Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Am I wrong....

Okay, so my other ex-best friend, Ramon, bought me this really large, gold and (supposed) ruby ring for Christmas a few years back. Well, I've only worn the thing maybe once because I am not a gold person, and--not to be mean--it's a little on the gaudy side (he is Mexican... most of us, but not all, love flashy gold jewelry... lol). Well, now that we are not friends and I am a little strapped for cash because of the car situation, I got it in my head that I might get the thing appraised and, if it's worth it, pawn it.

Would I majorly suck for doing that?

I mean, I only ever wore it once and I'm pretty positive I will never wear it again. I don't have any reason to hold on to any memory that goes along with it, since we are not friends anymore. The only reason I would keep it would be to pass it down to one of my children or something, but then again, would my future husband even like the fact that I still have this ring from some guy that I was at one point in love with and who I am not even friends with anymore? Probably not. So, maybe I should get rid of it....

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