Thursday, July 1, 2010

Tomatoes and Bell Peppers

First off, Happy July!!! This is my birth month, so please feel free to celebrate. lol. In case your wondering, this is my 29th.

Anyway, I'm so excited for something else.

About 2 weeks or so ago, my sister and I purchased some tomato and bell pepper seeds at Michael's (hey, they were only $1). When we got home we immediately opened them up and planted them according to the instructions.

To my shock and amazement (no, seriously), they actually started sprouting!

This is like a miracle for me because I am a total plant killer, which bugs me. I hate being bad at things! For some reason, I just cannot keep plants alive. In the past, whether I've planted seeds or planted already-grown plants, they've never done anything but wilt away. =(

Somehow, though, I have been able to get these seeds to actually grow. It's like a little miracle from heaven.

So, now let's see if I can actually keep them alive and producing REAL LIVE fruit/veggies. Can't wait!

Maybe my plant killing days are coming to an end. We'll see....

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