Thursday, October 30, 2008

What's scarier than Freddie, Chucky, and Jason this Halloween?

The idea that a pro-baby-killing, gay-marriage-supporting, socialist, Marxist, wealth-spreader, who purports to be a Christian, named Barack Obama may be voted our next president next Tuesday.

What's even scarier than that?

The fact that people are literally calling him the Messiah. Wow, people. I know who the Messiah is and his name is not Barack... it's Jesus Christ. Get it right.

I'm sure there are many believers who are wondering if this guy will turn out to be the Antichrist. Now I don't want to say for sure that Barack Obama is the Antichrist, despite the fact that the Antichrist was described as being a man who will woo all the people--around the world--and will be a charismatic man who comes with a message of hope and peace (sound familiar?) who will solve all the world's problems. However, I will venture to say that if he's not the Antichrist, he is paving the way for the man who will be the Antichrist. How? By the fact that he is showing the People's current capability to blindly follow the first fool who comes along promising one thing that can't happen in this fallen world, at least until Christ returns: Peace.

Get it together, people. How can a man who has no experience in an administrative capacity and who has questionable connections, not be questioned by anyone? The Devil sure has pulled the wool over the eyes of so many! I can't believe it, but then I can. These things have been foretold.

I guess it shouldn't be scary afterall, if you are a believer. These are just the signs that our Lord is coming for us real soon. In that we should lift our voices to heaven and rejoice!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

World of Chaos

Man, some stuff has been going down lately.

First, we are in the middle of one heated battle for the presidency. Obama vs. McCain. I for one will NOT be voting for the "messiah," Obama. Never! I am a Christian, Conservative, American woman... in that order. My relationship with God comes FIRST. That relationship dictates my morals and values, which in turn dictate who I will vote for. According to the word of God, homosexuality is a sin, as is the murder of an innocent person (in this case a baby). Those are the deal-breakers for me.

Obama is all the way for same-sex marriage/re-defining marriage and he is for abortion and partial-birth/late-term aborition (he's totally in bed with Planned Parenthood). For those reason, I cannot and I WILL NOT vote for him. On top of those gems, he is also just generally a liar. He has flat out said one thing at certain points and then turned around and flat out denied saying those things at another point (listen to the abundance of soundbites out there proving this). He also has associated himself with horrible people: Ayers, Jeremiah Write, Talbot... just to name a few. The man is not trustworthy in any sense of the word.

McCain/Palin 2008!

The other big thing that is going on--or you could say was going on--are the fires in the San Fernando Valley. One of which was in Lake View Terrace (not the same as the movie... lol), which is where I grew up and where my mother and sister currently still live.

It was a scary situation for a while there, but currently the fire there is 80% contained. Praise the Lord. My family was literally packed up and waiting for the evacuation order. Thankfully, it never came. I do know some people who were evacuationed, but thankfully they too are okay and did not lose their homes.

Fires are still raging in Porter Ranch (where my Valley church, Shepherd of the Hills, is located) and other parts of California, but it seems that damage hasn't been TOO bad. Hopefully, everything will be under control soon.

Pray for those who have lost homes or lives.

Lord, thank you for Your mercy and Your hand on all situations. Please keep Your hand of protection over this country and these elections. Your will be done. Amen.