Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Learning to trust...

I'm reading Dr. James Dobson's book, When God Doesn't Make Sense. I'm not really going through any kind of crisis right now, but I still figured there would be some good information in this book for dealing with hard times that will inevitably come. I'm only into Chapter 2, but I wanted to share an excerpt from the book that I thought was pretty insightful:

I heard a story many years ago about a man who was driving his truck on a narrow mountain road. To his right was a cliff that dropped precipitously nearly 500 feet to a canyon below. As the driver rounded the curve, he suddenly lost control of the vehicle. It plunged over the side and bounced down the mountain, bursting into flames at the bottom. Although the terrified man was ejected as his truck went over the edge, he managed to grab a bush that grew near the top. There he was, frantically holding the small limb and dangling precariously over the abyss. After trying to pull himself up for several minutes, he called out in desperation, "Is anybody there?"

In a few seconds, the thundering voice of the Lord echoed across the mountain. "Yes, I am here," He said. "What do you want?"

The man pleaded, "Please save me! I can't hold on much longer!"

After another agonizing pause, the voice said, "All right. I will save you. But first you must turn loose of the limb and trust Me to catch you. Just release your grip now. My hands will be under you."

The dangling man looked over his shoulder at the burning truck in the valley below, and then he called out, "Is anybody
else there?"

Have you ever found yourself in a similar fix? Have you ever pleaded for God's help in a distressful situation and had Him ask you to trust Him with your life? Have you ever weighed his reply and then wanted to ask, "Is anybody
else there?" As we have indicated, that is not an uncommon experience in this Christian walk. We think we know what we need in a moment of crisis, but God often has other ideas.

Amen! Wow. That is so true, and not just in crises. I find myself trying to dictate to God exactly how He should be doing things for me instead of letting Him work out HIS perfect plan for me. Little by little though I'm learning to trust in Him. His way is ALWAYS better than mine. It's been proven to me time and time again.

Thank you, Lord, for being that hand that wants to catch me if I just let go and trust You...

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