Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Me, me, me! The update...

So in my previous post I mentioned my new position and a date I went on. Here's what happened:

There is so much to learn in my new position, and to be honest I was a tad nervous about it over the weekend, but so far it's going okay. The good thing is that I'm not fully on the Travel Request system (which is the main part of my job) because of some technical difficulties. This has left me some time to organize my desk and really settle in. I was able to sit with my predessesor, Maria, and thoroughly go over what I will be doing (mostly all travel-related).

Well, that Train-a-Thon came in handy because Maria called in sick today. Because of everything we went over, and my detailed notes, I have been able to handle the basic travel arrangements that have come my way. Thank you, Jesus!

The guy and I met up at Claim Jumper. Dinner was nice and the conversation was interesting, but I walked away knowing this wasn't going anywhere. The main problem I had was that he seemed to be ashamed of the Gospel. He went so far as to say that he doesn't like to call himself a Christian because he doesn't like "labels." Really? More like you are embarrased to tell people you are a follower of Christ and worry way too much about what the world things and not enough about what the Lord thinks of you. Yeah, definitely not the godly leader I want in my life.

Even better, yesterday he texted me telling me that despite what an amazing time he had with me and that he thinks I'm a "cool gal," he didn't feel we were compatible either. Phew! I was worried about having to let this guy down easy, but he handled the job for me.

He said that there were two things that he honed in on that made him feel we would not be a good fit:

1. In his words: We are "in a different place spiritually." (Agreed.)

2. Also in his words: "You... are a behind the scenes gal that wants to stay home and eventually you [want] to get to a place where the two of you lived off of one salary." (So apparently he is not okay with being the sole breadwinner... okie dokie.)

Well, there you go.

This is what I replied to him:

"You're a cool guy and I enjoyed dinner and our converstation, but yeah, like you said, I didn't feel the spark for the same reasons. I think you are still on that adventure that we have to go on sometimes before we can fully commit our lives to the Lord and there is nothing wrong with that. It's just not where I want my guy to be. Good luck with your baby girl, carreer ambitions, writing, and search for the right one. Trust in God and he'll take you places you never imagined for yourself. =) God bless."

Obviously NOT for the same reasons, but the "spirituality" aspect is true. What I didn't mention to him was that I think his politics stink. =) (If you read my blog than you can probably guess who he voted for President. LOL.)

Anyway, that's that. There are the updates. I am already chatting with another guy who seems to have his head on straight about the Lord, so we'll see what happens there. All I know is that I sure am getting some good dating practice in lately. Even they they aren't very successful dates, I'm having fun....

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