I can’t wait until Christmas is over. I’m way too stressed and I’ve been eating way too much crap (thanks a lot co-workers and your “Eight Days of Treats)! I wouldn’t be surprised if I have put back on 5 lbs. Gah!
I also, despite all my efforts to the contrary, cannot stop feeling like a lonely loser. I hate it. Christmas is not for 28-year-old, single chicks. It’s for kids and families and husbands and wives and girlfriends and boyfriends. Get the picture? Just like Valentine’s, I can’t help but feel like all the hype is designed to make the single person feel like crap. It should be about Jesus, just like Valentine’s should be about love for all, not just romantic love. Gah!
On top of that stupid crap, I am also stressed about money. I did VERY well with my shopping, but I still dropped almost $300, which is A LOT of money for me right now. That could have paid off the rest of a credit card. I think next year I’m just going to say, “Sorry, everyone. The only ones who are getting gifts from me are the kids.” But even that costs me a fortune because I have to renew my goddaughter’s Disneyland Season Pass every Christmas. I may have to stop doing that too. I love Baby and I want her to be able to do Disneyland regularly, but I also would like to get married WITHOUT debt.
I’m just not doing well right now and the sooner this is all over the better.
At least I have one thing to look forward to: Moving back to my Mom’s after the New Year. With that comes a new routine, decorating (cause that house needs it and with my Mom out I’ll have control… muahaha!), and getting involved at my new church, which will hopefully lead to meeting new people of the male persuasion.
The bad thing I have to look forward to after this is all over: losing the weight that I am sure to gain after all these stinking "holiday treats" I’ve been eating… Gah!
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
“[Praise to the God of All Comfort] Praise be to the God and Father of our
Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who
1 day ago
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