There are two different married couples in my life who are having problems in their marriage and who are this close to crumbling. One wife wants to leave for good reason (pretty much abuse and drug involvement). The other wife doesn't want to leave, but her husband isn't man enough to be honest with her about never wanting to be with her in the first place. In both cases the human side of me feels for the women and is on their sides and wanting them to get away from these ridiculous men.
The Holy Spirit in me, however, is on the side of marriage in general. I'm on the side of healing in marriage. Why? Because I'm on the side of anything the devil hates and God loves. The devil hates marriage. His biggest mission seems to destroy all marriages. Why? Because the more broken marriages there are, the more broken and VULNERABLE people and children there are. It's a breeding ground for future mistakes and sins that could be so avoidable:
Men never marrying again because they no longer "trust women."
Women marrying any fool who comes along just so they won't have to be alone.
Little girls sleeping with multiple men, trying to find the daddy that was absent in their lives.
Little boys becoming addicts and criminals because they don't have a daddy to show them how to be the right kind of man.
And the list goes on...
The number one reason the Devil hates marriage, specifically between Christians, is because marriage is a picture of our relationship with Christ. He is the bridegroom and we are the bride. He paid it all to have us. He loves us and we love him and he will someday come back for his bride like knight in shining armor. The enemy HATES that with a passion. He would rather we be divorced from God forever, which is what we are when we are in our sin and without Christ.
Pray for all the married people in your life. EVERY DAY they are fighting against the enemy himself to keep their marriages together. It's hard, but it's not impossible... and God can heal even the most impossible situations. Look at my parents... The Lord healed their marriage after 10 years of being apart. He can do ANYTHING!
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
“[Praise to the God of All Comfort] Praise be to the God and Father of our
Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who
1 day ago
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