Thursday, December 30, 2010
"What the h*** am I fighting for?"
More like "Regressives..."
Hard working, self-made, traditional-values, God-loving conservatives create and build things up to be successful for themselves and others and then ridiculous, spread-the-wealth, values-lacking liberals/communists/socialists take those things over and ruin them.
America. Built by great men, with relatively conservative values, who were hard-working people. Slowly being taken over by “progressives” who want to get rid of the principles the country was founded upon (a free market system, honoring God, low taxes, etc.)
American Universities. Many started by religious institutions. Now over-run by the anti-God/pro-evolution crowd.
Unions. Unions were created for good reason by honest, hard-working people. They gave poorly-treated workers/women/children better working conditions (reasonable pay and reasonable work hours, among other benefits). Nowadays, unions are completely run by raging liberals who are beyond corrupt and only care about getting politicians in their pockets. Their agenda focuses more on increasing "benefits" for their members instead of creating a work enviroment that is productive and beneficial to employee AND employer.
The Movie Industy. Created and once run by conservative, America-loving moguls who believed in quality over “freedom of expression.” Movies were once masterpieces, now they empty nonsense made by liberals and consisting of one-sided political messages or soft-core porn and crassness… all targeted toward our children.
Somebody, please tell me what leftists have taken and made better instead of worse?
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Mexico off hold...
REMINDER: God doesn't kick us when we're down...
Anyway, there was a comment that really struck me and I thought I'd share:
seekingpastor December 29, 2010 at 9:51 am
We are kicked so often from so many people and from so many different angles that we expect it from everyone. Including God. And even though he’s proven that this is not how he operates, we still expect it. And he keeps rescuing when he has every right not to do so. Glad that he never gives up on us.
Man is this ever true. I have been "kicked" by folks left and right my whole life. I do expect it from everyone (call me negative, but when you've been burned so many times, you start to expect it every next time you turn the stove on) and, unfortunately, I never really thought about the fact that I subconciously expect it from God too, even though I know that's ridiculous.
Lord, I am also glad that you never gives up on us....
Monday, December 27, 2010
Best Christmas. Worst Christmas.
Christmas Eve I went to Disneyland with my co-worker (and dear friend) Connie and her 3 younger kids. She is a single Mom of 5 and to say she struggles is an understatement. She LOVES the Lord and is a picture of true trust and reliance upon Him. She is one of my heroes and a big example to me.
This year, I decided to do something special for her, so I paid for her three young ones to go to Disneyland. She would not have been able to take all of them together as a family without that help. (She literally wasn’t even able to afford a Christmas tree and more than one Christmas gift for the kids this year.)
I was happy to do it.
We had a GREAT time. We really did. These kids were pretty well-behaved and were very humble--it was nothing like my last visit to Disneyland with my goddaughter. Lol. They truly had a fun time and they totally deserved it.
I left Disneyland on a total high from not just the fun day, but the satisfaction of knowing that I helped bless a deserving family. It was truly going to be a great Christmas.
Or not.
The next morning, Christmas morning, I got up, got dressed, and headed to my sister’s house for breakfast and presents. Everything was going great. We were hysterically laughing at National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, which has to be in my top 5 Christmas movies. We had breakfast and talked, as usual. It was our typical family Christmas. The kids started opening their presents (we didn’t exchange anything amongst ourselves this year), and out of no where I just started feeling very frustrated.
Then the batteries died on my camera, so I got up to change them. That’s when I felt an overwhelming sense of loneliness. I headed for the bathroom, sat on the toilet, and burst out in tears.
“I can’t do this alone anymore. I want my own family.”
I was upset for a few minutes and then pulled myself together and walked out.
Here’s where it got bad. Here’s where the devil really started in with the mind games.
I went out to the couch in the living room while they all did presents in the dining room. Then I started thinking, “Wow. They don’t even notice I’m gone. They don’t even care if I’m here or not. They aren’t even concerned for me at all.”
