Because ultimately everything is about me, right? lol. Just kidding....
Monday I start my new position in the Chief Deputy's office. Kinda exciting, kinda not. It's something new and a new challenge AND will open up doors for me, but I'm not making that much more money and I'm going to miss my immediate co-workers. It's been so nice being able to fellowship at work, but nothing lasts forever does it.
My debt is so close to being paid off and it feels SO GOOD! Two years ago I was at nearly $24,000 of debt (not including that evil Audi, but mostly because of it). Right now I'm down to $5,000 and that's only because I added Invisalign to the mix. If it wasn't for Invisalign, I would be done already. October 2011 (7 months from now!), I will be officially debt-free! Hallelujah!
I have a date tonight with a guy from eHarmony with whom I have been texting and chatting over the phone. He's white, which is out of my norm (I love me some brown dudes, what can I say), but he's funny and seems cool. We'll see what happens. It's in God's hands.
I'm also chatting with another guy on eHarmony (who IS brown... lol). This guys seems like he has more of a solid relationship with the Lord, so I'm definitely not going to rule him out either. I'm learning that I need to leave myself a little more open and available to different opportunities. I'm definitely not a player, but I'm also not obligated to anyone right now. Until you are committed and maybe even put a ring on my finger, I don't owe you anything. I know what I want and won't settle for less than anyone who loves the Lord and who is ready for that next step in his life. This too is in God's hands.
That's about it.... I'll update what happens tonight later. Peace!
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
“[Praise to the God of All Comfort] Praise be to the God and Father of our
Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who
1 day ago