a few blogs back I wrote about a guy that I've been emailing. I had mentioned that I wanted to be extremely cautious with this guy because of the fact that, although he is a Christian, he is not walking with the Lord right now. So far, I've kept up with it. We are still ONLY emailing.
He recently gave me his number so we could text each other, but I told him that I would like to stick to emailing him. Now, 2 weeks or so down the line, I started considering giving him my number so we could text each other and maybe even talk, but I decided I need to make one thing very clear beforehand. I told him that I am ONLY looking for a friend right now.
I explained to him that at this point in my life I am trying to honor the Lord and His will for my life. I don't want to jump into anything that is not pleasing and honoring to Him. I explained the situation with my last dating relationship (as brief as it was... lol) and how disappointing it was, and told him that I don't plan to go through that again. I completely believe that the next person I date/hang out with exlusively and even kiss is going to be my future husband, and as a result I want to be as thoroughly cautious as possible.
He agreed and understands from a Christian perspective. We are on the same page. It's all good. We are friends right now. I'm happy.
One thing he said to me though that really struck me was that he believed that the Lord used this stupid dating service to 1) introduce us to one another and 2) to show him how much the Lord loves him more than he ever could imagine (or something like that... lol). I thought that was sweet.
I definitely have to say that something is in the making here. I don't know if it's romantic or just that the Lord is drawing this guy back to Him, but whatever it is, I feel good about it. My instincts are usually right too....
Speaking of marriage....
There is a lady in my Women's Bible Study who was asking for prayer a while back because her marriage appears to be falling apart. She started to tell us that her stepson is a big part of the problem. She harbors a lot of ill-will towards this kid. Almost immediately the Lord put it on my heart to tell this lady to start praying for her stepson. She replied that she does pray that the Lord would remove these bad feelings towards him. I then clarified that she needed to pray FOR HIM. She needed to pray for his salvation. She needed to pray for him like he was one of her children. I explained to her that once she started to do that the Lord would change her heart towards him. I also told her that she needed to stop blaming him and look at the real culprit here, which is the Devil, who loves to come in to divide and conquer.
Man, the Holy Spirit was using me to give a message to her that night, I tell you. All of that came from Him. He didn't stop there though...
When study was over, Diana and I approached her and re-inforced what we had previously told her. I then went on (well, it was the Holy Spirit, not me) to explain to her that the Devil absolutely HATES marriage and will use anything in his power to destroy it. He hates it because it is a picture of Christ and his bride, the church. Christ sacrificed himself and died for us so that we migh have life. Marriage is all about dying to yourself for the person you love. Plus, the enemy knows that if he can destroy marriage he'll have everything else in the bag too, which is evidenced in the prevalence of child abuse, homosexuality, etc. since the breakdown of marriage.
It was amazing to see this woman listen to what I had to say. Me! A 28-year-old kid who has never been married or even been in a real relationship--who's never had children--was sitting there counseling a grown woman on what to do to fix her marriage and how we need to fight for our marriages as Christians. I left that night feeling a mix of sorrow for her turmoil and joy for how the Spirit used me, the most unlikely person.
Well, this last Thursday, the same lady approached me after study. She was so excited. She thanked me for what I had told her (to which I replied that the thanking should go to the Lord who put the words in my mouth), and that what I told her had clicked that night. She told me that she has been praying for her stepson every day since that night and that the Lord has blessed her so much. She had also revealed to the group that her husband finally admitted to her that his heart had hardened and he needed prayer--a great first step to healing in all of our opinions.
I know that this situation is going to be healed by the Lord because He hates divorce. I know that He is faithful if we call out to Him and for His will. It's just an honor to have been given a small part in it. Thank you for using me, Lord. I can't wait to see what happens through all of our prayers and Your work...
So things have been getting better when they were getting bad. I have a renewed outlook and I know something amazing is about to happen. I feel pretty. I feel good. I feel blessed!
And just for the heck of it, here's a scripture I learned at Church that I will being trying to keep in my heart for those times when I catch myself being sensitive:
Great peace have they who love thy Law: And nothing shall offend them. Psalms 119:165