Why does money have so much power in our lives? Whether you have it or don't have it, it causes stress. Right now I DON'T have it and it sure is causing a mountain of stress for me.
I'm on a mission to get out of debt and because of that the majority of each of my paychecks is going towards debt. It sucks! I'm always broke. I can't even afford to buy myself new work clothes. So, after losing about 11 lbs in the last 2 months, I'm walking around at work in some very baggy clothes. It's kind of embarrassing. Instead of looking professional, I look like a slob. No bueno when you are in a high-level place like Administration. Oh well... I have to do what I have to do right now, even if it means looking like a bum. =(
Being broke is really a lesson in sacrifice too. For the first time in my life I am denying myself simple little things--things in the past that I would have just splurged on: A top here or there, eating out, etc. Now it's "make due with what you have" and "buying groceries that will last you 2 weeks is MUCH cheaper than eating out out for 1 week." It's hard, but I'm proud of myself for finally having some self-control.... well most of the time at least. I did recently buy myself a sweater and I was craving a Sampler Trio from Jack in the Box last night. =)
One upside: I feel so much healthier now that I'm eating home-cooked meals everyday... and I hardly ever break out! lol
Anyway, I've said it before and I'll say it again.... DEBT is so not worth it!!!!
2 Timothy 1:9
“He has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we
have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us
in Chr...
14 hours ago
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