We are to rejoice in the Lord when times are good (top of the mountain) AND when times are bad (bottom of the valley). Right now I'm in the low, deep pit of the valley, but I'm going to rejoice in the Lord anyway.
Right now I am going through a painful and confusing time in my life that has come seemingly out of no where. I was on the top of the mountain, singing "the hills are alive..." (lol). Then it was like I suddenly lost my footing and slid rapidly down into the scary unknown below.
Why does God allow that to happen? There are so many reasons. For me, I believe one reason is that the Lord wants... no requires... that I turn my focus on Him, and although He is not a cruel God, He will use any means to make that happen, even allowing "bad" things to "happen."
His ultimate aim is to bring us back to a place where we rely fully on Him... not ourselves, not anyone else.
Lord, thanks for taking desperate measures to get me back into a right standing with You... even if it hurt. I know You love me. I rejoice in that and I look forward to returning to the top of the mountain soon.
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
“[Praise to the God of All Comfort] Praise be to the God and Father of our
Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who
1 day ago
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