This morning, as I drove in to work, Robin Hood popped into my head (don't ask me why... I'm random like that, okay... lol). That thought led to me thinking "I'm surprised Liberals don't use Robin Hood as their official hero/icon." Afterall, he "stole from the rich to feed the poor"... or, in other words, he "spread the wealth," which seems to be their favorite pastime. Heck even Barack said that spreading the wealth is a "good thing for everyone."
But then I remembered something.
Robin Hood felt he needed to steal from the rich because the rich (a.k.a. the government/law enforcement [Prince John/Sheriff of Nottingham]) were gouging the people through taxation.
Oh wait. That's what the Liberals also want to do: Tax us to death. They want to take those taxes up as high as they possibly can to pay off all this debt and to fund all these public programs.
No wonder! Duh!
They don't want anyone to make that equation because in Robin Hood, those guys--the ones taxing the people up the wazoo--are the BAD guys. We wouldn't want anyone seeing us as the bad guys, now would we....
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
“[Praise to the God of All Comfort] Praise be to the God and Father of our
Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who
1 day ago
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