Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Wildfire Weekend, Part 2

So, back to my story. Last I left off we were in Mel's Drive-in watching a fire headed for Canyon Country.

We pay the bill and take off for home. Roger puts on the news and we are hearing reports of fire in Canyon Country and that parts of it are under evacuation. I immediately give Kim and Sandy both a call. Neither one answers so I leave a message for both to call me so I know they are okay. We get to where the 5 and 14 freeways meet and they are surprisingly not to full, but you can see the smoke from up over the hill into the Santa Clarita Valley. As we enter Canyon Country from the 14, all you see along the ridgeline on fire. Baby is terrified that her bear that she has at home is going to get burned up. (Poor thing... she was really scared... She kept covering her ears so she wouldn't have to hear the news.)

We get to their house and there is no fire nearby, but you can see the red smoke from the fire on the other side of the hill. By the way the wind is blowing, we know that the fire isn't going to hit their place. I grab all my stuff and head out of there "before the traffic starts getting bad from people evacuating." I get on the freeway and head to my mom's house to wait for word that everyone is okay. I'm hearing that all of Canyon Country is on an evacation notice at this point, right when I get a call from Kim who is sounding kind of nervous and wants to leave. I tell her to grab her stuff and calmly get out--better safe than sorry. Mike doesn't want to come though. He doesn't think it's going to get them and wants to stay behind in case there are people who need help.

I get to my mom's and finally hear from Sandy. They are okay, but no one seems to want to go anywhere. What I get from Sandy is that Juan's sister is up right in the middle of the worst of it, but has been told to evacuate. I'm just thinking, "Get your butt out of there already." Kim calls me again because she just needs to talk to someone so that she doesn't get to anxious. She finally gets to my mom's and I tell her to call Sandy and ask where she is already. She talks to Sandy who tells her that the smoke is really bad to where her eyes and throat are burning. We tell her that the baby is probably feeling the same thing and they should get out of there already.

Katie finally gets home with Tirsa and another friend. She tells me that she has told Sandy to get that baby over to my mom's house already. They are on their way. We all get in a circle and pray.

Finally, Sandy and Juan arrive with the baby. Phew! I can finally relax because I know they are all safe. I tell Juan that I was ready to slap them for taking so long to get there (harsh, I know, but they had me beyond worried). To which he replies that I shoudn't give him sh** because his sister is trapped up in Whites Canyon... they won't let her evacuate. She is right in the middle of it. I immediately feel bad and now understand why they were lagging. Oops.

I see that everyone's okay and then take off. I have to wake up early the next day and go to work. I don't get home until 11:30 PM. What an ordeal. Thankfully everything turned out okay in the end. The fires are raging, but they are no longer threatening Canyon Country too much.

I feel horrible for the hundreds of people who have lost homes or a loved one, and who have been injured. This is one of the worst disasters to hit S. California. We really got to keep these people in our prayers...

Monday, October 22, 2007

Wildfire Weekend, Part 1

Yowser, this was a crazy weekend!

My sister was fired from her job for something so stupid, which prevented her from getting the Supervisor position she was supposed to start in a week. Now she is out of a job. It really sucks, but she is fine with it, so I guess I can't let it bother me too much. I took her out to the movies and shopping on Saturday because I felt bad.

Saturday night, I went over to Mandy's so we could head out to our friend Vicente's birthday party. It was a little windy, but not too bad. When I got there, she and Baby were putting up Halloween decorations. We finally headed out to Vicente's. There was a good amount of people, but by the time we got there it was pretty freakin cold, so people were leaving. Mandy was drinking of course, so I knew I was designated Debbie. I didn't want to drink anyway, so it was cool.

Then some of Vicente's guy friends moved a table into the garage and started up a Texas Hold 'Em game. I sat down to watch and ended up helping out this guy who was a total rookie. I think they were cool with me after that because they could see that I knew the game. I had a good time watching them play. I love being around guys. So much more fun. They crack me up with the stupid stuff they say. One of the guys (think his name was Tom) was kinda cute and real nice. He really treated me like I was cool... not like just some stupid chick. I enjoyed myself.

