Thursday, April 29, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
Illegal is still Illegal...
All definitions of Illegal. That makes Illegal Immigration against the law, prohibitied, dishonest, and criminal. Period.
There is a hot debate right now in light of the passage of legislation in the State of Arizona that gives police officers the duty of checking the documentation of people suspected of being illegal. People are angry that the police are trying to police. Okaaaaayyyy....
They are angry that illegal immigrants are being treated like criminals. Okaaaayyyy.... (Please see above definitions of illegal and tell me that illegal immigrants aren't by definition criminals.)
My father came here illegally from Mexico. He was fortunate enough to get caught up in the wave of amnesty in the 80s and is now legal, but would have been anyway because he married an American. He has worked hard and paid his dues, even learning pretty darn good English--he has assimilated pretty well and rightly so. Despite all of that however, what he did was still wrong. He broke the law. The fact that he is my father, I love him, I probably wouldn't be alive and living in the greatest country on God's green earth if he hadn't come here, etc. doesn't mean that I should by default agree with what he did and support illegal immigrants and what they are doing. I'm sorry.
I feel for them and I understand why they feel they have nowhere else to go sometimes, but that is the responsibility of their home countries and their governments to fix. It's not America's problem. It's not our responsibility.
We have an immigration system for a reason. It's to check and re-check each person coming into this country to make sure they are safe and not a threat to society as a whole, whether through violence or by draining our resources. When people start bypassing that system there is a big chance that awfull, scary, shady people are getting in. Do we really want that?
Yes, of course, the majority of the people coming in are decent, hard-working people just like my Dad, but if even one murder or rapist or TERRORIST gets in undetected, we're all in danger. This is why illegal immigration is Illegal... as in breaking the law. Law is designed to protect us. When we allow people to break the law, we all start becoming increasingly unsafe. I am not trying to live in a country that's any less safe than it needs to be. We already have enough problems with our LEGAL citizens....
So yeah... If you don't agree with this then you might be a little loopy and maybe you don't belong here.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Facebook No-No's
Anyone who has a Facebook account knows that it’s a hotbed for complaining, of which I am probably the most guilty (muahaha). Just today I posted up a comment that implied just how much I hate it when chicks do their makeup while driving. That can be construed as a complaint. I guess we all vent and moan on Facebook. As humans we just like to share in our life experience and relate to each other through our misgivings. It’s just a fact.
Well, that’s all good and well, as long as we are not using all of our Facebook time complaining and being negative. There are a couple of things I have observed, however, that I think are never okay on Facebook and here they are:
1. Facebook is not a forum for you to air your dirty laundry or talk about extremely personal issues. I don’t care if you have a yeast infection. That’s gross. It’s also private and should stay that way. I don’t need to know that you got freaky with some random dude/chick last night whose name you don’t remember today. That is also gross and don’t even get mad at me for judging you because you know that mess is dirty. Lol. (And saying “don’t judge me” in your comment doesn’t exempt you either…. Hahaha!)
2. If you are in a relationship and you are going through a rough patch, don’t start fights and arguments with each other on Facebook for the whole world to see. Again, that is private. You might as well set up a camera in your living room and stream your arguments live. We don’t need to know this stuff, and again, we will judge you… especially if there are kids involved. I know what many are gonna think is "if you are not adult enough to keep your relationship problems between you and your significant other, than you might not be adult enough to be in a relationship, let alone to be raising kids." I’m sorry, but it’s the truth. I know I myself am a pretty open book, but I’m not in a relationship with another person who’s feelings and needs I need to take into account first. It’s about respecting yourself, as well as that other person and their privacy. Plus, you don’t know who is watching. That stuff can seriously put your job and reputation in jeopardy, which I guess also applies to all these points.
3. If you have beef with someone, the first thing you need to do is get it resolved directly with that person and learn to forgive. If you can’t, that’s fine. Then your next step is to walk away, remove them from your friends list, and let it go. Don’t use Facebook to bully that person, insult them, etc. It just makes YOU look like a scumbag… even if they were the one in the wrong. Let God handle them. There is also no need to get all your other Facebook friends to “back you up” by talking crap to and harassing that person also. What is this… the Mafia? It’s supposed to be a social networking site, not a social terrorizing site. Let’s be adults here. I have a teenager, a 10-year-old, and a baby (shout-out to Baby Alex) on my friends list and I never see them behaving so childishly via their Facebook accounts. Sheesh!
