Thursday, April 22, 2010

Facebook No-No's

Anyone who has a Facebook account knows that it’s a hotbed for complaining, of which I am probably the most guilty (muahaha). Just today I posted up a comment that implied just how much I hate it when chicks do their makeup while driving. That can be construed as a complaint. I guess we all vent and moan on Facebook. As humans we just like to share in our life experience and relate to each other through our misgivings. It’s just a fact.

Well, that’s all good and well, as long as we are not using all of our Facebook time complaining and being negative. There are a couple of things I have observed, however, that I think are never okay on Facebook and here they are:

1. Facebook is not a forum for you to air your dirty laundry or talk about extremely personal issues. I don’t care if you have a yeast infection. That’s gross. It’s also private and should stay that way. I don’t need to know that you got freaky with some random dude/chick last night whose name you don’t remember today. That is also gross and don’t even get mad at me for judging you because you know that mess is dirty. Lol. (And saying “don’t judge me” in your comment doesn’t exempt you either…. Hahaha!)

2. If you are in a relationship and you are going through a rough patch, don’t start fights and arguments with each other on Facebook for the whole world to see. Again, that is private. You might as well set up a camera in your living room and stream your arguments live. We don’t need to know this stuff, and again, we will judge you… especially if there are kids involved. I know what many are gonna think is "if you are not adult enough to keep your relationship problems between you and your significant other, than you might not be adult enough to be in a relationship, let alone to be raising kids." I’m sorry, but it’s the truth. I know I myself am a pretty open book, but I’m not in a relationship with another person who’s feelings and needs I need to take into account first. It’s about respecting yourself, as well as that other person and their privacy. Plus, you don’t know who is watching. That stuff can seriously put your job and reputation in jeopardy, which I guess also applies to all these points.

3. If you have beef with someone, the first thing you need to do is get it resolved directly with that person and learn to forgive. If you can’t, that’s fine. Then your next step is to walk away, remove them from your friends list, and let it go. Don’t use Facebook to bully that person, insult them, etc. It just makes YOU look like a scumbag… even if they were the one in the wrong. Let God handle them. There is also no need to get all your other Facebook friends to “back you up” by talking crap to and harassing that person also. What is this… the Mafia? It’s supposed to be a social networking site, not a social terrorizing site. Let’s be adults here. I have a teenager, a 10-year-old, and a baby (shout-out to Baby Alex) on my friends list and I never see them behaving so childishly via their Facebook accounts. Sheesh!

(And on a side note: As your friend, what makes me think that if I piss you off for some dumb reason that you won't do the same to me. That's a lot to think about...)

Look, I know I’m not perfect (never have been, NEVER will be) and I have lashed out and said some dumb stuff publicly that I regretted so much… you all know this. =) We are all human and have emotions that can sometimes overtake us, but we really need to try to be better than this, people. We ARE better than this. I know you guys are better than this. Don’t get caught up. We all need a good dose of common sense, myself included most definitely. (We really got to get over ourselves is what it is.)

Please, by all means, call me out when you see me doing some dumb stuff like this. It might not be easy for me to hear (or I guess read), but I’ll know that you really care about me because of your honesty…

The good news is that there is always redemption and forgiveness. Now let’s all join hands and sing Cumbaya…. Love you guys! =)

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