So the day after the whole David's Bridal debacle, Sandy came to Kim's house for breakfast. She told us the whole story about how these would-be robbers were foiled. Apparently, Sandy's co-worker had a gut feeling that something wasn't right and just minutes before these guys tried to commit their robbery she walked over to the door and locked up. So when they decided to come through the front door they couldn't get in. They saw Sandy and her co-worker both on the phone and probably thought they were calling the cops, so they took off.
Thank you, Lord, for keeping my sister safe!!! Hallelujah!
Sandy was shaken up, but thankfully that was all. She was spared the horrifying experience of being held up in a robbery. We know that these guys had guns and have used guns in their past robberies. Yes, past. As in they had already hit many branches of the check-cashing company that Sandy works for. Nice.
Anyway, after telling us her story she then got into how she is ready to get married already. Kim and I looked at each other and with just that look decided to spill the beans. We confessed to Sandy what our plans were for the night before.... before those idiot criminals foiled our plans. Sandy broke down crying. Partly because she didn't get to go to David's Bridal and partly because she was touched at our surprise. Immediately following the tears though was utter excitement.
Wedding plans have officially commenced....
That same night, Kim and I went out Salsa Dancing. What a joke (lol!). We got to Mama Juana's a little late, so the Salsa lessons were wrapping up. That didn't stop the instructor from throwing us in with the rest of the learners. Unfortunately, they were past the basics, so just when we were trying to learn the basic moves, they started throwing in the fancy stuff, including turns. I tried. And then I tried. And then I tried some more. I totally failed though. So after a while I quit. Yeah, I'm a quitter. Oh well. The guy even called me out on it, but I didn't care. When I know I can't do something well, I just don't do it. It's the perfectionist in me. Sorry!
Once the lesson was over, it got really fun. We mostly sat there and watched everyone else dance, but they were so good! That was enough entertainment right there. I felt like I was watching Dirty Dancing. And the Asians!!! My goodness, the Asians were REALLY good. I was shocked. They are not joking when it comes to Salsa Dancing. Hahaha!
They occasionally played some Merengue and Cumbias, so were were able to get out and take turns dancing with Jorge, Kim's friend from work. So we didn't sit on our butts the whole time. Kim and I caught the bug though... we both really want to take some lessons. We're supposed to be "latinas." We have no excuse for not knowing this stuff.... especially since our father is like a world-class dancer. Guess we should have swallowed our embarrassment when we were younger and let our Dad drag us out onto the dance floor more often. Too late now...
By the time Sunday rolled around, I wasn't feeling too hot, but we ended up having a BBQ at the house. It was laid back and fun, but by the end of it, I knew I was full-blown sick. I had a horrible headache and went to bed early. By the next morning it was worse, but I thought I could make it in to work. WRONG.
I was almost to work from the Valley, when I decided it wasn't a good idea. I called work and told them I was sick and wouldn't be in and continued on to my current home in Pomona. I literally got home, kicked off my shoes, and crawled into bed... with my work clothes on and everything. When I woke up a few hours later, Mom was home. We both lounged on the couches the rest of the day (me, mostly sleeping) and she was nice enough to make me some lunch.
I ended up staying home the next day also (yesterday) and finally decided that I NEEDED to come in to work today. I wish I could have stayed home because I'm still not doing too good, but "you gotta do what you gotta do." If I didn't come to work today I wouldn't have enough time on the books to take off the whole week I will need next month to move.
*sigh* Growing up.... Responsibilities.... Life.... No fun sometimes....
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
“[Praise to the God of All Comfort] Praise be to the God and Father of our
Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who
1 day ago
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