Yes, I know this is ridiculous, but at the moment I was not in my right mind. I sat there getting increasingly upset and to make matters worse, my sister decided to sit down on the other couch and start sarcastically telling me, “That’s not a Christmas face.”
She was right, but what I really needed to hear was, “Is everything ok?”
I should know better than to expect sympathy in this family, but it upset me. I couldn’t take anymore of being around all this family fun that I can't relate to anymore and am not included in because I don't have a family of my own, so I left, saying that I didn't feel well.
Of course, I didn’t receive one call or text of concern, which made me even more upset and down on myself.
I stopped off at my friend Mandy’s house to give her a Christmas gift and to vent and then went home--totally depressed and defeated. My parents were there. I asked my Mom if the family was upset that I left and she said that they weren’t and that she had told them that this time of year is hard on people who are single.
Dang. I guess they saw right through the sick act. Lol.
Yeah, it is hard. I think the anxiety and realization that I’m turning 30 soon, with no prospects in sight, just came knocking at the door of my psyche all at once and I wasn’t prepared for it. I do believe that the enemy used that to attack me and I totally let him. I allowed myself to be invaded with the most defeatist, angry, hopeless thoughts. For the first time in a long time, I didn’t care if I lived anymore for a minute there.
Thankfully, I snapped out of it. One good day of feeling sorry for myself was enough. It just sucked that it had to be Christmas day.
Well, now I’m trying to put this horrible day behind me and turn to the Lord. It’s hard. Lately, I’ve felt the urge to be angry with Him. I’ve wanted to say, “You really have forgotten about me, haven’t You.”
All ridiculous, I know. But like I said, the devil attacks at the most opportune times… and right where he knows how to get you. Even more ridiculous is how I can go from the high of seeing the Lord bless others through me to the low of allowing myself to nearly self-destruct.
*sigh* I have issues.
If you are reading this, keep me in your prayers. I’m in a valley right now and I need all the help I can get to climb out and reach that peak again…
Thursday, December 23, 2010
2010 Goodness
Oh man... The Internet was alive with ridiculous greatness this year. Some of this I've never seen. Guess what I'll be doing when I get home. lol
(Thanks, iOwnTheWorld.)
Monday, December 20, 2010
Tell me something I don't know...

A reversal on carbs
Fat was once the devil. Now more nutritionists are pointing accusingly at sugar and refined grains.
I went low-carb 10 years ago and not only lost 40-50 lbs, but have maintained it (with minor ups and downs) for the last decade. Every time I go to the doctor and have blood work done it comes back P-E-R-F-E-C-T... and that's even when I'm not exercising.
The low-carb lifestyle works and it's good for you. It lowers blood sugar levels and cholesterol. It has practically cured some people of Diabetes. Plus, fat literally melts off your body. It's amazing.
(For info on how cutting carbs works, check this out.)
The more and more these types of articles and studies come out, the more it confirms what I already know.
If you need to lose a lot of weight or are suffering from Diabetes, it's simple: Cut out the carbs. If you don't feel you can do that, then at least cut them by half and watch how much of an improvement you see.
Mexico on hold...
Since today was the day we were meant to have gone, and since I'm writing this from my desk at work instead of on a plane, obviously we aren't going. =) We've postponed the trip. We weren't able to get tickets in time and they were all sold out.... since it IS Christmas week.
Seeing as how I was not looking forward to having to rustle up $600+, I'm a little grateful. I just think it wasn't the right time. Not to sound harsh or uncaring, but clearly my grandmother isn't going to die next week, so we are putting it off until next month. I think my Dad and I will both be a little prepared then anyway...
Keep us in your prayers.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
I know exactly....
