So my sister Sandy has been engaged to her "baby daddy" Juan (lol) now since May of 2007. That's pretty much 3 years and no wedding. We know Juan loves Sandy and wants to marry her, but in the last 3 years they have 1) had a baby and 2) taken on a mortgage. So they haven't really been able to afford a wedding and it's been put on the back burner.
Well, this last Friday, Sandy had a little bit of a medical issue and needed to see a doctor, but unfortunately she isn't covered under Juan's medical insurance. Apparently, his company doesn't pay for domestic partnership coverage either (which I sort of agree with, but that's my conservative side talking). Anyway, this has re-sparked a discussion amongst both us and Juan's family that they really need to get married already.
Mom and I were talking about it and we got to scheming. Why don't we surprise Sandy with an appointment at David's Bridal? Once she gets some of those dresses on, she'll start getting excited and that will lead to wanting to do this already! =)
Sneaky, right? Muahaha....
We got to thinking, we all have the connections and resources to pull this off if we really wanted to, as long as we kept it small and intimate--family and close friends only--and did a lot of the stuff ourselves (which we all know I can do). We decide that we gotta get this ball rolling. I know Juan's family would be in agreement on this. Sandy had told me that she found an email from Juan's sister urging him to marry Sandy already because of the whole no-medical-coverage issue. So we know they would be on-board.
Then we thought that maybe we should run this by Juan first. Hahaha... Right? So today I sent him a super long email (to his work email account, of course... don't want her hacking in and finding out.. LOL) explaining our plans and letting him know that we wanted him to be okay with it before we get the ball rolling. I haven't heard back from him, but I'm praying that he'll be on-board too.
I know we can make this happen and I know it's the best thing for both of them...
Lord, soften up Juan's heart to be receptive to this. I know You don't want them to continue on living in the situation they are in right now. Amen!
2 Timothy 1:9
“He has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we
have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us
in Chr...
14 hours ago
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