Against the law; prohibited; dishonest; criminal.
All definitions of Illegal. That makes Illegal Immigration against the law, prohibitied, dishonest, and criminal. Period.
There is a hot debate right now in light of the passage of legislation in the State of Arizona that gives police officers the duty of checking the documentation of people suspected of being illegal. People are angry that the police are trying to police. Okaaaaayyyy....
They are angry that illegal immigrants are being treated like criminals. Okaaaayyyy.... (Please see above definitions of illegal and tell me that illegal immigrants aren't by definition criminals.)
My father came here illegally from Mexico. He was fortunate enough to get caught up in the wave of amnesty in the 80s and is now legal, but would have been anyway because he married an American. He has worked hard and paid his dues, even learning pretty darn good English--he has assimilated pretty well and rightly so. Despite all of that however, what he did was still wrong. He broke the law. The fact that he is my father, I love him, I probably wouldn't be alive and living in the greatest country on God's green earth if he hadn't come here, etc. doesn't mean that I should by default agree with what he did and support illegal immigrants and what they are doing. I'm sorry.
I feel for them and I understand why they feel they have nowhere else to go sometimes, but that is the responsibility of their home countries and their governments to fix. It's not America's problem. It's not our responsibility.
We have an immigration system for a reason. It's to check and re-check each person coming into this country to make sure they are safe and not a threat to society as a whole, whether through violence or by draining our resources. When people start bypassing that system there is a big chance that awfull, scary, shady people are getting in. Do we really want that?
Yes, of course, the majority of the people coming in are decent, hard-working people just like my Dad, but if even one murder or rapist or TERRORIST gets in undetected, we're all in danger. This is why illegal immigration is Illegal... as in breaking the law. Law is designed to protect us. When we allow people to break the law, we all start becoming increasingly unsafe. I am not trying to live in a country that's any less safe than it needs to be. We already have enough problems with our LEGAL citizens....
So yeah... If you don't agree with this then you might be a little loopy and maybe you don't belong here.
Isaiah 25:1
“[Praise to the LORD] LORD, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise
your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done wonderful things,
things plann...
1 day ago
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