Monday, October 31, 2011

Rest in Peace, Nessa

Speaking of being in the deep, scary valley...

This morning I got news from my sister that her old best friend, Vanessa, passed in a horrible car accident yesterday morning.   I don't know the details, but I'm sure she was probably on her way home from a Halloween party.  

It is so tragic.  She was so young and full of life.  This was a girl with a giant smile and a laugh for everything.  This was also a girl who had a very tight relationship with her siblings and right now my heart hurts so much for her family. 

From what I saw, Katie and Vanessa drifted apart when Katie decided she didn't want to party anymore, but wanted to walk more closely with God.  Friendships change when that happens.  Some people would rather continue on the dead-end road that is life lived in the world.  I hope and pray that somewhere along the line, Nessa was able to connect with the Lord and be saved, but there is no way of knowing.  God knows and that's all that matters.

Lord, be with this family.  Pour your comfort and peace onto them right now.  Use this tragedy for your glory, Lord.  May this be a wakeup call to those around Vanessa who have been ignoring your call upon their lives.  May we all grow closer to you, Lord, for our days our short and our lives are but a vapor.... here today and gone tomorrow. 

I love you, Lord, and thank you for abundant life through your salvation!  Hallelujah!


UPDATE (11/3/11):  Here is an article on Nessa's accident.  Lord, God, be with her family.  May you continue to use this for your glory.  Amen!

From the top of the mountain to the bottom of the valley...

We are to rejoice in the Lord when times are good (top of the mountain) AND when times are bad (bottom of the valley).   Right now I'm in the low, deep pit of the valley, but I'm going to rejoice in the Lord anyway.

Right now I am going through a painful and confusing time in my life that has come seemingly out of no where.  I was on the top of the mountain, singing "the hills are alive..." (lol).  Then it was like I suddenly lost my footing and slid rapidly down into the scary unknown below. 

Why does God allow that to happen?  There are so many reasons.  For me, I believe one reason is that the Lord wants... no requires... that I turn my focus on Him, and although He is not a cruel God, He will use any means to make that happen, even allowing "bad" things to "happen."

His ultimate aim is to bring us back to a place where we rely fully on Him... not ourselves, not anyone else. 

Lord, thanks for taking desperate measures to get me back into a right standing with You... even if it hurt.  I know You love me.   I rejoice in that and I look forward to returning to the top of the mountain soon.  


Thursday, October 27, 2011

Important reminder to self...

God is so good at giving us the right message at the right time.  Amen!

This devotional from a couple of days ago was one of many messages from the Lord I needed to hear and I want to post it hear as a reminder to myself:

God Is Giving You Another Chance

“God has appointed another [future] for me.” Ge 4:25 NKJV

Satan’s plan was to infect Adam with the virus of sin before his first son was born; that way he could get all the rest of us. And it almost worked. Cain, Adam’s first son, murdered his brother Abel. But God wasn’t finished. “Adam knew his wife again, and she bore a son and named him Seth, ‘For God has appointed another seed for me instead of Abel.’” For everything you’ve loved or lost, God has something else. For everything that’s been stolen from you, God has something else. Your “seed” is your future, and God has another one in mind for you. The situation you are in right now is not the end of the story; God wants to write a new chapter. The Devil knew God had a plan for you; that’s why he tried so hard to wipe you out. He doesn’t want you to live long enough to fulfill it. But the fact that you’re still here and able to read this says he failed, and that God’s not through with you! Notice the word “appointed.” There’s an appointment on God’s calendar with your name on it. “God has appointed another [future] for me.” There’s something good just over the horizon—something for your life, your marriage, your family, your career, your ministry. God has an appointed task for you to accomplish, and appointed blessings for you to enjoy. He has called you with an “eternal purpose” and He will bring it to pass.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Just when you think...

Just when you think things are going well, then they appear to be not.  *sigh*

I don't understand, but maybe I'm not supposed to.  I've learned that the Lord will sometimes let me go through a moment of uncertainty, confusion, and even a litte bit of despair so that I can re-focus my attention on Him... where it belongs. 

I'm trying my best to hope that this is one of those times and not anything I really need to worry about.

Everytime it feels things are unraveling in my life, I keep coming back to the same verse from Proverbs:  "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him and he will make your paths straight."

That last part is a promise from the Word.  I need to acknowledge Him and His importance in my life (above ALL other things and people) and He will take care of the rest.

For now, I am grateful for godly women from whom I can seek godly counsel and even the kick in the pants I need.  Right now I'm hearing the Lord say, "Be still and know that I am God." 

Okay Lord.  Settle my heart.  I'm ready to be still.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

New York, new position, new possiblities...


Uh, New York was amazing!

We did so much yet we didn't get to do enough.  You realy need a good month just to make a dent in that city.  Nevertheless, we left satisfied with all we were able to get done.  Even 3 days in the city would have left me giddy.  =)

Here's what we saw:

-Most importantly, the 9/11 Memorial.  It was something I will never forget and I feel honored to have been there.  It was so moving to me that Katie and I ended up sitting on a bench and saying a prayer for New York, the country, and the world.   The tears were flowing (people probably thought we had lost someone there.)

-The entire island of Manhattan via the Gray Line siteseeing tour and then later via the Empire State Building.... at night, all lit up.  It's a sight to see.

-The Statue of Liberty and Brooklyn Bridge via a water taxi.

-The underground and Coney Island via the subway.  =)

-Time Square EVERY DAY thanks to our hotel, the Algonquin, being situated literally a block and a half away.

-Macy's, Bloomingdales, Saks 5th Avenue, FAO Schwartz, Century 21, etc.  Yay shopping!

-Half of Central Park, including the zoo, on foot in one day (you can't REALLY do the whole thing in one day without some sort of transportation).

And so much more!!

I can't describe what an amazing trip it was.  I am so grateful to have been able to go... especially with my sister Katie.  It was a trip I will always cherish and never forget.   (How can I anyway?  I took about 500 pictures.  lol)


I started the new job yesterday.  I am so grateful.  It already seems that I am working with some awesome people, but only time will tell for sure.  For now, I am happy to be there and starting something new with new people. 

Thank you, Lord, for this amazing opportunity!  Please equip me to do my best.


Months ago, someone reappeared in my life.  I met him once before very briefly about 2 years ago.  Never did I think that I would come into any kind of close contact with him again, nor did I think he would be anything other than an aquaintance if I did.

But alas, God always has other plans, doesn't He?

Now he has become someone very special to me.  Actually, I think that I can safely say the feeling is mutual.  I believe in my heart that he will continue to be a part of my life.  It's all up to God though, because after all He directs our steps and has a plan already worked out for each one of us.

Right now I'm just enjoying this new friendship and trusting that the Lord has everything under control.  =)

Thank you, Lord, for all of my News... =)

Saturday, October 1, 2011

9 hours...

... and I'm on a plane to New York.  Finally!  :) 

This has been a year in the making.  I can't believe how quickly the year passed by, and it's been a blessed one at that.  Thank you, Lord. Please keep it coming.

Lord, please bless this trip and the time together with my sister.  Keep us safe.  Keep our flights safe.  Keep our travel safe.  Please also keep our family, friends, co-workers, and other special people in our lives safe while we are away.  May we behave in a way that honors you and may we serve you if and when the need arises. 

In Jesus' name, amen.

Here I come, Big Apple. :D