Thursday, December 30, 2010
"What the h*** am I fighting for?"
More like "Regressives..."
Hard working, self-made, traditional-values, God-loving conservatives create and build things up to be successful for themselves and others and then ridiculous, spread-the-wealth, values-lacking liberals/communists/socialists take those things over and ruin them.
America. Built by great men, with relatively conservative values, who were hard-working people. Slowly being taken over by “progressives” who want to get rid of the principles the country was founded upon (a free market system, honoring God, low taxes, etc.)
American Universities. Many started by religious institutions. Now over-run by the anti-God/pro-evolution crowd.
Unions. Unions were created for good reason by honest, hard-working people. They gave poorly-treated workers/women/children better working conditions (reasonable pay and reasonable work hours, among other benefits). Nowadays, unions are completely run by raging liberals who are beyond corrupt and only care about getting politicians in their pockets. Their agenda focuses more on increasing "benefits" for their members instead of creating a work enviroment that is productive and beneficial to employee AND employer.
The Movie Industy. Created and once run by conservative, America-loving moguls who believed in quality over “freedom of expression.” Movies were once masterpieces, now they empty nonsense made by liberals and consisting of one-sided political messages or soft-core porn and crassness… all targeted toward our children.
Somebody, please tell me what leftists have taken and made better instead of worse?
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Mexico off hold...
REMINDER: God doesn't kick us when we're down...
Anyway, there was a comment that really struck me and I thought I'd share:
seekingpastor December 29, 2010 at 9:51 am
We are kicked so often from so many people and from so many different angles that we expect it from everyone. Including God. And even though he’s proven that this is not how he operates, we still expect it. And he keeps rescuing when he has every right not to do so. Glad that he never gives up on us.
Man is this ever true. I have been "kicked" by folks left and right my whole life. I do expect it from everyone (call me negative, but when you've been burned so many times, you start to expect it every next time you turn the stove on) and, unfortunately, I never really thought about the fact that I subconciously expect it from God too, even though I know that's ridiculous.
Lord, I am also glad that you never gives up on us....
Monday, December 27, 2010
Best Christmas. Worst Christmas.
Christmas Eve I went to Disneyland with my co-worker (and dear friend) Connie and her 3 younger kids. She is a single Mom of 5 and to say she struggles is an understatement. She LOVES the Lord and is a picture of true trust and reliance upon Him. She is one of my heroes and a big example to me.
This year, I decided to do something special for her, so I paid for her three young ones to go to Disneyland. She would not have been able to take all of them together as a family without that help. (She literally wasn’t even able to afford a Christmas tree and more than one Christmas gift for the kids this year.)
I was happy to do it.
We had a GREAT time. We really did. These kids were pretty well-behaved and were very humble--it was nothing like my last visit to Disneyland with my goddaughter. Lol. They truly had a fun time and they totally deserved it.
I left Disneyland on a total high from not just the fun day, but the satisfaction of knowing that I helped bless a deserving family. It was truly going to be a great Christmas.
Or not.
The next morning, Christmas morning, I got up, got dressed, and headed to my sister’s house for breakfast and presents. Everything was going great. We were hysterically laughing at National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, which has to be in my top 5 Christmas movies. We had breakfast and talked, as usual. It was our typical family Christmas. The kids started opening their presents (we didn’t exchange anything amongst ourselves this year), and out of no where I just started feeling very frustrated.
Then the batteries died on my camera, so I got up to change them. That’s when I felt an overwhelming sense of loneliness. I headed for the bathroom, sat on the toilet, and burst out in tears.
“I can’t do this alone anymore. I want my own family.”
I was upset for a few minutes and then pulled myself together and walked out.
Here’s where it got bad. Here’s where the devil really started in with the mind games.
I went out to the couch in the living room while they all did presents in the dining room. Then I started thinking, “Wow. They don’t even notice I’m gone. They don’t even care if I’m here or not. They aren’t even concerned for me at all.”
Yes, I know this is ridiculous, but at the moment I was not in my right mind. I sat there getting increasingly upset and to make matters worse, my sister decided to sit down on the other couch and start sarcastically telling me, “That’s not a Christmas face.”
She was right, but what I really needed to hear was, “Is everything ok?”
I should know better than to expect sympathy in this family, but it upset me. I couldn’t take anymore of being around all this family fun that I can't relate to anymore and am not included in because I don't have a family of my own, so I left, saying that I didn't feel well.
Of course, I didn’t receive one call or text of concern, which made me even more upset and down on myself.
I stopped off at my friend Mandy’s house to give her a Christmas gift and to vent and then went home--totally depressed and defeated. My parents were there. I asked my Mom if the family was upset that I left and she said that they weren’t and that she had told them that this time of year is hard on people who are single.
Dang. I guess they saw right through the sick act. Lol.
Yeah, it is hard. I think the anxiety and realization that I’m turning 30 soon, with no prospects in sight, just came knocking at the door of my psyche all at once and I wasn’t prepared for it. I do believe that the enemy used that to attack me and I totally let him. I allowed myself to be invaded with the most defeatist, angry, hopeless thoughts. For the first time in a long time, I didn’t care if I lived anymore for a minute there.
Thankfully, I snapped out of it. One good day of feeling sorry for myself was enough. It just sucked that it had to be Christmas day.
Well, now I’m trying to put this horrible day behind me and turn to the Lord. It’s hard. Lately, I’ve felt the urge to be angry with Him. I’ve wanted to say, “You really have forgotten about me, haven’t You.”
All ridiculous, I know. But like I said, the devil attacks at the most opportune times… and right where he knows how to get you. Even more ridiculous is how I can go from the high of seeing the Lord bless others through me to the low of allowing myself to nearly self-destruct.
*sigh* I have issues.
If you are reading this, keep me in your prayers. I’m in a valley right now and I need all the help I can get to climb out and reach that peak again…
Thursday, December 23, 2010
2010 Goodness
Oh man... The Internet was alive with ridiculous greatness this year. Some of this I've never seen. Guess what I'll be doing when I get home. lol
(Thanks, iOwnTheWorld.)
Monday, December 20, 2010
Tell me something I don't know...

A reversal on carbs
Fat was once the devil. Now more nutritionists are pointing accusingly at sugar and refined grains.
I went low-carb 10 years ago and not only lost 40-50 lbs, but have maintained it (with minor ups and downs) for the last decade. Every time I go to the doctor and have blood work done it comes back P-E-R-F-E-C-T... and that's even when I'm not exercising.
The low-carb lifestyle works and it's good for you. It lowers blood sugar levels and cholesterol. It has practically cured some people of Diabetes. Plus, fat literally melts off your body. It's amazing.
