“God’s Plan for You”
What does that mean? People tell you that God has a plan for your life. I’ve told people the same. The Bible talks about God’s plan and purpose. It’s a real thing. It exists, but I don’t think we really think about how important it is and how imperative it is that we stay inside of that plan.
Last night the Lord showed me a picture of what His plan looks like.
I envisioned a table full of guests. Each one of us is a guest at God’s table. We all are invited to eat and partake, BUT only from the menu that he has pre-selected for us. (Literally picture a menu laid out in front of you with your name at the top: “Kristina’s Menu. By God.”)
Your menu has food that God knows will taste the best on your tongue, smell the best to your nose, look the best to your eyes, and most importantly nourish your body in the best way for it. Nothing on that menu is bad for you. It’s all stuff that He knows you will enjoy… better than you even know for yourself.
That menu is tailor-made for you by the most perfect and high being in existence. You look happily at your menu, excited to taste and see what’s in store. Why would you want anything other than that menu?
Yet, you can’t help it. You put your menu down and start trying to get a peek at the menu belonging to the person next to you.
“What a minute. Why does she get cheesecake?” Even though you know you are lactose intolerant! lol.
You start to want what’s on your neighbor’s menu, but that’s not your menu. The things on that menu are for that person and that person alone… especially made for that person. They may even have a couple of the same items you have on your menu, but not everything is the same. There are things on their menu that look ‘better” to you and you think you want more than what’s on your menu. Suddenly, it doesn’t seem fair.
Pretty soon, you forget about how happy you were with your menu. Pretty soon you aren’t happy. So you start insisting on ordering the things on the other person’s menu. When God doesn’t give them to you, you yell, scream, cry... whatever you think will make Him cave in to your demands. Or He might allow you to try those things you think you so desperately need just so you can see for yourself that they aren’t so tasty on your tongue and don’t do the best things for your body. He allows you learn the hard way.
Pretty soon you are wishing you would have stuck to your own menu.
God’s plan is like the menu. He’s already tailor-made it for you. It IS perfect. It IS exactly what is right for you and you alone.
When we deviate from that plan or look at other people’s lives with envy, it’s like we are trying to taste from our neighbor’s menu the things that are not on our menu. It’s not for you and you are going to find out the hard way that it’s not as tasty as you had hoped. You should have stuck with your menu because it was not going to dissappoint.
Thank God that He always lets us come back to our menu and try again. Even better He provides us with a glass of living water to cleanse our palette from the bad taste of the things we should have stayed away from to begin with.
God really is so good to us.
Lord, forgive me for not always trusting in your plan for me. You know what’s best for my life. Strengthen my faith in you, Lord, and keep me always focused on your perfect will for my life. Thank you for always bringing me back to Your table.
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
“[Praise to the God of All Comfort] Praise be to the God and Father of our
Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who
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