Quite a weekend. Quite a weekend.
I left work early on Thursday and headed straight to my dad's because I had a dentist appt. in Diamond Bar the next day. I get there and find Gatito on the floor in a very sad state. That's when Mom tells me that he got out the night before and when he came back that morning, he was visibly shaken and injured from fighting with the stray neighborhood cats. I lean down to check him out and he's completely rigid and not very happy about me inspecting his injuries... his numerous injuries.
He's obviously beat up, but something isn't right. I finally decide to take him to the vet. We get there and the first thing they do is take his temperature.
104 degrees!!! Yikes.
Then the doc comes in and starts pulling out chunks of hair where Gatito's been injured. Underneath that hair are deep puncture wounds already filled with puss. I got him there right on time. The doc tells me that if I had waited each one of those puncture wounds would have turned into a giant absess. Yay!
So Gatito got left at the vet to be sedated and have his wounds cleaned to avoid infection, and then he came home the next day totally high and wearing a cone. Way to go, Gatito. Hope you learned your lesson, although I sort of doubt it....
Saw Twilight: Eclipse on Saturday. Not bad. I'm not a Twilight fanatic or anything, but I do enjoy the movies. What can I say? I love a cheesy romance story.... even if it involves the undead. lol.
The thing I really like about this one was a small message it conveyed on how special it is to wait until marriage before doing "the deed." Bella wants to get it on with Edward, but he tells her that he's "old fashioned" and would rather marry her first. All the girls in the audience were like, "Awwwww." I was like, "Amen!" =)
Fourth of July was boring for me this year. Didn't go to any BBQs or other events. Katie and I just climbed up to the roof, talked about our lacking love lives, and watched the fireworks show from Hanson Dam. Meh. Nothing exciting.
Speaking of my love life, while up on the roof I expressed a few frustrations to my sister about it. I just feel so lonely lately (it doesn't help that I had a dream about someone from my past that I wish would have been real). I feel like I learned so much from the last failed attempt, but haven't been given any kind of opportunity to put into action what I've learned. Plus, I can't help but feel completely horrible about myself when no one worth my time is remotely interested. I was just venting about my slight frustration toward God. (Yes, I admit it, okay! lol)
Anyway, yesterday we head to WalMart for some household items. As I'm standing in an aisle telling Tirsa a funny story, this guy, who clearly has mild cerebral palsy, but was actually pretty high functioning and not horrible looking, approaches me. He was like, "Excuse me. Excuse me."
At first I thought he was trying to get to something behind me on the shelf, so I move out of the way. Then he says, "I don't mean to be rude or anything."
I'm thinking, "what is this guy about to tell me."
He then says, "You are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen."
Oh my. All I could do was smile and say Thank You. He then asked if he could give me his business card so we could hang out. I didn't want him to feel bad, so I sort of lied and said I had a boy friend, to which he replied that "he" was a lucky guy, and then he threw in a "God bless you." Cute.
I have to say that was the most flattering attempted pick-up I've ever been subjected to. I was not interested in the guy (and not because of his disability... I have a cousin with the same disability and I've never treated him any different from anyone else), but I give him a lot of props for being so bold, but not sleazy about it. It really was cute.
I really think that God used this guy to remind me that He is listening and paying attention. There are decent people out there who find me attractive and who are willing to be bold enough to let me know. There is hope for me. =)
Thanks, Lord, and please bless that guy. There is someone special out there for him too...
Isaiah 25:1
“[Praise to the LORD] LORD, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise
your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done wonderful things,
things plann...
1 day ago
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