I leave for Texas in 2 weeks and 2 days. When I think about that I get excited. I love traveling! I repeat: I LOVE TRAVELING!!
I've never been to Texas, so it's one more mark on the map. Well, actually two new marks because I'm going to two different cities: Dallas and Houston. Pretty cool. I'm also pretty proud that this is my first somewhat-long-distance trip on my own and paid for by me and only me.
Wow. I guess I'm growing up.
I am a little nervous about the whole Ramon situation. If it was up to me, I would go and not be bothered with ridiculous questions about losing my salvation. I would visit with the family and see a few sights, maybe even eat some good food. I know that won't happen though, because it's not up to me. It's up to my good Lord in Heaven, who I have a sneaky suspicion wants me to go speak His truth, even if it means that I may never see or hear from my friend again. Gotta do what He wants me to do.
We'll see. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe this trip will go off without a hitch. I'm just glad I will have a rental car and will be able to come and go as I please..... meaning, I can make an escape if I need to. lol.
Anyway.... It's not all about this whole Ramon thing. I will also be seeing my cousin's daughter and her mom, which should be fun too. They will be showing me around Dallas. They have me on the weekend, so I'm looking forward to doing some fun stuff. Let's see what Texas has to offer....
Yay trip to Texas! Let the countdown begin!
These are the times I wish I had the money for a new camera....
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