Monday, September 28, 2009

I'm a racist?

The new thing to do nowadays is call any opponent of anything our President does a racist. If you are in the same room as him when he passes gas and cover your nose, you are a racist. (How dare you insult the President, you racist!)

Seriously? So, I guess since I wholeheartedly oppose his form of "healthcare reform," his die-hard devotion to mother's having the "right" to kill their babies, and his knack for putting us in even deeper debt by the trillions, I am nothing more than a cold-hearted racist. Well, put a hood on my head and call me Bubba.

PUH-LEASE! So ridiculous!

The worse thing is that in the process of trying to discredit those who don't agree they are totally undermining the true meaning of racist. It's becoming so overused and trite that when there really is a racist situation going on, no one's going to take it seriously.... Thus, the quote of the day:

"...if you actually believe that mere political disagreement is tantamount to 'racism' – please consider the profound disservice you're doing to our country. You, and others like you, have now successfully so over-used and misused the word 'racism' such that you've made the term irrelevant. Today, when the word 'racism' is uttered, it sounds like nothing more than defensive political 'spin.' And to believe as Carter and company do is to render actual 'racism' to be irrelevant in the minds of many. And that’s a sad turn of events, in a nation where actual racism still exists." -Austin Hill


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