I just finished reading Hebrews 11:8-19 and Romans 4:18-21, which detail Abraham's faith in obeying God and offering his own son's life as a sacrifice. I've always known why God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac (he was testing Abraham's faith in Him), but for the first time I understand why it is that Abraham obeyed.
Before Isaac was even conceived, the Lord made a promise to Abraham. He told Abraham to look into the sky and count the stars, if that was even possible (Genesis 15:5). Then He told Abraham that he would have a son and his descendants would be as numerous as the stars. This was God’s promise to Abraham: You ARE going to have at least one child and from that child you ARE going to have more descendants than you can even count.
So when Abraham marched his son up that hill he in a way knew that his son wasn’t going to die. He had so much faith in God’s promise about his future that he literally believed that if God did end up allowing him to kill his son, God—being the almighty and powerful creator of the earth—would turn around and bring that boy back to life. He truly BELIEVED in the promise of God that his son would bring him many descendents. He trusted in God’s promise and he was RIGHT! God stopped Abraham before he could do it and considered him righteous for his faith. (We are, after all, saved by FAITH and not works, right?)
WOW! What an example.
I get it now. God does not go back on his promises and the more that we have faith and trust in Him and His promises the more we are blessed. Look at Abraham. He is now known as the father of a nation, all because he trusted in God’s word to him.
Why then should I—little old Kristina—not trust in the promises God has made to me. There is no reason. I have no excuse. I see that now. I see that God’s promises are real and true. I believe and trust in His promises.
Thank you, Lord, for showing this to me, and forgive me for only JUST getting it. You are amazing. Your love is amazing. Your power is amazing. Your promises are amazing. Hallelujah! Amen!
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
“[Praise to the God of All Comfort] Praise be to the God and Father of our
Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who
1 day ago
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