Monday, December 7, 2009

Ups and downs...

This weekend was interesting. I was very busy--I literally saw three movies over the three days this weekend:

Friday: Saw The Princess and the Frog at Walt Disney Studios. Experience was cool, but the movie itself wasn't up to par for Disney in my opinion. It wasn't horrible, but wasn't their best either.

Saturday: Saw New Moon. I have never read the books and I'm not a teeny bopper who is obsessed with either of the young male actors from the movies, but after seeing this movie (and I never in a million years would have ever thought I was going to say this) I have to say I am on Team Jacob. The girl does him dirty... you can't help but root for the guy. (You have to see the movie to know what I'm talking about.)

Sunday: Saw Precious. Talk about a depressing movie. The acting was excellant, but I can't help wanting a HAPPY ending. The girl is triumphant at the end, but you still walk away feeling like it wasn't a very uplifting story. The even worse part is that you know this type of abuse and horrible circumstances is not unheard of in this world (my own adopted sister went through some of this stuff). So sad.

Aside from all the movie watching, I got to hang out with my friend Mike and I got to see both of my nieces. That was cool, but the weekend wasn't totally great.

I ended up having a conversation with my dad, which involved me telling him that sometimes I feel like he doesn't care all that much about my life and what happens to me, and specifically about helping me to marry well. I felt like he wasn't doing enough to make this thing with Francisco happen. Of course, as he does when he feels upset or guilty, he got mad at ME and acted like I want him to do everything for me. I don't want him to do everything for me at all. I just wanted him to do what was in his power to get this thing started so that God and I could handle the rest.

I don't know. I guess we are just on two different pages on what is biblically correct when it comes to parental involvement and how much there should be.

Anyway..... Yesterday, my dad sends me a text message:

"Francisco wants to see you next Saturday. Today is his father's birthday."

Well, I guess he did feel guilty because he had turned around and went through his friend Anthony to get ahold of Francisco. Anthony was going to have some people over to eat Paella at his house, so my dad asked him to invite Francisco. He couldn't make it because of his father's birthday, but they set up a movie night at Anthony's house the following weekend so that we could see each other. (I'm assuming they told him that I wanted to see him... I'll find out more later.)

So, now it's set up and I'm excited, but of course I feel bad that I practically had to twist my dad's arm to get him to do something. I plan on apologizing to my dad soon. I know he cares about me, but I don't want him to think that I think he doesn't care about me at all, whatsoever. I want him to know that I felt bad about our conversation before he ever sent me that text message.

Well, I guess it's time to start getting more happy about this situation. God has once again shown me that He is looking out for me. So, why do I feel all guilty now like I pushed everyone into something? *sigh*

Stop it, self! I'm sure things will start to look up very soon...

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