Friday, October 8, 2010

Spiritually and physically out of shape...

So I signed up for a LIFE group through my church out here, Shepherd of the Hills. It's a women's Bible study group. The leader, Nancy, called me today and we are meeting for the first time next Friday. I'm excited. I needed this. My spiritual life has been lacking since coming out here and I just need the fellowship of other believing women. I miss MY home church, Calvary Chapel of the Chino Valley, SO MUCH, and I definitely plan to go back within the year, but for now I really need to hunker down and get involved in the time that I am out here.

Thank you, Lord, for pushing me to take the leap. I don't want to waste the time You are giving me...

In other news, I'm back to trying lose some weight. Thanks to the fill-in Big Boss at work always bring evil snacks in, I have put on AT LEAST 5 lbs... maybe more. Not cool. So, I've been trying to get on the elliptical and do some pilates. Trying is the operative word.

Well today, at WalMart, something drew me to the fitness aisle. I started looking at the workout DVDs and I found Jillian Michaels' 30-Day Shred. It was only $9, so I got it. I know from the couple of times I've seen the Biggest Loser that this lady is hardcore.

No joke. I popped that DVD in and almost the entire time I wanted to scream, "Shut up, Jillian. I hate you!" LOL

OMG.... this workout is literally non-stop. No breaks. It was horrible and great at the same time. She says that the reason it's that way is so that you can get a lot done with your body in the 20 minutes and especially within the 30 days. I believe it. I almost passed out. Hahaha!

I'm so not giving up though. This whole body is way too jiggly. I'm letting Jillian whip this fatty into shape!

Wish me luck... Now time to take a nap so I don't pass out during my sister Katie's birthday dinner tonight. Korean BBQ... Mmmmm.....

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