(For info on how cutting carbs works, check this out.)
The more and more these types of articles and studies come out, the more it confirms what I already know.
If you need to lose a lot of weight or are suffering from Diabetes, it's simple: Cut out the carbs. If you don't feel you can do that, then at least cut them by half and watch how much of an improvement you see.
Mexico on hold...
Since today was the day we were meant to have gone, and since I'm writing this from my desk at work instead of on a plane, obviously we aren't going. =) We've postponed the trip. We weren't able to get tickets in time and they were all sold out.... since it IS Christmas week.
Seeing as how I was not looking forward to having to rustle up $600+, I'm a little grateful. I just think it wasn't the right time. Not to sound harsh or uncaring, but clearly my grandmother isn't going to die next week, so we are putting it off until next month. I think my Dad and I will both be a little prepared then anyway...
Keep us in your prayers.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
I know exactly....
Here's a blurb:
They say the Christian life isn’t meant to be done alone. We need community to survive. I believe this is true. But, for people like me, the thing that’s supposed to keep you alive causes you so much pain and anxiety. It’s like drinking water that tastes and smells like gasoline. You know you need it to live, but drinking it can be vomit-inducing. I get jealous of people that others naturally gravitate toward. My friend, Danny, is like this. People naturally like him; and he’s just naturally good with people. I watch him when he’s dealing with the people in our church and I’m amazed. He might as well be wearing a cape and a big “S” on his chest. It’s unbelieveable to me. How is he that comfortable with people? How are people that attracted to him and others like him? It’s strange. We have even discussed the dichotomy of how people react to him and to me. He can make a certain joke and people will think it’s
hilarious. I could make the same exact joke and people will think I’m just creepy. It all goes back to the fact that I’m socially awkward and he’s not. I’m introverted, and he’s extroverted. These are just common personality types. Being one way is not better than the other way, it’s just the way we’re built. Sometimes, though, being introverted can feel less like a personality type and more like a disorder or a condition.
Ironic/Funny Quote of the Day
"First of all, I feel so much more confident that the TSA's nude photos of airline passengers will never be released now that I know the government couldn't even prevent half a million classified national security documents from being posted on WikiLeaks."
And by the way, how is the fool who leaked secret U.S. government documents, Julian Assange, gonna turn around and ask that his address be kept secret. Really? REALLY? You got some nerve dude. This guy needs to get the same treatment as the Rosenbergs who also committed espionage/treason!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Surrender continued...
Surrender (2)
“Because you say so, I will.” Lk 5:5 NIV
When you start to do things God’s way instead of your own, you experience three great benefits: First, you have peace. “Submit to God, and you will have peace; then things will go well for you” (Job 22:21 NLT). Second, you have freedom. “Offer yourselves to the ways of God and the freedom never quits” (Ro 6:17 TM). Third, you have power. “Submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you” (Jas 4:7 NKJV). Stubborn temptations and overwhelming problems are defeated by Christ the moment you surrender. As Joshua approached the walls of Jericho he encountered God, fell down and worshipped, surrendered his plans and said, “What does my Lord say to His servant?” (Jos 5:14 NKJV). Joshua’s surrender led to a spectacular victory. Here’s a paradox: victory comes through surrender! Surrender doesn’t weaken you, it strengthens you. Surrendered to God, you don’t have to fear surrendering to anything else. William Booth, founder of the Salvation Army, said, “The greatness of a man’s power is in the measure of his surrender.” Eventually everybody surrenders to something. If not to God, you’ll surrender to the opinions and expectations of others, to money, to resentment, to fear, to your own lusts or ego. You’re free to choose whatever you surrender to, but you’re not free from the consequences of that choice. E. Stanley Jones said, “If you don’t surrender to Christ, you surrender to chaos.” The supreme example is Jesus. The night before His crucifixion He surrendered to God’s plan, saying, “I want your will, not mine.” And He is your example!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Good case for surrender...
Surrender (1)
“Because you say so, I will.” Lk 5:5 NIVUntil we accept and cooperate with the law of gravity, we can’t fly. Until we accept and cooperate with the law of economics, we can’t succeed in business. Getting the idea? Surrendering to God is not weakness, it’s wisdom. Only a fool resists God, because it’s a fight you can’t win. It’s in surrendering to Him that you are empowered to succeed in what He’s called you to do. Surrender is demonstrated by obedience. It’s saying, “Yes, Lord” to whatever He asks. To say, “No, Lord” is a contradiction. How can we call Jesus “Lord,” and refuse to obey Him? (See Lk 6:46 NKJV).
Peter demonstrated true surrender when Jesus told him to try again. “‘Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing; nevertheless at Your word I will let down the net.’ And when they had done this, they caught a great number of fish” (Lk 5:5-6 NKJV). Surrendered people obey God even when it doesn’t seem to make sense. Abraham followed God without knowing where it would take him. Hannah waited on God’s timing without knowing when. Mary expected a miracle without knowing how. Joseph trusted God’s plan without knowing why circumstances happened as they did. Each was fully surrendered to God, and they came out on top. “How will I know I’m fully surrendered?” you ask. When you rely on God to work things out instead of trying to manipulate others, force your own agenda or control the situation. You don’t have to be in charge, you simply let go and let God have His way.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Planning ahead...
I'm not a parent, but I plan to be one someday--operative word being PLAN. Yes, I know that everything will not happen exactly how I want it to. My kids won't behave exactly how I hope they will, but that doesn't mean that I can't plan to do things a certain way.
I do my research. I observe the kids around me and close to me. I read. I ask questions. I see what seems to work and what doesn't work at all. I want to be well-prepared. There are things that I hope my kids will never do and there are things that I will be doing my best not to let my kids do. I won't say the word "never" though, because I just don't know.
A few things I hope to do for my kids:
- Absolutely minimize the amount of TV and computer they are exposed to. I'm even considering only having a TV in my room so that they will not be allowed to use it for more than a couple hours at most. We'll see how my husband feels about that one. lol
- Give them responsibilities from a young age... I'm talking like 3 years old. I don't believe that any child is above maturation and responsibility.
- Teach them from home. Not only do I want them to be educated in the traditional sense, but I want God to be an important part of every lesson. Wait, I guess that IS in the traditional sense, since God was a part of our education way back when... =/
- Not fill up my house and their rooms with toys. I will even ask that any birthday or Christmas presents not be toys... or at least not always be toys. They take up valuable space and never get used. I want my kids to learn to be creative and to go outside and run around. I want them to appreciate everything.