(And on a side note: As your friend, what makes me think that if I piss you off for some dumb reason that you won't do the same to me. That's a lot to think about...)
Look, I know I’m not perfect (never have been, NEVER will be) and I have lashed out and said some dumb stuff publicly that I regretted so much… you all know this. =) We are all human and have emotions that can sometimes overtake us, but we really need to try to be better than this, people. We ARE better than this. I know you guys are better than this. Don’t get caught up. We all need a good dose of common sense, myself included most definitely. (We really got to get over ourselves is what it is.)
Please, by all means, call me out when you see me doing some dumb stuff like this. It might not be easy for me to hear (or I guess read), but I’ll know that you really care about me because of your honesty…
The good news is that there is always redemption and forgiveness. Now let’s all join hands and sing Cumbaya…. Love you guys! =)
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Socialized Healthcare: A Sign of Things to Come
This woman was not denied surgery. She was denied the ability to even be on the list for surgery. All because she tried to seek private help because of the horribly long wait lists that come with socialzied medicine. Imagine being in horrid pain and having to wait "in line" for months, even years, before it can be alleviated. Especially when you don't have access to all kinds of medicines that could be helping with th pain because they are too expensive for the government (or the people, really) to afford to dole out.... Sickening. Get ready folks. This is us next.
Read on here: NHS bars woman after she saw private doctor - Times Online
Lord, help us....
Baby epidemic...
Sheez!!!! Talk about rubbing it in my face. LOL. Just kidding.
I am so happy for everyone, but I really don't know how I am supposed to afford getting all these people Baby Shower gifts, and I definitely don't know how much time I have available to go see all these kids when they are born. Hahaha.... Yeah right. Who am I kidding? There is always time for the babies. I will just have to pencil each one in. lol
Yikes. It's a baby epidemic!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Spilling Beans, Salsa Dancing, and Sickness
Thank you, Lord, for keeping my sister safe!!! Hallelujah!
Sandy was shaken up, but thankfully that was all. She was spared the horrifying experience of being held up in a robbery. We know that these guys had guns and have used guns in their past robberies. Yes, past. As in they had already hit many branches of the check-cashing company that Sandy works for. Nice.
Anyway, after telling us her story she then got into how she is ready to get married already. Kim and I looked at each other and with just that look decided to spill the beans. We confessed to Sandy what our plans were for the night before.... before those idiot criminals foiled our plans. Sandy broke down crying. Partly because she didn't get to go to David's Bridal and partly because she was touched at our surprise. Immediately following the tears though was utter excitement.
Wedding plans have officially commenced....
That same night, Kim and I went out Salsa Dancing. What a joke (lol!). We got to Mama Juana's a little late, so the Salsa lessons were wrapping up. That didn't stop the instructor from throwing us in with the rest of the learners. Unfortunately, they were past the basics, so just when we were trying to learn the basic moves, they started throwing in the fancy stuff, including turns. I tried. And then I tried. And then I tried some more. I totally failed though. So after a while I quit. Yeah, I'm a quitter. Oh well. The guy even called me out on it, but I didn't care. When I know I can't do something well, I just don't do it. It's the perfectionist in me. Sorry!
Once the lesson was over, it got really fun. We mostly sat there and watched everyone else dance, but they were so good! That was enough entertainment right there. I felt like I was watching Dirty Dancing. And the Asians!!! My goodness, the Asians were REALLY good. I was shocked. They are not joking when it comes to Salsa Dancing. Hahaha!
They occasionally played some Merengue and Cumbias, so were were able to get out and take turns dancing with Jorge, Kim's friend from work. So we didn't sit on our butts the whole time. Kim and I caught the bug though... we both really want to take some lessons. We're supposed to be "latinas." We have no excuse for not knowing this stuff.... especially since our father is like a world-class dancer. Guess we should have swallowed our embarrassment when we were younger and let our Dad drag us out onto the dance floor more often. Too late now...
By the time Sunday rolled around, I wasn't feeling too hot, but we ended up having a BBQ at the house. It was laid back and fun, but by the end of it, I knew I was full-blown sick. I had a horrible headache and went to bed early. By the next morning it was worse, but I thought I could make it in to work. WRONG.