Here's a blurb:
They say the Christian life isn’t meant to be done alone. We need community to survive. I believe this is true. But, for people like me, the thing that’s supposed to keep you alive causes you so much pain and anxiety. It’s like drinking water that tastes and smells like gasoline. You know you need it to live, but drinking it can be vomit-inducing. I get jealous of people that others naturally gravitate toward. My friend, Danny, is like this. People naturally like him; and he’s just naturally good with people. I watch him when he’s dealing with the people in our church and I’m amazed. He might as well be wearing a cape and a big “S” on his chest. It’s unbelieveable to me. How is he that comfortable with people? How are people that attracted to him and others like him? It’s strange. We have even discussed the dichotomy of how people react to him and to me. He can make a certain joke and people will think it’s
hilarious. I could make the same exact joke and people will think I’m just creepy. It all goes back to the fact that I’m socially awkward and he’s not. I’m introverted, and he’s extroverted. These are just common personality types. Being one way is not better than the other way, it’s just the way we’re built. Sometimes, though, being introverted can feel less like a personality type and more like a disorder or a condition.
Ironic/Funny Quote of the Day
"First of all, I feel so much more confident that the TSA's nude photos of airline passengers will never be released now that I know the government couldn't even prevent half a million classified national security documents from being posted on WikiLeaks."
And by the way, how is the fool who leaked secret U.S. government documents, Julian Assange, gonna turn around and ask that his address be kept secret. Really? REALLY? You got some nerve dude. This guy needs to get the same treatment as the Rosenbergs who also committed espionage/treason!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Surrender continued...
Surrender (2)
“Because you say so, I will.” Lk 5:5 NIV
When you start to do things God’s way instead of your own, you experience three great benefits: First, you have peace. “Submit to God, and you will have peace; then things will go well for you” (Job 22:21 NLT). Second, you have freedom. “Offer yourselves to the ways of God and the freedom never quits” (Ro 6:17 TM). Third, you have power. “Submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you” (Jas 4:7 NKJV). Stubborn temptations and overwhelming problems are defeated by Christ the moment you surrender. As Joshua approached the walls of Jericho he encountered God, fell down and worshipped, surrendered his plans and said, “What does my Lord say to His servant?” (Jos 5:14 NKJV). Joshua’s surrender led to a spectacular victory. Here’s a paradox: victory comes through surrender! Surrender doesn’t weaken you, it strengthens you. Surrendered to God, you don’t have to fear surrendering to anything else. William Booth, founder of the Salvation Army, said, “The greatness of a man’s power is in the measure of his surrender.” Eventually everybody surrenders to something. If not to God, you’ll surrender to the opinions and expectations of others, to money, to resentment, to fear, to your own lusts or ego. You’re free to choose whatever you surrender to, but you’re not free from the consequences of that choice. E. Stanley Jones said, “If you don’t surrender to Christ, you surrender to chaos.” The supreme example is Jesus. The night before His crucifixion He surrendered to God’s plan, saying, “I want your will, not mine.” And He is your example!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Good case for surrender...
Surrender (1)
“Because you say so, I will.” Lk 5:5 NIVUntil we accept and cooperate with the law of gravity, we can’t fly. Until we accept and cooperate with the law of economics, we can’t succeed in business. Getting the idea? Surrendering to God is not weakness, it’s wisdom. Only a fool resists God, because it’s a fight you can’t win. It’s in surrendering to Him that you are empowered to succeed in what He’s called you to do. Surrender is demonstrated by obedience. It’s saying, “Yes, Lord” to whatever He asks. To say, “No, Lord” is a contradiction. How can we call Jesus “Lord,” and refuse to obey Him? (See Lk 6:46 NKJV).
Peter demonstrated true surrender when Jesus told him to try again. “‘Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing; nevertheless at Your word I will let down the net.’ And when they had done this, they caught a great number of fish” (Lk 5:5-6 NKJV). Surrendered people obey God even when it doesn’t seem to make sense. Abraham followed God without knowing where it would take him. Hannah waited on God’s timing without knowing when. Mary expected a miracle without knowing how. Joseph trusted God’s plan without knowing why circumstances happened as they did. Each was fully surrendered to God, and they came out on top. “How will I know I’m fully surrendered?” you ask. When you rely on God to work things out instead of trying to manipulate others, force your own agenda or control the situation. You don’t have to be in charge, you simply let go and let God have His way.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Planning ahead...