- Limit the snacks and junk, if not remove them altogether. I look at my niece, who is 2 years old. She absolutely refuses to eat anything that is not in the shape of Dora the Explorer or a gold fish. No no.
There are other things, but these are the ones that come to mind. If it was up to me, I would take my kids back to the old school when kids didn't have cell phones, TVs, and the like. Back when kids had chores and work to do from an early age. Back when families knew each other and spent time together, contributing to their household together, and being proud of what they've built together.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
In support of my papĂĄ…
We found out last week that my grandmother in Mexico is dying of heart and renal failure. This is a woman who’s had a rough life—partly by no fault of her own and partly because of uneducated, selfish decisions she made in her young life. She is the mother of 15 (yes, FIFTEEN!), my father being the first, which also means he was the first to be shipped off to live with family members when it started getting too crowded in the Morales household.
When my grandmother was just a baby her father walked out on her mother. Like any loving, nurturing, sane mother would do, my great grandmother blamed my grandmother… a baby. From that day forward my grandmother was no longer treated like one of the family. Instead, she was the maid, babysitter, and slave to her own family. While the other kids were off getting good educations, my grandmother was forced to stay home and do housework and such.
As you might expect, her children were treated no differently. My father has told of stories of his aunts making him clean the house just to get a scrap of food to eat, if that. Sometimes it was just the leftover juice from a soup—none of the veggies and definitely none of the meat. He’s told of stories of his cousins telling their friends that he was their maid and definitely not their cousin. So yeah, you can imagine what might have been the catalyst for my dad wanting to come to America and get the heck out of dodge. Talk about wanting a better life.
Naturally, as my dad got older, he had a lot of resentment towards his mother. Not only did she abandon him, she also abandoned many of his other brothers and sisters one-by-one as new ones were born. She just KEPT on having children (at one point, as a teenager, he literally begged her to stop having children. He got a good, swift slap in the face for that one.).
Despite all that, though, he loved his mom. Even when you beat a dog, it still comes back, right?
A few years ago, my Dad finally realized that he needed to forgive his mother. He sent her a long letter detailing what he felt she did to him and then told her that he loved her and forgave her for all of it. It took a great weight off of his shoulders. I know my dad deeply loves his mom no matter what. I understand that and I think it runs in the family because she, too, loved her mother, despite the fact that her mother flat out said that she never loved my grandmother.
On a side note, I know I shouldn’t say this—God forgive me--but there is a special place in hell for my great grandmother and I know she’s sitting there right now. (Maybe it’s my turn to forgive, huh? Lol)
Well, now my dad is arranging a trip to Mexico City within the next couple of weeks or so. He wants me to come with him. I’m not sure why he wants me, of all of us, to come, but I can’t let him down.
Honestly, I don’t want to go. It’s dangerous in Mexico right now. Plus, I can’t afford it. I barely have the time to take at work and I was trying to save it to go back to Dallas for interviews after the new year. I’ve only seen my grandmother all of 4 times in my life, and one of those times I was only a year old, so I’m not all that close to her. I don’t have any unresolved issues with her or anything like that. I love her very much, but I don’t feel an overwhelming need to go say goodbye to her… This is just the truth.
I do however feel that if my dad needs me, I must go. Period. My dad needs ME for once, instead of the other way around. I have to go.
This is not going to be easy…
Lord, please put your hands on my grandmother, father, and the entire Morales family. Please draw my grandmother close to You and reveal Yourself to her. I don't know what her relationship with You looks like--only You know that. Please envelope her spirit and mind and bring peace to her heart. Please do the same for my father. I love You, Lord. Thank You for Your unending hand in all of our lives. In Jesus' name.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Deleted last post...
I will reiterate what I said at the end, though: I am so grateful for the parents I had and for the values and appreciation they instilled in me. I realize more than ever that they loved me by saying "No" to me instead of setting me up with a false sense that I will always get what I want, when I want it, and in exactly the way in which I want it. They set me up for reality.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
My (and maybe your) message from God...
Today I read this post from Stuff Christians Like. John usually writes funny, ironic stuff, but this post was a little more on the serious, let-me-minister-to-you-guys-today side.
It was exactly what I needed to read (despite the waterworks that ensued)... especially this part:
In Genesis 48, the same thing happens to Joseph, of the double rainbow coat fame. He has brought his two sons to his father Israel for his blessing. We don’t understand this culturally because we don’t really do this anymore, but this was a critical, massive thing that was about to take place. Manasseh was about to receive Israel’s blessing. That was what should happen. That was what Joseph expected.
Joseph the faithful. Joseph the former slave, former convict, former saved all of Egypt from death and destruction. Joseph had a great track record at this point. He was a deeply wise man of God. He knew what was about to happen. By lineage, by tradition, by faith, Manasseh was about to get blessed by Israel.
Only he doesn’t.It doesn’t happen that way. Instead of doing what he should have done, Israel crosses his arms and forms an X, placing his hands on the heads of the wrong children. He blesses Ephraim, the wrong son in Joseph’s mind.
And in 48:17 we see what happens: When Joseph saw his father placing his right hand on Ephraim’s head he was displeased; so he took hold of his father’s hand to move it from Ephraim’s head to Manasseh’s head.
Joseph has lived his entire life with one belief about how a blessing is passed down. This is his, “I got my Master’s Degree in teaching, I should get a teaching job” moment. This is his, “People get married after college, that’s what they do,” moment. This is what he’s always been ready for and it goes the exact opposite way.
So Joseph, like me or you trying to fix a mistake, says, “No, my father, this one is the firstborn; put your right hand on his head.”
And how does Israel respond? Does he say, “Oh, I am failing of sight and made a mistake?” Does he reply, “Thank you for correcting this situation?”
He says simply, “I know, my son, I know.”
And that is an incredibly tender thing to say as someone’s expectations crumble.
And I think it’s something God still says to us, even today.“I know, my son, I know. I know, my daughter, I know. That thing you wanted is not going to happen. Not the way you’ve always dreamed. I know this hurts. I know this stings. I know you feel like I am distant or not aware of where you are and who hurt you and what you think life was supposed to be like. I know in moments like this you doubt that I can count the hairs on your head or have your best in mind. But please, I am not done. I have barely started to reveal your life to you. I am the God who satisfies your desires with good things. That is me! And when it comes to your hopes and your fears and your dreams, I know, my son, I know.”
I think of this moment as the “soft x.”
I think of the tenderness of Israel with his arms outstretched and crossed. I think of our desires and our dreams and the times they don’t work. And above all, I think of a God who wants to tell you he hears you, he loves, he knows you. He is not disconnected or disinterested in who you are and who you want to be. Today, he says,
“I know, my son, I know.”
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
For future reference....
