seem like longer? I don't know, but I do like it a lot. The kids are great. Even the little bad ones (I'm not naming any names. lol). They are too cute!

Women's Bible Study groups are starting up again next month. I'm so happy! I've missed it! I know it's going to be a great blessing to me. I've been so busy and/or lazy (lol) that today was the first time in weeks that I sat down and read the Word. No bueno. That's what I love about Bible Study though--it keeps me in the Word. Can't wait!

One more thing. I've been on Facebook now for a couple of months, and seriously--no joke--EVERYONE is on Facebook. I have found so many more people there than on MySpace. I'm talking long lost neighbors that I've known since I was like 6, plus a bunch of my aunts and uncles, which is great because I found an album full of old, really embarrassing pics of them from the 70s that I posted up and tagged them on so all their friends could see. Muahaha! I know I'm evil, but I'm sure they are devising some sort of plan to get me back this very moment. Thanks, Facebook. =)

(By the way, if you read this [does anyone?] and want to find me on facebook, I'm pretty sure the URL is I'll come back and update it if that's incorrect.)