I'm not a parent, but I plan to be one someday--operative word being PLAN. Yes, I know that everything will not happen exactly how I want it to. My kids won't behave exactly how I hope they will, but that doesn't mean that I can't plan to do things a certain way.
I do my research. I observe the kids around me and close to me. I read. I ask questions. I see what seems to work and what doesn't work at all. I want to be well-prepared. There are things that I hope my kids will never do and there are things that I will be doing my best not to let my kids do. I won't say the word "never" though, because I just don't know.
A few things I hope to do for my kids:
- Absolutely minimize the amount of TV and computer they are exposed to. I'm even considering only having a TV in my room so that they will not be allowed to use it for more than a couple hours at most. We'll see how my husband feels about that one. lol
- Give them responsibilities from a young age... I'm talking like 3 years old. I don't believe that any child is above maturation and responsibility.
- Teach them from home. Not only do I want them to be educated in the traditional sense, but I want God to be an important part of every lesson. Wait, I guess that IS in the traditional sense, since God was a part of our education way back when... =/
- Not fill up my house and their rooms with toys. I will even ask that any birthday or Christmas presents not be toys... or at least not always be toys. They take up valuable space and never get used. I want my kids to learn to be creative and to go outside and run around. I want them to appreciate everything.
- Limit the snacks and junk, if not remove them altogether. I look at my niece, who is 2 years old. She absolutely refuses to eat anything that is not in the shape of Dora the Explorer or a gold fish. No no.
There are other things, but these are the ones that come to mind. If it was up to me, I would take my kids back to the old school when kids didn't have cell phones, TVs, and the like. Back when kids had chores and work to do from an early age. Back when families knew each other and spent time together, contributing to their household together, and being proud of what they've built together.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
In support of my papá…
We found out last week that my grandmother in Mexico is dying of heart and renal failure. This is a woman who’s had a rough life—partly by no fault of her own and partly because of uneducated, selfish decisions she made in her young life. She is the mother of 15 (yes, FIFTEEN!), my father being the first, which also means he was the first to be shipped off to live with family members when it started getting too crowded in the Morales household.
When my grandmother was just a baby her father walked out on her mother. Like any loving, nurturing, sane mother would do, my great grandmother blamed my grandmother… a baby. From that day forward my grandmother was no longer treated like one of the family. Instead, she was the maid, babysitter, and slave to her own family. While the other kids were off getting good educations, my grandmother was forced to stay home and do housework and such.
As you might expect, her children were treated no differently. My father has told of stories of his aunts making him clean the house just to get a scrap of food to eat, if that. Sometimes it was just the leftover juice from a soup—none of the veggies and definitely none of the meat. He’s told of stories of his cousins telling their friends that he was their maid and definitely not their cousin. So yeah, you can imagine what might have been the catalyst for my dad wanting to come to America and get the heck out of dodge. Talk about wanting a better life.
Naturally, as my dad got older, he had a lot of resentment towards his mother. Not only did she abandon him, she also abandoned many of his other brothers and sisters one-by-one as new ones were born. She just KEPT on having children (at one point, as a teenager, he literally begged her to stop having children. He got a good, swift slap in the face for that one.).
Despite all that, though, he loved his mom. Even when you beat a dog, it still comes back, right?
A few years ago, my Dad finally realized that he needed to forgive his mother. He sent her a long letter detailing what he felt she did to him and then told her that he loved her and forgave her for all of it. It took a great weight off of his shoulders. I know my dad deeply loves his mom no matter what. I understand that and I think it runs in the family because she, too, loved her mother, despite the fact that her mother flat out said that she never loved my grandmother.
On a side note, I know I shouldn’t say this—God forgive me--but there is a special place in hell for my great grandmother and I know she’s sitting there right now. (Maybe it’s my turn to forgive, huh? Lol)
Well, now my dad is arranging a trip to Mexico City within the next couple of weeks or so. He wants me to come with him. I’m not sure why he wants me, of all of us, to come, but I can’t let him down.
