Have you ever seen Inception? If you have, then I can say that it’s pretty darn close to what my dreams are like: very vivid and extremely detailed and, much of the time, utterly bizarre.
Last night I had a very strange and morbid dream. I’ve never dreamt of anyone committing suicide… until last night.
In the dream I was going to meet up with a friend I used to work with at Magic Mountain who I haven’t seen in years. I’m in a grocery store and I look out a window across the street to see 5 or 6 dogs running down the sidewalk. Only these dogs are standing upright and are dressed in sweatsuits. Weird and kinda funny actually. Everyone in the dream stopped to see these dogs. I was so intrigued that I decided to go outside to get a better look.
As I’m walking to the curb to look across the street I approach a beat up old truck. Inside in the passenger seat is the friend I’m waiting for. We say hi and then out of no where this thuggish looking girl walks out from the store with a gun in her hand. She starts shooting at the dogs and killing them one by one. I turn away because I don’t want to see this and when I look back at her she’s crying.
I realize that those are her dogs that she is killing. Then another girl approaches her crying and screaming to try and tell her to stop killing the dogs. I instinctually know this is the girl’s girlfriend (random, I know; I’ve never had dreams involving lesbians either). The girl turns and shoots her girlfriend.
At this point, I’m thinking this girl is on a rampage and is going to shoot me and my friend since we are witnesses and the closest to her. I can hear my friend scream from the car to please not shoot her, while in that very moment I’m trying to run behind the truck so this girl doesn’t shoot me (courageous, right? Lol). I look back at her and, instead of shooting anyone else, she puts the gun to her own forehead. I immediately look away because I don’t want to see what’s going to happen next.
That’s when I wake up.
Ick. What was that about? I tell you. I don’t understand what goes on in my subconscious brain sometimes… I’m not even going to try to interpret that one. Maybe I just watch too much TV...
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
“[Praise to the God of All Comfort] Praise be to the God and Father of our
Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who
1 day ago
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