Oh and Happy December. My favorite month is here!
Monday, November 29, 2010
The ship is sinking...
In the last two years, the state collected just $9.9 billion in unemployment insurance taxes—but it paid out $20.6 billion in benefits during the same time. California recently had to borrow $8.5 billion from the federal government to pay for the unemployment benefit obligations. If the state doesn’t pay off its loan from Washington, D.C. by 2012, it will owe a $362 million interest payment. That’s an expensive fantasy to finance—and California can’t print Monopoly money to stay afloat.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Life on the sidelines...
I'm trained, I'm willing and I'm feeling very ready. It's just the Head Coach hasn't called me in yet. Sometimes, I trust Him and I know that He knows exactly when He'll need to put me in. He knows when I'm truly ready. Other times, I'm looking at Him like, "Come on, man! Put me in!" I'm feeling resentful towards Him and I feel like He's completely forgotten that I'm even on the team.
I don't know what to do anymore. Do I just quit? Do I train harder? I guess it's the latter. I need to train myself on Him. Well, that's easier said than done in this crazy world, Coach. I just need some encouragement. I need some hope that there is a shot for me in the game eventually. I need hope that I even belong in this game.
I'm tired of living life on the sidelines. It's no life at all... Which is why I've decided that game or no game, I'm making a new set of rules for a new game. I'm moving to Dallas after the new year.
Something needs to change. Something's gotta give. Maybe a new stadium will be just the trick...
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Dear Lady Who Cut in Front of Me in the Drive Thru,
TRUE STORY. Dumb lady...
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
I DO NOT Heart California...
I can't take it anymore. I want out...
I didn't get around to writing about Dallas because there isn't too much to write, but I will say this: I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT!
I want to move to Dallas. It has become my Mecca and I am determined to go there. Their economy is SO much better. Their taxes are low. They are business-friendly and there are jobs. The people are a lot more decent. All things that California does not have to offer.
The only thing California has on Texas, in my book, is Disneyland (well, my church too, but there is a Calvary Chapel in Dallas). That's it. THAT'S IT! I don't need Disneyland. I love Disneyland (truly), but I don't NEED it.
I think it's time for me to go on my own adventure to Texas. I think it's time to spread my wings and fly.
Now for a plan...
Monday, November 15, 2010
Yeah, I’m not moving anymore. I went to check the house out over the weekend and found out that my future room was the size of my current bathroom. My bed would barely have fit in there, not to mention my dresser. It wasn’t doable. Plus the drive was a LOT further than I had anticipated. Mission: Live with Strangers is a no-go for now. =(
Or we can go on Craigslist and get a “new” one…
The dryer is completely kaput, so I finally got on Craig’s List and we found one for $100. Yay! One broken item handled--a million to go. I wonder if we can get a water heater on Craigslist? I should check when I get home.
Or we can “shower” Tijuana-style…
Yeah, by the way, the water heater is now completely dead too. All we have is ice cold water. Woohoo! We are doing it like the family in Mexico and boiling a pot of water to bathe ourselves. Sounds like fun, right? No. No it isn’t. Especially when you don’t have heat in your house and winter is fast approaching.
Or I can finally look for a new church…
Since I’m not moving back to the area anytime soon, returning to my beloved Calvary Chapel Chino Valley is out the window. I guess I need to just get over myself and look for a new church out here. Obviously, God has placed me here for a reason and He has no intention of moving me just yet. I think I will bite the bullet and check out Calvary Chapel Pasadena already.
Or I can dream of moving far away to Texas…
I got back from Dallas last Thursday and I already want to go back. I totally LOVED it. It’s just so much better out there in so many ways. The economy is a bazillion times better and there are jobs. The people are a lot friendlier. There is room to grow. I already know people out there. It’s just so much better than this Hell-hole called California. Truly…
(I’ll write more about Dallas later…. Wait for it… wait for it…)
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Victory! Mostly….
Not all was great though. In my state of California, not only did we keep Barbara “I worked hard for this title” Boxer in office, but they re-elected Jerry “I never had a plan” Brown as governor.
The people of California also passed some really stupid bills. We have now eliminated a 2/3 vote in the state legislature, making a majority vote enough to pass legislation, which is nice for the Democrats who are the majority. They can now run wild raising taxes and making our economy even worse than it already is (look at our uber high State unemployment rate, people!) by driving business away. They also passed a bill that will let Cap and Trade go into affect, despite our high unemployment rate. This means more taxes right when we don’t need them and even more driving away of businesses.
Back to the bright side, though: The marijuana legalization bill did not pass. Thank you, Jesus. I am not trying to drive along side and work with people high on Marijuana. It’s bad enough with people who drink and drive, or worse people who don’t use common sense when they are completely sober. Plus, I heard a very good argument the other day: People make good money selling marijuana. If it were legalized, these people would most certainly turn around and start pushing harder drugs to make up for the good money they were making on weed. So yeah. No thanks on the legal marijuana.
Overall, I can’t complain too much. Things ARE going to change. I believe it. We the people are not joking.
As far as California goes, maybe I should just move to Texas after all…. LOL
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
"36 Reasons to Vote Democrat"
November 02, 2010
Thirty-six Reasons to Vote DemocratBy C. Edmund Wright
In the spirit of bipartisanship, I humbly offer this learning tool to help folks decide whether or not they really do want to vote Democrat in the 2010 midterms.
1. If you want the American government to be feared by the American people -- but laughed at by Hugo ChĂĄvez and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad -- vote Democrat.
2. If you want to agree with John Kerry that American voters are stupid and distracted and uninformed -- vote Democrat.
3. If you moved your 7-million-dollar yacht to Rhode Island to avoid taxes -- vote Democrat.
4. If you want a "dude" president -- and not the shining city on a hill -- vote Democrat.
5. If you want to pay through the nose in taxes until you are 70 so union thugs in purple shirts can retire in security at age 50 -- vote Democrat.
6. If you like the fact that people who actually know the Constitution get laughed at by people who are ignorant of it -- vote Democrat.
7. If you want the entire country to be like Detroit, Philadelphia, New York, New Orleans, Chicago -- vote Democrat.
8. If you fear the Chamber of Commerce more than you do the Ground Zero Mosque -- vote Democrat.
9. If you think liberalism and socialism have done a good job of managing the incredibly beautiful and rich state of California, vote Democrat.
10. If you want a government bureaucrat, who can no doubt access your voter registration records, to determine whether or not you get a hip replacement or a cancer treatment -- vote Democrat.