Honestly, I don’t want to go. It’s dangerous in Mexico right now. Plus, I can’t afford it. I barely have the time to take at work and I was trying to save it to go back to Dallas for interviews after the new year. I’ve only seen my grandmother all of 4 times in my life, and one of those times I was only a year old, so I’m not all that close to her. I don’t have any unresolved issues with her or anything like that. I love her very much, but I don’t feel an overwhelming need to go say goodbye to her… This is just the truth.
I do however feel that if my dad needs me, I must go. Period. My dad needs ME for once, instead of the other way around. I have to go.
This is not going to be easy…
Lord, please put your hands on my grandmother, father, and the entire Morales family. Please draw my grandmother close to You and reveal Yourself to her. I don't know what her relationship with You looks like--only You know that. Please envelope her spirit and mind and bring peace to her heart. Please do the same for my father. I love You, Lord. Thank You for Your unending hand in all of our lives. In Jesus' name.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Deleted last post...
I will reiterate what I said at the end, though: I am so grateful for the parents I had and for the values and appreciation they instilled in me. I realize more than ever that they loved me by saying "No" to me instead of setting me up with a false sense that I will always get what I want, when I want it, and in exactly the way in which I want it. They set me up for reality.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
My (and maybe your) message from God...
Today I read this post from Stuff Christians Like. John usually writes funny, ironic stuff, but this post was a little more on the serious, let-me-minister-to-you-guys-today side.
It was exactly what I needed to read (despite the waterworks that ensued)... especially this part:
In Genesis 48, the same thing happens to Joseph, of the double rainbow coat fame. He has brought his two sons to his father Israel for his blessing. We don’t understand this culturally because we don’t really do this anymore, but this was a critical, massive thing that was about to take place. Manasseh was about to receive Israel’s blessing. That was what should happen. That was what Joseph expected.
Joseph the faithful. Joseph the former slave, former convict, former saved all of Egypt from death and destruction. Joseph had a great track record at this point. He was a deeply wise man of God. He knew what was about to happen. By lineage, by tradition, by faith, Manasseh was about to get blessed by Israel.
Only he doesn’t.It doesn’t happen that way. Instead of doing what he should have done, Israel crosses his arms and forms an X, placing his hands on the heads of the wrong children. He blesses Ephraim, the wrong son in Joseph’s mind.
And in 48:17 we see what happens: When Joseph saw his father placing his right hand on Ephraim’s head he was displeased; so he took hold of his father’s hand to move it from Ephraim’s head to Manasseh’s head.
Joseph has lived his entire life with one belief about how a blessing is passed down. This is his, “I got my Master’s Degree in teaching, I should get a teaching job” moment. This is his, “People get married after college, that’s what they do,” moment. This is what he’s always been ready for and it goes the exact opposite way.
So Joseph, like me or you trying to fix a mistake, says, “No, my father, this one is the firstborn; put your right hand on his head.”
And how does Israel respond? Does he say, “Oh, I am failing of sight and made a mistake?” Does he reply, “Thank you for correcting this situation?”
He says simply, “I know, my son, I know.”
And that is an incredibly tender thing to say as someone’s expectations crumble.
And I think it’s something God still says to us, even today.“I know, my son, I know. I know, my daughter, I know. That thing you wanted is not going to happen. Not the way you’ve always dreamed. I know this hurts. I know this stings. I know you feel like I am distant or not aware of where you are and who hurt you and what you think life was supposed to be like. I know in moments like this you doubt that I can count the hairs on your head or have your best in mind. But please, I am not done. I have barely started to reveal your life to you. I am the God who satisfies your desires with good things. That is me! And when it comes to your hopes and your fears and your dreams, I know, my son, I know.”
I think of this moment as the “soft x.”
I think of the tenderness of Israel with his arms outstretched and crossed. I think of our desires and our dreams and the times they don’t work. And above all, I think of a God who wants to tell you he hears you, he loves, he knows you. He is not disconnected or disinterested in who you are and who you want to be. Today, he says,
“I know, my son, I know.”
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
For future reference....
Oh and Happy December. My favorite month is here!