Thursday, September 17, 2009

Early morning cup of... smut

To get to and from work I take the dreaded 60 freeway. Worst freeway ever! It's like everyone who drives it has left their brain at home/work. Everyday is a fight for my survival. lol

The worst thing--WORST THING--about that freeway for me, though, is the amount of disgusting billboards I have to see as I go to work in the morning. It's like they have every disgusting sin they can find up there. You got beer ads, strip club ads (with half-naked chicks, totally spread-eagle), Vegas ads, etc. It's really gross and I'm tired of being forced to have to see them everyday. Seriously. I'm on the verge of complaining, but what's the use? The world thinks there is nothing wrong with any of these things.

I used to think I would never have TVs in my car. I grew up without them and so can my kids. There are more constructive things they can do with their time (like read!) than stare at the tube not only at home, but also in the car. Well, now I'm starting to change my mind about that. I would rather have my kids back there watching Veggie Tales or a Disney movie, than to have them looking out the window at some stripper in nothing but a tiny bikini, squatting with her legs wide open for all of the world to see. No thanks. "Kids, keep your eyes on Nemo... "

What is wrong with our community when we can mindlessly drive past this stuff and not even flinch... well, except the guys. I'm sure they can't help but look at Stripper Sally and her "goods" (imagine these guys trying to stay pure-minded, having to try to avoid this crap everyday... I really give it to you, guys). No one says anything (me included). We just sit back and accept it to the point where we don't even notice that stuff we don't want our kids exposed to is being forced on them left and right. Not cool.

When are we going to open up our eyes?

They are darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardening of their hearts. Having lost all sensitivity, they have given themselves over to sensuality so as to indulge in every kind of impurity, with a continual lust for more. You, however, did not come to know Christ that way. -Ephesians 4:18-20

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