I was almost to work from the Valley, when I decided it wasn't a good idea. I called work and told them I was sick and wouldn't be in and continued on to my current home in Pomona. I literally got home, kicked off my shoes, and crawled into bed... with my work clothes on and everything. When I woke up a few hours later, Mom was home. We both lounged on the couches the rest of the day (me, mostly sleeping) and she was nice enough to make me some lunch.
I ended up staying home the next day also (yesterday) and finally decided that I NEEDED to come in to work today. I wish I could have stayed home because I'm still not doing too good, but "you gotta do what you gotta do." If I didn't come to work today I wouldn't have enough time on the books to take off the whole week I will need next month to move.
*sigh* Growing up.... Responsibilities.... Life.... No fun sometimes....
Friday, April 9, 2010
"Mission Aborted"
Phase 1 of Operation Wedding Master Plan was foiled last night.
On my way to David's Bridal, I got a text message from my sister Kim saying that Sandy wasn't going to make it and the plans were off because someone tried to rob her store (she works at a check cashing place).
Double gah!
I was so mad. I wanted to go looking for this person for ruining my plans.
Then I had to stop and re-direct the focus off of my own feelings. Poor Sandy. That must have been terrifying. I don't know the details yet, but I'm assuming the person had a gun, or at least some kind of weapon.
Thank you, Lord in Heaven, that Sandy was not harmed. Thank you for your loving kindness and mercy. There could have been no wedding at all, but you kept her safe. THANK YOU, JESUS!
Guess it's back to the drawing board...
BTW, yesterday was very odd. Not only did Sandy have her ordeal, but my other sister Katie had a strange situation to deal with also. She's been housesitting for a family of one of the kids at her school. They left a very sick dog in her care while they were gone. Well, the dogs health started to deteriorate through the week, and yesterday morning she had the unfortunate task of calling the family up and letting them know that the dog had passed away. How awkward to have to be the one to find the animal and then inform the family. You feel sad, but at the same time it's like, "this isn't even my pet." Weird....
April 8 will go down in history, I tell you... lol
Thursday, April 8, 2010
"The Eagle has Landed"
All this secretive stuff is so funny to me. I literally had to text Sandy and ask her what size bra she wears (to make sure we have a strapless bra for her when she tries on dresses). I lied and told her that my Mom bought me some bras, but they were too small and maybe she might want to take a look at them to see if she would want them. She replied back with a billion "haha's" because she knows that whenever my Mom tries to buy me any article of clothing I usually don't like it (I can't help it... we just don't have the same taste). She totally bought it. Muahaha! I'm way too good at being sneaky...
I'm so happy for Sandy. As much as I know she is fearful about getting married and being able to have the wedding of her dreams, I know she will start to be filled with excitement when the plans FINALLY begin to unfurl. Most of us girls dream of the day we get married. Plus, marriage is the full commitment and promise of security... well it's supposed to be at least. In this case, I'm sure it is. =)
So, I'll check back in later to give a run-down of what happens.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
PC (Political Correctness) = OTL (Offends the Left)
In my opinion, the most amazing truth that Mr. Prager, a non-Christian, makes in this article is that there is a very real attack by the Left on Christianity right now. When a Jew is pointing out that Christianity is being attacked and defending it, you know it's not just some crazy consipiracy or bout of paranoia:
...What is significant is that the civil rights commission and the city administrator of an American city -- a heartland city -- would recommend that Good Friday be replaced by the meaningless "Spring Holiday."
It is significant for these reasons:
1. There really is a war against Christianity.
Leftism functions as a secular religion, and its adherents understand that the major obstacle to the dominance of Leftist policies and values is traditional religion, specifically Christianity. With the demise of Christianity in Western Europe, Leftist ideas and values came to dominate that continent. America, the most religious industrialized democracy, remains the great exception.
5. Non-Christians offended by Good Friday as an American holiday are narcissists.
The Left tells us that non-Christians are offended by the government celebrating Good Friday. As a Jew, permit me to say that any non-Christian offended by Good Friday or Christmas gives new meaning to the word "narcissist." To seek to erase the name Good Friday is an exercise in self-centeredness and ingratitude that is jaw-dropping. We non-Christian Americans live in the freest society in human history; it was produced by people nearly every one of who celebrated Good Friday, and we have the gall to want to rename it?
