Or I can just stay in this broken down shack...
Yeah, I’m not moving anymore. I went to check the house out over the weekend and found out that my future room was the size of my current bathroom. My bed would barely have fit in there, not to mention my dresser. It wasn’t doable. Plus the drive was a LOT further than I had anticipated. Mission: Live with Strangers is a no-go for now. =(
Or we can go on Craigslist and get a “new” one…
The dryer is completely kaput, so I finally got on Craig’s List and we found one for $100. Yay! One broken item handled--a million to go. I wonder if we can get a water heater on Craigslist? I should check when I get home.
Or we can “shower” Tijuana-style…
Yeah, by the way, the water heater is now completely dead too. All we have is ice cold water. Woohoo! We are doing it like the family in Mexico and boiling a pot of water to bathe ourselves. Sounds like fun, right? No. No it isn’t. Especially when you don’t have heat in your house and winter is fast approaching.
Or I can finally look for a new church…
Since I’m not moving back to the area anytime soon, returning to my beloved Calvary Chapel Chino Valley is out the window. I guess I need to just get over myself and look for a new church out here. Obviously, God has placed me here for a reason and He has no intention of moving me just yet. I think I will bite the bullet and check out Calvary Chapel Pasadena already.
Or I can dream of moving far away to Texas…
I got back from Dallas last Thursday and I already want to go back. I totally LOVED it. It’s just so much better out there in so many ways. The economy is a bazillion times better and there are jobs. The people are a lot friendlier. There is room to grow. I already know people out there. It’s just so much better than this Hell-hole called California. Truly…
(I’ll write more about Dallas later…. Wait for it… wait for it…)
2 Timothy 1:9
“He has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we
have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us
in Chr...
14 hours ago
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