Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Househunting and stuff...

So I officially have two offers in on two condos... so far. I know they say not to get excited about the first properties you find, but something tells me I have a pretty decent shot with either one.

The realtor, my good friend Mandy, and I looked at a good amount of places, but some were just not a good fit for one reason or another. So it was narrowed down to the two, both being places in which I could see myself living. Nothing is guaranteed, so I will continue searching for now.

One thing's for sure--it sure is hard not to get excited and run out to start buying stuff for the house. Must. Have. Self-control. Lol...

I've been on three major interviews in the last month. I think I did well on all three, but there is one I'm hoping to get the most. Whichever one the Lord decides to bless me with will be appreciated... by me AND my future mortgage...

I'm heading out to Las Vegas this weekend for my friend Jen's birthday. I'm super excited. It should be fun.

This will be my first trip to Vegas in a long time. I'm looking forward to laying out at the pool and not feeling AS self-conscious as I would have 21 lbs ago. :)

Lord, I can't say it enough lately: Thank You for all of these undeserved blessings. You are so good to me! Life is amazing...
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