Work is no fun right now. I'm bored all the time. Even when I have stuff to do. Then to make matters worse the guy filling in for the big boss while he's on sabbatical is annoying. This guy is so erratic and flighty. There is no order at all. I can't stand it and I can't stand the way he does things. Thank God next week is his last week...
Some good news: The Secretary III, IV, and V tests opened back up. Thank you, Jesus. I literally teared up and thanked God. I didn't think this opportunity would come up for a LONG time because of the economy and budget issues. You better believe I applied for them IMMEDIATELY. I know I don't deserve it, but I'm hoping for favor on this. I really need to be doing more with my skills and knowledge. This just isn't enough...
I'm planning to go to Texas in the beginning of November. I want to see my cousin's little girl, who moved there a while ago and to whom I was not able to say a proper goodbye. I also just want to check Texas out and see if it is the type of place to which I would like to escape... er go. lol.
I have to admit, too, that I want to go see Ramon. I want to see how he's holding up. I'm curious to see what God has hopefully done in his life since going there. I want to see if he really has changed at all. I want to see his brothers and how they are being blessed by their service to the Lord. I want to see the family in general.
So yeah. I think all of that is a good reason to take my butt over to Texas for a weekend or a little longer...
I'm looking forward to another swamped October. I have Kaylin's 3rd birthday party, Misty's Baby Shower that I am co-hosting, a trip to Vegas for my sister's birthday and who knows what else. I have no idea why that month is always so full for me. At least I don't have to worry about Halloween. I've pretty much resigned myself to never "celebrating" it ever again. It's just not my thing and I KNOW it's not God's thing either, so that's enough reason for me. At least it means that Christmas is around the corner though. I love Christmas...
Got a call from my friend Mandy last night. My 10-year-old goddaughter got Above Average across the board on her state testing and she's getting an award for it. I'm so proud of her. Way to go, Julia!! Yay!!! I hope this is a sign of amazing things yet to come for her...
One last thing: I pulled out the bulletin from my last visit to church. It was dated August 1. Not good. That means it has been more than a month and a half since I set foot in a church. This is a problem. Lord, help me to fix this problem. Take away the excuses. I really need You and the fellowship of Your people...
2 Timothy 1:9
“He has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we
have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us
in Chr...
14 hours ago
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