Found out from Vicente that the guy who blew me off a while back, Juan, really wasn't into me (guess he told Vicent himself, but Vicente didn't want to tell me because he felt bad). I wish he would have been clear about it instead of leading me to think he was and then totally rejecting me the next day. I totally would have been cool with just being friends. I don't generally freak out when I've been rejected... unless I'm like in love, which hasn't happened in YEARS. I'm down with being friends. We'll see what happens if I ever see him again. I'll probably just be straight up about it and let him know that I know he wasn't into me. That way there is no pressure and we can still hang out because he really is a cool guy. Oh well...

Next day, Sunday, it's pretty freakin windy at this point and neither Mandy and I can sleep in like we'd like to since we didn't get home from Vicente's until like 3:30AM. All the Halloween decorations have been thrashed and Baby is not happy. Oh well, we'll just re-do them when the wind dies down. So, we have breakfast and then get ready to go. We are head on down to Hollywood to see The Nightmare Before Christmas 3-D at the El Capitan theatre. Pretty cool! Then we head over to the famous Mel's Drive-in. As we are eating we start to see all this coverage of the fires on the TV they have there. There is a fire that started in Agua Dulce and headed down into Canyon Country.... where not only Mandy lives, but Kim and, at the moment, Sandy...

Friday, October 19, 2007

Angry Baby!

OMG! Sandy texted me this pic the other day, saying "I don't think she likes the dress your mom got her," and all I could do was crack up. This is the best picture of Kaylin thusfar!

Oh I love that kid!

Monday, October 15, 2007

What is wrong here?

I just got done reading this article and I am totally disgusted. It is basically about robots who are being created to mimic real life and who scientists predict will be the future husbands and wives to humans. I'm talking marriage, sex, and all.... What the frick!?

First of all, I don't care how human-like you can program these things, nothing can take the place of a real human being. Nothing. God did not put us on this earth to be the companions to electronics that we created. He put us on this earth for one another. Duh! A hunk of metal with a computer for a brain will never have a soul. Only God can give you a soul. Your soul is where love comes from. Not hardware.

Secondly, you have to be one sorry, desperate loser to have to give up any hope of having a real relationship with a human being and turn to a robot. Come on! This article is talking like it's going to catch on in mainstream society right away. Not for a while I don't think, despite the twisted society in which we live. I don't care how cool they try to make it sound, sex with a robot may work on the down low, but not out in open. You will get ridiculed as a loser. I'm sorry. You WILL be a LOSER. I would rather die alone.

Am I the only person that thinks this world is getting grossly sicker by the second?

Thursday, October 11, 2007

My new hero

Meet Midget Mac. He is my new reality TV hero. This guy is the ish! If you don't know him, watch I Love New York 2. Now, I wasn't planning to watch that show because frankly that woman is disgusting, but of course I was flipping through the channels, caught a glimpse of the season opener (as they call it in the biz... lol), and couldn't turn it off. ESPECIALLY when I saw little dude. After that I had to watch to the end to see if he got the boot. Of course, he didn't because they want you to come back and watch to see if he gets kicked off next time and of course, I will. =)
I know it's messed up, but little people are too funny. Especially black, looking-like-a-mini-Master P little people who are fighting normal-sized people for the love of a ghettolicious ho. Hahaha! The best part is when he's going off on Sister Patterson (New York's mom) in the confessional and you can barely see his head at the bottom of the screen. It's obvious that they are trying to make it look like he is so small that he can't even fit into the shot, but it's freakin hilarious! Priceless! Thank you, Midget Mac. You made my day...

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Your value and worth...

I randomly decided to do a search on God's healing of the abused and I found this awesome website. Even if you have never been abused, but just have a rough time sometimes, it is very uplifting. Just the song words of the song that they posted up in the article I linked to made me cry. I'm going to go through the articles today . The names of them alone tell me that it's all about healing...

Give yourself a gift, ladies, and check it out...

