Okay, I meant to update this more quickly, but it got away from me. It’s not really all that fresh in my mind anymore since at least one issue has been resolved. Plus, a weekend full of relaxing and tanning at the pool and the beach kind of makes little dramas seem so trivial all of a sudden. =)
Anyway, I’m just going to try keep it short and sweet… and simple. Try being the operative word...
I begrudgingly went to the game. Just as I’m parking, dude tells me that he forgot the tickets at home. I wait 40 minutes for him (missing Loney’s homerun!!! Grrr!) and then to add insult to injury discover that I’m waiting in the wrong area and have to hike all the way around the entire stadium to get to homeboy because he has my ticket. I’m not happy and I’m sweaty. I just want to get in, get some water, and watch the game. Of course, just as I suspect, it’s just him, another couple (who thankfully I know from work), their baby, and me. Yay… A double date! <-- That’s sarcasm, if you couldn’t tell.
I barely spoke to dude and was happy the baby was there because I paid all my attention to her, giving me a good reason to ignore him under the guise that I’m just mesmerized by the baby. When the game was over we parted ways and I could tell that he was a little upset that no attention was paid to him. I’m sure he thought it was because he “messed up” with the whole ticket situation. Nope.
The sad things is that it was a good game and I had good conversation with the other two and would have had a great time if it wasn’t for the fact that I felt tricked into the whole thing. My thing is, if you want to ask me on a proper date, do it the right way. Give me the chance to say yes or no. Don’t make it out to be some innocent little outing. I don’t appreciate that at all. It makes me feel like I have no control over the situation. Not cool.
With Sandy, like I said, feelings were rustled up towards all who continually flake on me. I was at the breaking point and the point of no longer just being annoyed but being disappointed and slightly angry. Sandy picked up on it and last Tuesday sent me a text message asking if I was mad at her. I told her I would email her because I didn’t want to try to have this conversation over text. I should have just called her, but what’s done is done.
I basically told her that I was tired of being flaked on (saying yes when you really mean no or are not sure, among other things), that I had never done that to her, that she was making herself look bad, that I was “over it,” and that I felt I had a right to be upset. Sandy replied thinking that I was referring to the Dodger game and swearing that she never said she was for sure going. She was defensive and clearly hurt.
The next morning I read her reply and decided that emailing and texting was a mistake and that we needed to talk. I didn’t go to work that morning because I wanted to talk, so I called her and was surprised that she ended up really hearing me out and agreeing that I was right and she needed to make a change. It ended up working out and I was glad that we were able to be honest with each other and talk it out without it escalating to some ridiculous fight. (Wow. I guess I am growing up.)
So, yeah. At least one of these issues was resolved. Now I just need to figure out how to deal with the other. Thankfully, it seems that homeboy may have gotten the hint because he has hardly spoken to me since, but I do know how men are. If you don’t tell them a solid “no, I’m not interested,” they always hang on to some kind of hope they might have a chance. I don’t want him to think that. It’s a waste of his time and that’s not fair to him. Plus, I just don’t want to be put into anymore of these situations or to start hating this guy because of all this undue pressure. I just hate letting people down. I know how it feels…
There you go. I hope it was worth waiting for. Although, I would blame you if it you didn’t even care to begin with. LOL!
This so wasn't short and sweet, was it?
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
“[Praise to the God of All Comfort] Praise be to the God and Father of our
Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who
1 day ago
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