11. If you want to pay six dollars a gallon for gas -- vote Democrat.
12. If you want electricity bills to "necessarily skyrocket" -- vote Democrat.
13. If you think America deserved what it got on 9-11 -- and that we can handle another such attack -- vote Democrat.
14. If you think that Club Gitmo, which was not even operational on 9-11, is why "they hate us" -- vote Democrat.
15. If you think our economy will boom with government bureaucrats making twice what similar folks make in the private sector -- vote Democrat.
16. If you think there's nothing wrong with Jerry Brown admitting that the last time he ran for governor of California, he "had no plan" -- vote Democrat.
17. If you think anything has changed about Jerry Brown and his plans -- vote Democrat.
Read on...
I vote for change...
These people have been weighed and found wanting.
You've been in these office for far too long (for some decades) and have been given your chance to prove that you are for us, We the People, and not against us, and you've FAILED. So move out of the way and let the new guys in. It's time for some REAL hope and REAL change. Time to reduce the debt and the size of government...
If you're reading this and you haven't voted, get out there and do it already. I don't care if you agree with me or disagree with me. Too many people have fought hard for this right. Women, you've fought hard for this. Blacks, Hispanics, etc., you've fought hard for this. Military personnel, you've fought hard for this. Everyone else, this is you're right and freedom. No excuses!
God bless you and GOD BLESS AMERICA!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Happy Hallow... Nothin!
Anyway, after last year's bad experience, I've just decided that Halloween is no longer for me. It's not very God-honering and it's not like I have kids to do things (church festivals) with anyway. I'm over it. I'm staying in tonight...
Since I'm writing, in other news...
I met with the two potential roommates yesterday. It went very well. I can now pretty much replace the "potential" with "future." They were great and we seemed to be on the same page about almost everything. I should be moving in the first of December. I feel like God really has his hand in this and I'm UBER excited about coming back.
Plus, not to sound like a broken record, but I miss my church so much!!!
Oh, last night we celebrated my aunt Jean's 50th birthday in an amazing Old-Hollywood house in the Hollywood Hills. It was pretty fun. My favorite cousin Justin was there, so that was even better. Plus, his semi-reclusive mom, my aunt Patty, came from Pennsylvania, so that got the waterworks flowing.
It really was an enjoyable time with the family. I wish my sisters would have come (they had a Halloween party... tsk tsk. lol), but then again I'm glad they didn't. Because they weren't there I was forced to really be social with everyone, including non-family members whom I did not know. It was overall a great time...
Despite not being part of the "festivities" that come with this "holiday" (emphasis way added), I totally had a productive, full, and enjoyable weekend. Good times!
Oh and one good thing about today: Thanksgiving and Christmas are right around the corner. Yay! =)
Thursday, October 28, 2010
"Proverbs 31 Woman"
11The heart of her husband trusts in her,
12She does him good and not evil
14She is like merchant ships; She brings her food from afar.
She rises also while it is still night
16She considers a field and buys it; From her earnings she plants a vineyard.
28Her children rise up and bless her;
I will never be a perfect wife and mother, but I'm going to make it my mission to strive to be all of the above.
Lord, please help me in each of these areas... both now and when I am a wife and mom...
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
What's the world going to throw at us next?
This world is an amazing place, in a bad way. Thankfully (and kind of surprisingly), this type of crap hasn't presented itself in California.... yet. Of course, the good people at the Aliance Defense Fund have swooped in to save the day. It's sad that we as Christians even need an Aliance Defense Fund, but it's a reality. The world is coming up with more and more (and in this case ridiculous) ways to attack us and our beliefs.
I guess we shouldn't be surprised:
Be always on the watch, and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen, and that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man. Luke 21:36
Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong. 1 Corinthians 16:13Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me. Matthew 24:9
"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." John 16:33
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Patriotism, whether you like it or not...
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Number 3
I'm sure it will end up being another girl, but I'm gonna hope the Lord blesses us with a boy. This family needs a shot of testosterone. =)
Congrats to my sister Kim and brother-in-law Mike!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Jesus loves us all.... Even the dinosaurs....
On the move...
I hope I can find something quickly. After only 5 months, I'm ready to get out and SOON. It's just not working for me and I'm sure it's not working for my sister and her BFF. It's constant tension and frustration... most of the frustration coming from me.
Lately I feel like I am the ONLY one who pulls her weight around that house. It has come down to me being practically the only (if not THE only) one who does the dishes, takes out the trash, cleans the house, makes the coffee, feeds the cat, etc. I feel like I have a housekeeping job I didn't sign up for. Then to make things worse, little things, like not changing toilet paper rolls (Really? Is it THAT hard?!), are starting to set me off. I feel like there is nothing fair about this living arrangement.
To make matters EVEN MORE worse than the above, the house is falling apart. The leaky ceiling finally collapsed yesterday. That's one problem among many, including, but not limited to:
- No air conditioning/heat
- Broken dryer
- Broken oven
- Broken water heater
It's like I'm paying to live in a shack! So, as you can see, I really have no good reason to stay. If I go, it only ups each of their shares of the rent by $150, which I know they can handle. I at least won't have that hanging over my conscience.
In the end, I think this will be better. My sister's and my relationship will stay intact and I will be able to return to the area that I've grown to love and my church, which I both miss DESPERATELY.
Now it's a matter of breaking it to my sister...
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Loan star state of mind...

Monday, October 18, 2010
Zombie masterpiece?
Anyway, my sister Katie brought home Pride and Prejudice and Zombies for me to read. I'm about 6 chapters in and I have to say I'm not sure if I like it yet. I've chuckled maybe twice. It's definitely different.
I LOVE Jane Austen (especially Pride & Prejudice) and I LOVE Zombie movies, so everyone and their momma has recommended that I read this book. So far the jury's out on whether they work together for me. I'll have to let you know.
In the meantime, here's an excerpt to get an idea of what this book entails:
"In a few days Mr. Bingley returned Mr. Bennet's visit, and sat about ten minutes with him in his library. He had entertained hopes of being admitted to a sight of the young ladies, whose beauty and fighting skill he had heard much; but he saw only the father. The ladies were somewhat more fortunate, for they had the advantage of ascertaining from an upper window that he wore a blue coat, rode a black horse, and carried a French carbine rifle upon his back--quite an exotic weapon for an Englishman. However, from his clumsy wielding of it, Elizabeth was quite certain that he had little training in musketry or any of the deadly arts."
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Defining Socialism...
"Socialism is a utopian plan to build what cannot be built, to realize what is only illusory, and to destroy what works even if the result is chaos and death." -Ismael Hernandez, ex-communist activist
Chick-Flicks don't help...
I've been streaming the first season of Roswell on Netflix. Man! They sure got intense when it came to the love (or lust?) between the two lead characters, Liz and Max. There was one whole episode where they were literally making out in every scene.