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Baby Re-cap

So, I totally stalked Sandy and the baby all 4 days of my long weekend. =) I couldn't help it! I love my baby! She's the best!

Seriously, at first I thought we were getting on her nerves, but by the end, I think she was kind of happy in a way to have us there because it relieved a little tension that is clearly happening between her and Juan's mom. I feel bad for both of them. I feel a little more bad for Juan's mom only because I know how Sandy can be when she feels like you are trying to tell her what to do. On the same token though, I know how Mexican mothers and mothers-in-law can be super overbearing too. I just don't want them to have a bad relationship because I know that lady is a sweetheart and only has good intentions. Sandy just needs to go to my mom's house and soon.

Anyway, back to baby. First I went to see her with Kim and ended up staying for a few hours. Then I went with Kim and Mike. Then I came back Sunday night with my Dad to see the baby, which was awesome! He was totally loving her and was already calling her his granddaughter and asking me to take pictures of them together so he could show his co-workers. Too cute! Then Monday, we all came and brought them food. So, like I said, I totally stalked them the whole weekend.

I took some more pics of course and I will definitely post them. She is too cute to be hiding her from the world. =D

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Kaylin Olivia - The Movie

Here is the link to Kaylin's first video. Yay baby! Superstar!

Some Christian humor...

From an email I got:

T.D. Jakes (a well-known preacher) was returning to Texas after a speaking engagement. When his plane arrived, there was a limousine there to transport him to his home in Dallas.As he prepared to get into the limo, he stopped and spoke to the driver. 'You know' he said, 'I am almost 50 years old and I have never driven a limousine. Would you mind if I drove it for a while?' The driver said, 'No problem.'

T.D. gets into the driver's seat and they head off down the highway. A short distance away sat a rookie State Trooper operating his first speed trap. The long black limo went by him doing 70 in 55 mph zone. The trooper pulled out and easily caught the limo and got out of his patrol car to begin the procedure. The young trooper walked up to the driver's door and when the glass was rolled down he was surprised to see who was driving. He immediately excused himself and went back to his car and called his supervisor. He told the supervisor, 'I know we are supposed to enforce the law but I also know that important people are sometimes given certain courtesies. I need to know what I should do because I have stopped a very important person.' The supervisor asked, 'Is it the governor?' The young trooper said, 'No, he's more important than that.' The supervisor said, 'Oh, so it's the president.' The young trooper said, 'No, he's even more important than that.' The supervisor finally asked, 'Well then, who is it?' The young trooper said, 'I think it's Jesus because he's got T. D. Jakes for a chauffeur.'

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Bobby Brown and a Speeding Ticket

So, yesterday was just a crazy and awesome day (the baby was born, remember?), but it ended kind of poorly. Before I get to that, I have to tell a funny story:

After leaving the hospital and our visit with Sandy and the baby, Katie and I found ourselves at Jerry's Deli on Sepulveda. So, we get ourselves some breakfast/lunch (whatever) we pay our bill and start heading out. As I'm getting my keys out of my purse, Katie stops, turns to me, and says (rather loudly, despite trying to muffle her words), "Is that Bobby Brown?"

First I thought she said, "Is that Bobby Flay?" (My sister is an avid Food Network watcher, so it was a reasonable mistake....hahaha!) I start looking around at all the people standing in the lobby area, trying to spot a red-headed, white guy, when I see Bobby "I-ruined-Whitney's-career" Brown, sitting on a bench, looking right at me, and snickering--mouth open; gap in his teeth and all. (He totally heard my sister). It immediately dawned on me which Bobby my sister was actually referring to. I said with a smile and without moving my lips, "Sho' is," and then we walked out.

As soon as we got outside I was like, "I thought he said he was poor and living in a car?" (Referring to the fact that he is picking up food in an upscale part of the Valley.) Hahaha! I been reading way too much of the Celebrity Gossip blogs. OMG!

