Wow! What a weekend I had. Here’s the breakdown:
I finally met Internet guy in person. We met up at Starbucks in Chino Hills. I think it went very well. I was comfortable and was totally myself. He was cool. He demonstrated a very good balance of talking and listening. I think it went pretty smoothly. I get the impression he left still interested in me, but I have to admit that I didn’t feel a spark, but that was because I intended for that. I think there is a good chance that in the past, before my he-must-be-a-practicing-and-fruit-bearing-Christian rule, there would have been a spark. But alas, I won't allow it because I will do everything possible to avoid being unequally yoked. I see what some of these women who have unbelieving husbands go through and it’s NOT WORTH IT!
We had Alexis’ 1st Birthday party and, other than some drama from my sister about not having enough help (now you know how I always feel planning everyone’s events), it turned out very nicely. More people than we expected showed up. Funny thing was, we still had SO much food left over. Alexis had fun, the few kids had fun playing in the playground and running around, and the adults seemed to enjoy the food and chatting. So I definitely can say it was a success.
That evening, after much begging and convincing from my old class president, I went to my 10-year high school reunion. I feel like it was pretty much a bust. I only saw like 3 people that I knew fairly well--1 person who I think hates me and is under the mistaken impression that I slept with her now-husband (hello! I'm still a virgin... pretty much impossible). The rest were people I absolutely didn’t know or recognize or who were just people that I sort of knew, but who I knew wouldn’t remember me (I look WAY different now—I’ve improved by leaps and bounds in my appearance LOL). My friend, Mike, and my sister, Katie, came with, so at least I wasn’t by myself, but I do feel like I could have done something a little more worthwhile with my money.
If I could make any suggestions to my friend who coordinated the thing: Don’t have the next one at a club. You really don’t know if that somewhat familiar-looking person in the corner over there is someone you went to High School with or just some club patron. Plus, some of us don’t find going to a club conducive with our lifestyles anymore.
Kaylin was baptized Catholic. Our friend, Miguel, and I were two of the 4 godparents. Despite the fact that we are not, nor really is Sandy, a Catholic, it was a beautiful event and I was glad to be a part of it. The only time I really felt awkward was when they were asking the saints to pray for us. I think the saints are a little busy worshipping God and being in His presence, and not at all worried about us down here. But whatever; I guess if it makes you feel better. Lol
Afterward, we went to Juan’s parents’ place and pigged out on some yummy food that his mom had made, including everyone’s favorite: her chicken salad. Mm mm mm! We had a Costco cake too and you know you can’t go wrong with a Costo cake. It was just a nice time together too—the two families hanging out. I really enjoyed myself.
What a blessed and fun weekend I had. Overall, I can’t complain one bit. I haven’t felt this much of God’s love and family love in a long time. Hope it continues just like this…
2 Timothy 1:9
“He has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we
have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us
in Chr...
14 hours ago
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