It’s a good thing Grandpa is dead. Why? I think if he were alive he would be both fearful and mad—fearful because as an older person he could look forward to being considered expendable under Obama’s healthcare “reform” plan should it pass, and mad, as a former Marine, because there are soldiers sitting in Afghanistan right now with no plan of action or direction on what to do, many dying, because our President wants to “take things slowly and really think things through” before sending in more troops. Grandpa, you should be glad you aren’t here for this…
I saw an article the other day about a guy who was getting convicted for the murder of a woman AND her unborn child. That’s a good thing, but why is it that the death of her child is considered murder, but the death of aborted children isn’t? What’s the difference? A fetus is only a human being when it’s WANTED I guess…
Why do so many people who have grown up in America and whose first language is English suck so hard at writing? Even if English was not your favorite subject in High School, you still should know how to speak it, which should translate in your writing. But no, as evidenced by the hours I spend on proofreading at work. Our education system is what sucks so hard…
I’ve discovered that listening to secular music makes me depressed. When I listen to praise and worship or even gospel music, I’m happy, encouraged, feeling good about life, and looking forward to the Lord’s promises. When I listen to secular music I become upset, sad, lonely, love sick—I feel like an all-around loser for not having a significant other, etc., etc. I think I’ll stick to my praise and worship…
I’m shocked that anyone reads my blog. I really didn’t think anyone did at all. I mostly write so that I have a record of what has happened in my life, but now all of a sudden I’m feeling very aware of what I’m writing and how I write it… not that it’s gonna stop me from sharing my opinions. LOL
2 Timothy 1:9
“He has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we
have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us
in Chr...
15 hours ago
I think I once heard that for every caller into a radio station (with a particular opinion), there are at least 10 others who share it as well...maybe that is the case with readers to your blog...I think it is good that you make a journal (or your life's journey) to keep a kind of gives you a look back at how the Lord has been working in your life through all of your decisions/choices, etc. Stay strong in your faith, unwaivering, and patient for what the Lord will do in your life...I am sure it is hard not having a significant other, but trust me, he is out there somewhere...of course, what happens to this blog once you marry? Will it be "Confessions of a Married Christian Female"? I think it would also be neat for your significant other to read of all of your past blogs to get to know you better too, although you may not want that...just a thought...have a blessed day!
Thanks so much for your encouraging words! I actually do plan to let my future hubby read my blog. One, some of the crazy stuff I come up with will probably crack him up, and two, I want him to know who I used to be and who I am now, which like you said, is why I want to keep a "log" of my life and the things going on in the world during those times. Hopefully, whatever I write here doesn't scare the guy off. lol Just kidding...
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