And I think MANY people all across America agree with that. Although the media and the current ruling party in the White House would have you believe that all those angry people showing up at Townhall Meetings are fake and being paid to be there. Riiiight! Let me tell you something: If angry people weren't showing up to those Townhall Meetings, I would be asking myself, "why the heck aren't more people angry about this?!" I'm just glad to see that I'm not the only one fed up with this crap!
Why in God's name would you want the government handling your healthcare? Just like Obama said himself, it would be run just like the Post Office (or like that other fun, government-run business, the DMV). GREEEAT! I really want to show up to the doctor and be ignored for 20 minutes, only to be sent away because I don't have all the right paperwork and blah blah blah, all with attitude to top it off and NO OTHER OPTION. Yes, that's how I like to be taken care of.
When I moved in with my dad I had Comcast as my cable company because that was all that was offered in my area, unless I wanted to get satellite, which I cannot afford. So, I took what I had available to me. Then Time Warner took over and they almost immediately pissed me off, but what pissed me off even more was the fact that I had to essentially put up with their crap because there was pretty much no other option and they know that. Now, yes, I can go with Satelite if I really hate it that much, but I'm just trying to make a point here.
So, I'm pissed because Time Warner is my only option, even though I do have an alternative if I'm willing to pay for it, but with ObamaCare, just like the DMV, there is no other option and that would make me BEYOND just pissed. There will be no competion--no other option even if you are willing to pony up the cash for it. You have to suck it up and take it up the you-know-what. Yes, that sounds like a great plan, Mr. President. All the while, if one of your family members gets sick, he/she will never have to wait as long as we will have to wait for care, and there certainly won't be an attitude about it because everytime you get around people, they get all googley-eyed anyway.
Competition is what makes this country great. If Domino's pisses you off, you can call up Pizza Hut or Poppa John's. You don't like Disneyland? Go to Magic Mountain. Target too expensive for you? Go to Walmart or the Dollar Tree. Options, people! You have them. They are good. They drive down prices because people are going to go to the cheapest place causing the other place to lower there prices so you'll come back. This is how a good economy works, yet Obama wants to take it away from us.
Yes, healthcare needs to be improved in this country, but socialist, "single-payer" (a.k.a single-OPTION) ObamaCare is NOT the route we need to take, people....
2 Timothy 1:9
“He has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we
have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us
in Chr...
14 hours ago
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