I couldn't take my eyes off of it. LOL!
Do you know how long it's been since I've kissed a guy? Over 3 years! 3 LONG YEARS!!!
Watching this mess doesn't help me. I see these kids making out and I'm literally jealous. JEALOUS! Then the pity party begins.
Lord, help me.
"Do not let your heart envy sinners, but always be zealous for the fear of the LORD." Proverbs 23:17
"Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” Matthew 26:41
"Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual mmorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry." Colossians 3:5
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Stuff Christians Like
Apparently it is a hilarious book based off of a hilarious blog. Here is a review from the publisher:
Sometimes, we fall in love on mission trips even though we know we’ll break up when we get back. Sometimes, you have to shot block a friend’s prayer because she’s asking God to bless an obviously bad dating relationship. Sometimes, you think, “I wish I had a t-shirt that said ‘I direct deposit my tithe’ so people wouldn’t judge me.”
Sometimes, the stuff that comes with faith is funny. This is that stuff.
Jonathan Acuff’s Stuff Christians Like is your field guide to all things Christian. In it you’ll learn the culinary magic of the crock-pot. Think you’ve got a Metro worship leader—Use Acuff’s checklist. Want to avoid a prayer handholding faux pas? Acuff has you covered.
Like a satirical grenade, Acuff brings us the humor and honesty that galvanized 450,000 online readers from 199 countries in a new portable version. Welcome to the funny side of faith.
Can't wait! I'll let you know how it is when I'm done with it....
Forgetting the creamer for a sec...
Please, please PLEASE, Lord, help me out. I know I'm a brat and don't deserve it (see last couple of posts), but I really need to be utilizing my skills in a broader capacity. Pleeeeeeeeeeez-uh...
Yesterday was day 4 of Jillian Michael's 30-day Shred. Like I said previously, this workout is no joke. I definitely already feel more energetic and slightly leaner. I'm definitely going to give this thing all I got. By the way, my ENTIRE body is sore. I'm talking about muscles I never even knew were there. This is so gonna work...
I haven't heard from Ramon at all since his brother asked him to ask me whether I believed that I could lose my salvation. After all the reading I've done on their "church," I can pretty much guess that they are "advising" him not to speak with me because I don't believe what they do. I did ask him, via an FB message, if we were still on for me visiting him in Texas and he said yes. I'm guessing they are preparing to try to "talk some sense into me." What they don't know is that the Holy Spirit is also preparing me to talk some Truth to them.
Either way, I believe this will probably be the last time I see Ramon. I know they are sucking him into these lies as I type this. All I can do is trust that the Lord has a plan and that He will reveal His Truth in His time to this entire family... It's just very distressing...
I signed up for LIFE groups and even spoke with the leader the other day, who seemed really cool, but then I realized that I have signed up for a day and time that will completely conflict with my Invisalign treatment. Gah!
So now I need to call this lady, break it to her that I can't be a part of her group (and she seemed so excited too), and try to get myself into another group. Ay ay ay! I really need to start carrying a calendar around with me. I always manage to double-book....
I just want some creamer!! (Updated)
I'm just tired of this. It's not just about coffee and creamer. I feel like their mommy who has to take care of everything. I'm no one's mom!!! (Well, not yet.) Grow up!
I just want some creamer!!
Well, now I've left my own passive-aggressive status update:
Kristina misses how her dad always had creamer available in exchange for me always making the coffee.
Yeah, we are out of creamer.... or should I say that I am out. I've bought creamer the last two times in a row and it's been sucked dry both times. I asked my sister to buy some yesterday and nothing. I even got attitude about it.
I wake up and there's nothing there but regular milk (I'm lactose intolerant!!) and a creamer way at the bottom of the fridge that the roomie bought... for herself and only herself.
These are the jewels that I live with. And they wonder why I'm already ready to move back to Pomona...
Sunday, October 10, 2010
United States of Islam?
Anyone from CAIR? Yoohooooooo..... Anyone?
Friday, October 8, 2010
Spiritually and physically out of shape...
Thank you, Lord, for pushing me to take the leap. I don't want to waste the time You are giving me...
In other news, I'm back to trying lose some weight. Thanks to the fill-in Big Boss at work always bring evil snacks in, I have put on AT LEAST 5 lbs... maybe more. Not cool. So, I've been trying to get on the elliptical and do some pilates. Trying is the operative word.
Well today, at WalMart, something drew me to the fitness aisle. I started looking at the workout DVDs and I found Jillian Michaels' 30-Day Shred. It was only $9, so I got it. I know from the couple of times I've seen the Biggest Loser that this lady is hardcore.
No joke. I popped that DVD in and almost the entire time I wanted to scream, "Shut up, Jillian. I hate you!" LOL
OMG.... this workout is literally non-stop. No breaks. It was horrible and great at the same time. She says that the reason it's that way is so that you can get a lot done with your body in the 20 minutes and especially within the 30 days. I believe it. I almost passed out. Hahaha!
I'm so not giving up though. This whole body is way too jiggly. I'm letting Jillian whip this fatty into shape!
Wish me luck... Now time to take a nap so I don't pass out during my sister Katie's birthday dinner tonight. Korean BBQ... Mmmmm.....
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
The claws of false doctrine...
BUT.... There is bad news.
He has been sucked into a church that I now strongly believe is a cult.
Let me go back to the beginning...
Last Wednesday, as Ramon and I were talking on the phone, his brother asked him to ask me a question: "Do you believe that salvation is once and for all?"
I answered a resounding yes. Then there was silence, followed by Ramon telling me that his brother "made a face." Hmmmm....
Then I started having a very sinking feeling. The Holy Spirit was stirring within me. Something was not right about that question. Time to do some research on their church, The Potter's House Christian Fellowship (not to be confused with TD Jake's church, The Potter's House).
What I found was quite disturbing. This website really breaks it down. Here are the most troubling doctrines:
· You will learn that God has appointed your pastor to have authority over you and that you must be submitted to him in order to be in a right relationship with God. (So your pastor is the Head over you instead of Christ now?)
· You will be taught that The Potters House members are your real family and that you don’t need any other friends or family members.
· You will be taught that the fellowship is the greatest move of God on earth and that other churches are inferior and luked out, not possessing the special purpose/anointing the fellowship has.
· If you don’t go on church outreaches, attend every service in a week long revival, or be a part of everything the church does, you will not be treated like you fit in and your walk with God and commitment to God will be questioned. Even over the pulpit. (Fear and isolation tactics.)
