Wednesday, November 4, 2009

A regretable Halloween...

So, I've been meaning to write about how my Halloween went, but frankly it's not something I'm even happy to write about. That fact that I'm saying, "my Halloween," bothers me in and of itself.

In the weeks leading up to Halloween I didn't really think twice about whether I was going to participate--as in Trick-or-Treat and go to a party or two. At first the idea didn't bother me at all, but the closer it got to Halloween the more I felt like the Holy Spirit was trying to tell me to stay away.

Last Thursday, my co-worker, who is a Christian, asked me what I was doing for the weekend and I told her that I had multiple invitations to different parties, but that I had decided to go to one with my sister, since she too is a Christian and would not be doing anything crazy (I was wrong about that by the way... read on). The Holy Spirit must have been doing His thing because I immediately said, "Not that I should really be going to any parties anyway." To which she replied, "You'll learn." Meaning, I'm assuming, that I still have a little ways to go before I'm free from the grips fo the world and its influence.

Boy, was that convicting! After that all I had was an useasy feeling about whether I should do anything at all for Halloween. I kept debating with myself over whether I should even go near anything Halloween-related at all, but I also knew that I had promised to go trick-or-treating with my goddaughter and I almost NEVER break my promises to her. So to me, there was no way out of that part.

Eventually, I decided to just go ahead and do trick-or-treating and go to the party with my sister. I figured as long as I didn't dress up in anything evil or dark, I should be okay. Yeah, well, I forgot that you can control what you do, but you can't control what others do. So I was heading for disaster.

Here are the not-so-great highlights:

  • While trick-or-treating, I was disgusted left and right by how many 10- to 12-year-old girls were dressed like whores and who's parents didn't seem to have a problem with it.
  • My friend decided (in the spirit of Halloween, I guess) to start talking about suicide and the different ways to achieve it right in front of her dauther, my goddaughter, on our way back from trick-or-treating. I then asked why we were even talking about it. My goddaughter agreed that she didn't want to talk about it because it would give her nightmares. Man, I don't care what day it is, that crap is not appropriate. It made me very uncomfortable and I almost told her that when I have kids I'm not leaving them alone with her. lol
  • My sister went to the party as a witch AND made it clear that she was going to be drinking.
  • Speaking of drinking, this party was a hot, drunken mess and pretty much all the girls (with the exception of my sisters, Tirsa, and me) were some form of slutty.
  • There were people there who obviously live "alternative" lifestyles and were not afraid to show it. Everyone thought it was hilarious. I didn't.
  • This is the worst: The host was dressed as some Blue Man Group-looking character. That's not so bad, but then he pulls down his pants to uncover a giant blue... well, I guess I'll say "member." Who, of all people, decides he's going to go grab the "member" and proceed to take a picture with it? My very own brother-in-law. Nooooo!!!! All I could do was say, "We are supposed to be Christians! What are you doing?" The even sadder part was that my sister found it funny and was the one taking the picture. How is she supposed to now go back to work and be a witness for Christ? Ay ay ay... That really saddened me, I have to say (I literally want to cry right now).

Well, we left the party early and I was happy about it, but all I could feel the entire rest of the night and rest of the following day was extreme guilt and shame. Why did I take part in this so-called holiday? I knew it was a mistake, but I did it anyway, and I'm so disgusted with myself and with this world in general. In the past, I wouldn't have taken part in anything too crazy, but I wouldn't have sat there and felt wrong about it either. Well, now things have changed. The Lord has opened up my eyes to the nastiness and unholiness that is Halloween.

I'm never having anything to do with Halloween ever again! It wasn't worth it....

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