Read the whole column here.
Well put, Mr. Prager. For as long as Christianity has existed, Christians have recognized Jews as the chosen people of God and we've supported the Jewish nation of Israel. It's nice to see some support being reciprocated.
My 2-Day-Late Easter Post
“You were as I, Tempted and tried, Human. The word became flesh, Bore my sin and death. Now you're risen” Lead Me to the Cross by Hillsong United
“Look at these hands and my side. They swallowed the grave on that night, When I drank the world's sin, So I could carry you in, And give you life. I want to give you life.” By Your Side by Tenth Avenue North
“Love is here. Love is now. Love is pouring from His hands, from his brows. Love is near, it satisfies. Streams of mercy flowing from his side. 'Cause love is here.” Love is Here by Tenth Avenue North
“Worthy is the Lamb who was slain. Holy, Holy is He.” Revelation Song
“He became sin, Who knew no sin, that we might become His righteousness. He humbled Himself and carried the cross. Love so amazing. Love so amazing… His body the bread. His blood the wine. Broken and poured out all for love. The whole earth trembled and the veil was torn. Love so amazing. Love so amazing…” Jesus Messiah by Chris Tomlin."My chains are gone. I've been set free. My God, my Saviour, has ransomed me. And like a flood, His mercy rains. Unending love. Amazing grace." Amazing Grace (My Chains are Gone) by Chris Tomlin
“I feel so alive, for the very first time. I can’t deny you….” Alive by P.O.D.
“Now that I know you I could never turn my back away. Now that I see you, I believe no matter what they say.” Alive by P.O.D.
Praise Your name, Jesus. Thank You for the work on the cross on behalf of this lowly sinner. I love You!
Monday, April 5, 2010
Robin Hood... Not so much
But then I remembered something.
Robin Hood felt he needed to steal from the rich because the rich (a.k.a. the government/law enforcement [Prince John/Sheriff of Nottingham]) were gouging the people through taxation.
Oh wait. That's what the Liberals also want to do: Tax us to death. They want to take those taxes up as high as they possibly can to pay off all this debt and to fund all these public programs.
No wonder! Duh!
They don't want anyone to make that equation because in Robin Hood, those guys--the ones taxing the people up the wazoo--are the BAD guys. We wouldn't want anyone seeing us as the bad guys, now would we....
Friday, April 2, 2010
The Sin of Depression
I disagree. It's pure and simple, sin. Period.
I have struggled with depression since I can remember... pretty much always. I used to think it was something out of my control. I used to think it was some affliction that I couldn't just "snap out of." I justified it left and right so that I wouldn't have to take responsibility for it.
The Lord, in the last few years, has shown me otherwise.
Depression isn't the result of of some genetic pre-disposition. It's a choice we make. It's a frame of mind. It's the result of listening and even clinging to the lies of the enemy. It's a form of self-centeredness. It's focusing on yourself instead of the Lord and His TRUTH and promises.... truths and promises that are scattered all over His Word.
I used to believe all kinds of lies. They ranged from self-pity to self-righteousness.
"I am a horrible person and I don't deserve to be happy."
"I am a good Christian. I don't have sex. I don't steal. I don't deserve to be unhappy all the time. I have't done anything wrong."
LIES. All lies.
The Bible says that if we cling to the Lord he will bring us joy, peace, blessings, etc. (John 15:11, Acts 2:28, Romans 5:1, Romans 15:13, Galatians 5:22)
The Bible says that we ALL sin and fall short of the glory of God--we are ALL sinners. (Psalms 51:1-5, Romans 3:10, Romans 3:23)
What is the cure to Depression? Choosing not to feed into these lies. Putting God and His will before our own. Rejoicing ALWAYS and in EVERY CIRCUMSTANCE--good or bad:
Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Philippians 4:4
As well as, clinging to the TRUTH of the Word of God and His promises that He will not forsake us and that He wants the best for us:
...God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." Hebrews 13:5b
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
I will never be perfect. I still struggle with self-pity at times. Depression is the burden that I was given and it's up to me to fight it. If I fall back into it, it's no one's fault but my own. I have a choice...
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Let me get this straight...
We're going to be gifted with a health care plan
El amor
Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him. Psalms 34:8