That crap was hilarious. We immediately went on a clowning rampage the entire ride to my mom's house. We were saying stupid stuff like: "We should have back-handed him and said, 'How dare you ruin that woman's career!'" We were acting a fool in the car. You know you are washed-up when people are not excited to see you, but amused. Muahaha! Thank you, Bobby Brown, for giving me a good laugh...

So on to the bad stuff...

I'm on my way home from work. I'm tired. I've been on the road on and off for about 5 hours today. I just want to get home, upload baby pics to my computer, and sleep. So, I'm in the fast lane and I'm stuck behind some idiot going only 55 mph. I finally get fed up and do a totally illegal lane change through a couple of different lanes so that I can get back into the fast lane and passed this guy. I bone out doing probably 85 or 90 and take off. So, a few minutes later I decide to get off one exit early so I can drop by El Pollo Loco to grab dinner, when I see the flashing lights behind me. Dangit! I'm caught.

He had been trying to catch up with me since my little manuever. I totally got my first ever speeding ticket. Crap! My good day was totally tainted. I guess it was my fault so I can't get too mad at anyone but myself.... well except for the a-hole going below the speed limit in the fast lane causing me to get mad. =)

Actually, I got off easy. He only got me for the speeding and left out the part where I was tailgaiting the idiot and where I made an illegal lane change, AND he also only put down 80 mph when we both knew I was going more. So I guess I can't complain too much...

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Kaylin Olivia (Continued)

Kaylin Olivia Becerra

Yay baby!

Born 10/2/07 at 2:58 a.m. She weighed 7 lbs., 15 oz. She was 20 3/4" long.

Aw, my baby is finally here! It was so crazy too because right about the time she was born I was dreaming that she was being born.

Yeah, we were a little mad because "daddy" didn't call us right away, but as soon as we saw that kid the madness went away. She is the best. I already love her to death!

Yay baby!

Thank you, God, for our little miracle!

Monday, October 1, 2007


Remember when I wrote about Victor's 1st Birthday and how totally used a rake to score a pile of candy for Ruben? Yeah, well here is the pic to prove it. Muahaha!

And here are a couple pics of Victor and me at his birthday... just for the heck of it:

Come on, Baby!

Man, this baby keeps playing games with us! Sandy's baby, that is. LOL! Last week, we could have sworn this baby wasn't making it past the weekend, but alas, nothing! Come on, baby!

I guess we will be waiting for this Wednesday, October 3, the day of her scheduled C-section. Just 2 more days until my precious baby gets to come into this world. I cannot wait. Just one more joy to have in my life. I am so happy! Yay baby! Hurry!!!! =)

Yesterday, I took Baby to Denny's for breakfast and ran into Juan's parents. I was like, "Where is my baby already?" They just laughed. Then his mom started telling me how worried they are and how much they can't wait for the baby to come. Then we sat there and talked about how stupid Kaiser is (I bet you every minute around this country someone is talking crap about Kaiser Permanente... haha!).

Then--and this is too cute--she started getting emotional on me talking about how she wants Sandy to treat her like a mother and how she wants to be like a mother to Sandy. That made me feel so good and made me have a whole new respect for Juan's family. I am just so relieved to know that Sandy will be going into a family that already loves her so much. Things could have been a lot different and a lot worse, but thankfully, by the hand of God, things are turning out okay for Sandy. That makes me so overjoyed... you don't even know...

One birthday down... One to go...

Kim's birthday was this weekend. We took her to Disneyland, and of course, we had a blast. Baby was a rockstar, as usual. She got on all the big rides: Matterhorn, Space Mountain, Big Thunder Mountain, Indiana Jones.

Next weekend is Katie's birthday and we are going to the Pirate Adventure show, which is like Medieval Times, but with Pirates. Can't wait. Looks pretty cool...

Anyway, here are some pics of our trip:

( Baby, Maddie, and Me on the famous Tea Cups)

( Mike, Kim, Mom, Me, Baby, & Maddie in front of Finding Nemo)

(Getting on the Matterhorn)

(Baby and me on the Matterhorn)

(Baby and me killing it on Buzz Lightyear)