Uh, New York was amazing!
We did so much yet we didn't get to do enough. You realy need a good month just to make a dent in that city. Nevertheless, we left satisfied with all we were able to get done. Even 3 days in the city would have left me giddy. =)
Here's what we saw:
-Most importantly, the 9/11 Memorial. It was something I will never forget and I feel honored to have been there. It was so moving to me that Katie and I ended up sitting on a bench and saying a prayer for New York, the country, and the world. The tears were flowing (people probably thought we had lost someone there.)
-The entire island of Manhattan via the Gray Line siteseeing tour and then later via the Empire State Building.... at night, all lit up. It's a sight to see.
-The Statue of Liberty and Brooklyn Bridge via a water taxi.
-The underground and Coney Island via the subway. =)
-Time Square EVERY DAY thanks to our hotel, the Algonquin, being situated literally a block and a half away.
-Macy's, Bloomingdales, Saks 5th Avenue, FAO Schwartz, Century 21, etc. Yay shopping!
-Half of Central Park, including the zoo, on foot in one day (you can't REALLY do the whole thing in one day without some sort of transportation).
And so much more!!
I can't describe what an amazing trip it was. I am so grateful to have been able to go... especially with my sister Katie. It was a trip I will always cherish and never forget. (How can I anyway? I took about 500 pictures. lol)
I started the new job yesterday. I am so grateful. It already seems that I am working with some awesome people, but only time will tell for sure. For now, I am happy to be there and starting something new with new people.
Thank you, Lord, for this amazing opportunity! Please equip me to do my best.
Months ago, someone reappeared in my life. I met him once before very briefly about 2 years ago. Never did I think that I would come into any kind of close contact with him again, nor did I think he would be anything other than an aquaintance if I did.
But alas, God always has other plans, doesn't He?
Now he has become someone very special to me. Actually, I think that I can safely say the feeling is mutual. I believe in my heart that he will continue to be a part of my life. It's all up to God though, because after all He directs our steps and has a plan already worked out for each one of us.
Right now I'm just enjoying this new friendship and trusting that the Lord has everything under control. =)
Thank you, Lord, for all of my News... =)
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
“[Praise to the God of All Comfort] Praise be to the God and Father of our
Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who
1 day ago
Glad to hear you are doing well. Last time I read your blog, you were waiting for news on a home. Still waiting for that?
Anyway, have a great rest of the week.
Actually, I pulled out of the house deal when I got my promotion. The drive to work would have been 1.5-2 hrs one way everyday. For now I'm looking at an apartment halfway between work and church. Then I'll see what God wants me to do from there... :)
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