· You will subtly be presented with the doctrine that you were saved by faith but now maintain your salvation by works. (Totally contradictory to what the scripture says about being saved by grace through faith and not by works. WOW!)
· You will be taught that if you were saved in a fellowship church in a certain location, then it was God who planted you there, and you are called to stay there for the rest of your life, with the exception of being sent out to pastor. (So you have to stay even if what they are teaching is contrary to the word of God. You are shackled to that fellowship.)
· If you consider leaving the fellowship, you will be told that you will likely end up backslidden, loose your salvation, live under a curse, have your family destroyed, or at minimum that you have lost your destiny in God. (So God isn't really in control?)
· People who express doubts or disagree with fellowship standards or the way the fellowship operates are considered rebels. (Cult much?)
· If you voice disagreement with something your pastor says or does you are considered to be practicing witchcraft against that pastor and they will threaten to turn the witchcraft back on you and something horrible will happen to you, thereby silencing anyone from questioning their practices.
· You will lose almost all, if not all of your friends, if you leave. People who were your friends will no longer associate with you for fear that you will defile or work some kind of “witchcraft” against their minds that might make them backslide or leave. They often believe that a spirit has deceived you into leaving and that by associating with you, that spirit will get on them.
· You will find out that all those who leave are consistently slandered. The church believes that those who leave are running from accountably, are bitter, or in rebellion. There is simply no way to choose to attend church elsewhere with their blessing and your reputation in tact. (You are not free to seek the truth out anywhere but there. Talk about control.)
· You are taught that if you don’t pay close attention to your salvation, you will loose it, like you can loose your salvation the way a person looses a set of car keys. (Again, fear tactics.)
· You have to ask your pastor's permission to date and marry. (Again, the Pastor is not God or the Holy Spirit who is to guide and direct you.)
· You will be discouraged from dating any Christian who is not a member of the same fellowship.
· In order to participate in church ministry you can not go to movies, own a TV, or watch any kind of movie in your home.
· You can not be in ministry and have a beard. It is said that if you have a beard, “you are hiding something”, even though Jesus had a beard.
· You are generally discouraged from fellowshipping or co-laboring with Christians outside the fellowship.
· The church has a practice of returning curses 7 times worse on people. (Wait. What happened to "bless those who curse you?")
If you are reading this and are a praying person, please lift my friend up. I wanted his salvation more than anything, but I didn't want him to get sucked into something like this. These people believe that you can lose your salvation through sin. They are living under the bondage of legalism. This is not what Christ died for. He loved us more than that. God is not a petty god who just plays around with us. He gave us a gift.... When we are saved through faith (NOT WORKS), our names are PERMANENTLY written in the book of life. Nothing can take that away (Romans 8:38-39)
Lord, please use your Holy Spirit to shield Ramon from the lies of the enemy... Give me the words to speak Your TRUTH at the appropriate time. Thank you, Lord.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Happy Chappy...

Thursday, September 30, 2010
Freeing the unfulfilled expectations...
Right after I posted my last entry, I read this article on Boundless. It speaks to exactly what I'm talking about: Letting go of unfulfilled dreams and expectations of your life. Very encouraging!
Here's an excerpt:
The truth is, I cannot dream God-sized dreams. I also cannot bear God-sized tragedies. Whether I am realizing dreams or dealing with the loss of them, I need the One who created me and loves me. Like the Moabitess, I can choose each day to cling to Him.
There is comfort in knowing the days of my life are numbered by Him. He knows all of the things I will not be. But really that's not so important. What is more important, is that He knows the things I will be. Things better than I could ever dream up.
Bye bye, young motherhood...
I officially would need to get pregnant pretty much right now in order to have a child before the age of 30. That's sad, but at the same time, what can I do? I am not the One in control.
I just never thought I would have kids after my 20s. Boo!
Lord, it's okay. I trust in you and know that you have an appointed time for everything. My 20s were not my time for Children and there IS a reason for it. I might not know what, but I know there is good reason. Thank you, Lord.
On another note, today's verse is a good one (see Bible Gateway Verse of the Day in the column to the right):
Philippians 1:9-10 (New International Version)
"And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ..."
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
"Why NOT Having Sex Might be Good for You"
Sure, Michelle Obama can run around the country and condemn little fatties for inhaling Little Debbies, but if you try and apply that same helpful, healthful concept to sex, it’s seen as pushy and/or prudish.
Listen, one doesn’t need to be religious (nor a rocket scientist) to see the value of abstinence. Let’s disregard the immediately eliminated risk of increasingly popular STD’ and STI’s. Heck, let’s even discount the statistical data showing that sexual exclusivity seems overwhelmingly conducive to a successful marriage .Abstinence also provides an incomparable bond of trust in a relationship.
Yes, I admit it, I’m in a long-term relationship and I’m abstinent. Scandalous, I know. It’s an incredibly difficult thing to do (mostly for me, because she’s way out of my league), and that’s what makes it so important.
I can tell you beyond any doubt, that my lady is able to control herself and stick to her values regardless of circumstance. Just as surely, she can say the same about me (Ben&Jerry’s benders notwithstanding). It is that display of self-control, that tangible example of living your principles through your life’s walk that ensures her that I won’t be jumping on the first well-proportioned opportunity that comes my way.
By the same token, I can rest easy knowing that my dame won’t be trying to bed Jersey Shore’s “The Situation” anytime soon. -- Though he does have great abs.
Strong trust is the result. Constantly we hear cries of women aimed at their supposedly overly jealous boyfriends, “What’s the matter? Don’t you trust me?”
No, he doesn’t. You slept with him on the first date and there is no reason for him to think that you wouldn’t do the same when a better offer comes along.
Full article here.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Deer in Headlights
Last week I had sent Ramon a message asking if he would be okay with me dropping by to see him while I'm in Texas. He answered me back this weekend and then some. At first it was chit-chat about missing me and saying hi to the family. I returned the sentiment. Then it took a turn.
He started getting into how he missed me and how I've always been special to him and his family. Then it was how his family wanted him to be with a good Christian girl and how he knew one (me), but she didn't want him.
All I could do was deflect onto God and said this:
Your family wants you to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ not to get married to the right girl, but to make sure they see you in Heaven one day. They love you. You need the Lord so you can learn to put Him first and to put other people before yourself. You are not ready to marry anyone until you can start putting God first and the needs of other before your own. I personally want to marry a man who loves God with all his heart and serves others. That's REAL love.
He told me I was right and that he was hoping that one day he could be a great man in the eyes of Jesus and that one day I could see him as a great man.
I really didn't know what to say or do with all this. I just kept trying to answer in the most G0d-honoring way I could think of, but I have to be honest, it was all freaking me out.
