LOL. I make myself laugh.
Anyway..... MERRY (belated) Christmas!
It was very nice this year (after all that whining and crying about stuff, right?). I really enjoyed the time spent with family.
Christmas Eve was spent with Kim's in-laws. That was nice, but I left a little early because I was beat. I just wanted to hit the hay.
Christmas morning was amazing. We met up at Sandy's this year and her future in-laws and her blood sister, Vicki, were there. Dad and I made breakfast and Juan's mom made pozole. Everyone pigged out. We even had mimosas (sorry, Jesus. lol). The kids opened their presents first. Then Katie read from the Word, we all prayed together, and then we opened our Secret Santa gifts. Everyone seemed to be pleased with what they got.
I was very happy with what I got because it was all stuff I asked for:
-Sarah Palin's book Going Rogue. Yes!!! She really is one of my heroes. We are very much alike--we both believe in standing up for what you believe, no matter how much people might hate you for it. Ahem... media. lol
-A large-barrel curling iron. Yeeeeesssss! I have been wanting one so badly so that I can flip my hair out and so that I can be lazy on those days were I don't feel like blow-drying my hair. I'm a woman and I like my hair to be pretty... what can I say...
-An iPod adapter for the car stereo. The car's older (2001) and doesn't have MP3 player capabilities, so I needed a cassette tape adapter so I can finally hear my music in the car when I want to. Yay!
In addition to what my Secret Santa got me, my mom gave me a Victoria Secret body spray, lotion, and body wash combo that someone gave her and didn't want. Thanks! She also gave me a $75 Nordstrom's gift card that someone gave her that she knows she's not going to use. I'm going to use it to buy a purse and to surprise her with a little something, since it WAS supposed to go to her anyway. She deserves something special also.
Back to Christmas day: After Sandy's, I spent the remainder of the day with Mandy and the family. I gave her her gift (a mug I had made with all the pictures of her kids and grandkids on it), which made her cry. Victory! lol. Then we ate Christmas dinner and went to see the Chipmunks: The Squeaquel. It wasn't the greatest, but Baby loved it, so that's all that matters.
So yeah, like I said, Christmas was amazing this year. It really ended up being a very joyful occasion.
Thank you, Lord. Help me to remember Your most special gift the whole year round! It's all about YOU, Jesus.
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
“[Praise to the God of All Comfort] Praise be to the God and Father of our
Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who
1 day ago
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