Things are good and there is so much to be thankful for. I'm thankful that in less than a week I get to eat some turkey and other good stuff. lol.
Things have made such a turnaround in the last couple of weeks in so many way. I've gotten to see first-hand what God can do if you just let Him handle things. He puts everything in the most perfect order and things happen in an even better way than you could have imagined them happening. This is the beginning of a whole new trust and belief in the Lord... a deeper trust and belief. I know He is real and is really working things out for me in a way that is the most beneficial for me and those around me.
I won't get into details on what exactly is happening with my love life (for now). I'll share when I feel the time is right. I can say, however, that I'm seeing God moving in my sister's and brother-in-law's lives. I've been going to church with them every weekend. And speaking of church, my goddaughter has been coming too, which is a miracle. I've been praying for her mom to know the Lord. Then out of know where, her mom approached me about taking her child to church with me and has even mentioned coming along one of these days. Talk about the Lord opening a door. It's so incredible!
You are amazing, Lord. There is none like You. =)
I think this is going to be the best Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years (hey and maybe even Valentine's Day *wink wink*) I've ever had.
Lord, I'm the most thankful for You and my salvation. YOU are the gift that keeps on giving.
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
“[Praise to the God of All Comfort] Praise be to the God and Father of our
Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who
1 day ago
Yeah, I'm with you.
Thankful I'll be eating turkey and I recently found out there will be a pumpkin pie, and hopefully stuffing.
Congratulations on your love life...and also, isn't prayer awesome?
One of the greatest weapons we have in our aresenal as Christians. Praise the Lord.
You said it... Its our most powerful weapon indeed. Amen!
I love Thanksgiving! Hope yours it's abundantly blessed. :)
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