Then I come to work this morning and shared what was going on with my Christian sister, Connie, who already knows a little about what's going on, and who, by the way, has said from almost day one that she thinks Ramon is the man the Lord has for me. I shared the string of messages Ramon and I had sent to each other. All I could see was red flags (what?! I've been conditioned to be that way with him... can you blame me? Haha!). All she could see was the work the Lord is doing in this situation. Of course she did... She has a knack for being so positive, while I am super cautious and expect the worse. lol
Well, now things have taken yet ANOTHER turn. While at lunch, I got a text message from Ramon.
"Hey Kristina. It's me Ramon. I'm a Christian now."
Yikes. That was quick, Lord.
Now I feel like Connie may very well be right. Maybe the Lord did intend this guy for me. Maybe the Lord really does make good on His promises.
I guess I'm freaking out because 1) we have a past and 2) I'm not in control--he's not my dream Christian guy. He's a baby. He's flawed. He has a long road to travel in his walk. I hate to admit it, but I'm gonna have to really work at this and I guess I'm realizing that I really didn't want to have to do that.
I'm scared.
Help me, Lord. Make clear what it is You need me to do because right now I'm a deer caught in headlights...
P.S. Now that I've gotten this whole "me, me, me" meltdown out... Thank you, Jesus!!! for delivering my friend. Bless his life and bless his walk. Keep him in Your hands. Minister to him right where he is at this moment. Lord, you are amazing!!! Thank you for allowing me to have even a small part in this miracle. Praise Your holy name. I know the angels are rejoicing at this very moment. Hallelujah!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
A little of this and a little of that....
Some good news: The Secretary III, IV, and V tests opened back up. Thank you, Jesus. I literally teared up and thanked God. I didn't think this opportunity would come up for a LONG time because of the economy and budget issues. You better believe I applied for them IMMEDIATELY. I know I don't deserve it, but I'm hoping for favor on this. I really need to be doing more with my skills and knowledge. This just isn't enough...
I'm planning to go to Texas in the beginning of November. I want to see my cousin's little girl, who moved there a while ago and to whom I was not able to say a proper goodbye. I also just want to check Texas out and see if it is the type of place to which I would like to escape... er go. lol.
I have to admit, too, that I want to go see Ramon. I want to see how he's holding up. I'm curious to see what God has hopefully done in his life since going there. I want to see if he really has changed at all. I want to see his brothers and how they are being blessed by their service to the Lord. I want to see the family in general.
So yeah. I think all of that is a good reason to take my butt over to Texas for a weekend or a little longer...
I'm looking forward to another swamped October. I have Kaylin's 3rd birthday party, Misty's Baby Shower that I am co-hosting, a trip to Vegas for my sister's birthday and who knows what else. I have no idea why that month is always so full for me. At least I don't have to worry about Halloween. I've pretty much resigned myself to never "celebrating" it ever again. It's just not my thing and I KNOW it's not God's thing either, so that's enough reason for me. At least it means that Christmas is around the corner though. I love Christmas...
Got a call from my friend Mandy last night. My 10-year-old goddaughter got Above Average across the board on her state testing and she's getting an award for it. I'm so proud of her. Way to go, Julia!! Yay!!! I hope this is a sign of amazing things yet to come for her...
One last thing: I pulled out the bulletin from my last visit to church. It was dated August 1. Not good. That means it has been more than a month and a half since I set foot in a church. This is a problem. Lord, help me to fix this problem. Take away the excuses. I really need You and the fellowship of Your people...
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Forgetting the Single... and laughing about it.
20. Alexandra said the following at 9:24 PM on Sep 15:
Just ran into an old friend I hadn't seen for a while. She's about my age (30) and single, like me. We chatted and then she said, "so, seeing anyone; any changes in that department?" "Nope, I'm 'seeking first the kingdom,'" I said, smiling in a semi-insane way.
She almost died laughing. I think I'm going to start a new women's ministry called "Seeking First the Kingdom Club". It's for never-married women past 28. Sounds better than "old maids til the rapture" I guess.
SFK club represent!! Here is our cheer.
We're content!
Content just how we are!
We like men a lot!
But most of them are already married!
Or not as obsessed with Jesus as we are!
In the old days we'd be nuns!
But we're Protestant!
And we'd like to have sex and kids someday!
But only within the God-honoring context of marriage!
So we're kind of stuck!
But very, very content!
Seeking first, Seeking first, Seeking first the kingdom ofGod!!!
Forgetting the Single...
Well, as usual, I was reading Boundless and came across this post, which lead to a comment stream on trying to be content in your singleness.
This portion of a comment was so good and SO TRUE... I had to share it:
19. kaj said the following at 8:47 PM on Sep 15:
I challenge the married and dating people (and other singles as well) out in Boundless-Land: What are you doing to facilitate contentedness in your single friends?
Have you invited them to your home so they can enjoy a home-cooked meal, with a generous side order of fellowship, thus rescuing them from another mundane drive-through fast-food dinner?
I was hungry and you fed Me.
Have you invited them to grab some coffee (or whatever beverage suits you,) and find out about their life, such as their job or their hobbies?
I was thirsty and you gave Me something to drink.
Have you reached out to the newbie loitering in the church lobby, or maybe see someone sitting alone in a restaurant and said, "Hi, we are [names]; come join us?"
I was a stranger and you took Me in.
How about inviting an apartment-dwelling single to a day of free laundry at your house, where they won't have to worry about an evil "quarter-munching monster" and have time to talk between the dark loads and the permanent press cycles?
I was naked and you clothed Me.
Maybe they just need a shoulder to cry on, with no overworn clichés about being single (or what it would take to no longer be single). Perhaps you know a single person who is just brokenhearted and just needs to know someone who cares. Maybe (as appropriate), just a hug would do.
I was sick and you visited Me.
Or, perhaps, there's some single person who doesn't know where to go to enjoy fellowship and community, but you know where a bunch of your friends are hanging out, such as your neighbor's annual backyard cookout. The single person now has an excuse to "get out of the house."
I was in prison and you came to Me.
Maybe some singles exude an air of desperation or "discontentedness" because there are legitimate needs that haven't been met yet.
There has to be some things people of the Body of Christ can do to alleviate the struggles singles face: loneliness (some, for many reasons, don't even have a dog or a cat to come home to, Ashley in comment #7), physical needs (moving furniture, simple car repairs or résumé proofreading, perhaps?), or other things a couple (courting/dating, engaged, or married) might take for granted.
Then, perhaps, those "desperate-looking" singles won't appear so "desperate" anymore, because they have people who cared for them both in word and deed.
The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for Me.