Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Why don't you grow a pair, Mr. President?

Say what you will about our last President (I for one had a lot to say about the man at times), he definitely did a better job at keeping us safe and calling a Terrorist a Terrorist.

On Christmas, a man tried to blow up a plane that was about to land in Detroit--as in OUR SOIL. He tried to commit a terrorist attack on us, but failed only because his equipment malfunctioned.

When are our President and all his loving followers going to get it through their thick skulls that no matter how much you bend over and kiss the butts of our enemies they are going to STILL continue to hate us. We are the Devil to them. We deserve to die simply because we have different beliefs, are richer than them, etc. Basically, for no good reason.

Cal Thomas says it best in his article today:

This latest incident [the Christmas Day attempt] and the killings at Fort Hood, Texas, by a Muslim Army officer ought to be a verdict on the Obama administration's strategy of apologizing for America and reaching out to Muslim nations. None of it has mollified terrorist states or terrorists operating within those states, or for that matter potential terrorists operating within the U.S.

Administration officials have acknowledged the strong likelihood of terrorist cells in the United States. The question should not be how to make terrorists like us, but how to find them, eliminate them and, most important of all, keep them from entering the country in the first place.

The Obama administration, like the Clinton administration, continues to view terrorists as criminals who ought to be subject to the American judicial system. In fact, they are soldiers in a war unlike any this country has ever faced. Until we start treating these people as soldiers and not criminals, there will be more incidents like this, as there have been previous ones. Without a serious approach to domestic terrorism, the next attempted attack on an airliner might succeed, as did the ones during another less serious time which gave us 9-11.

Get it together, Obama. You can cater to these people all you want, but when you open the door to them and they come rushing in, they aren't going to give you a hug and say Thanks... they are going to pull out a saber and cut your head off with it.

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