Growing up as a Mexican-American, I've always been aware of the "issues" that Mexicans have with other types of Latinos. I pretty much was of the belief that many of them looked down on Mexicans as uneducated and who knows what else. When I went to College and took Chicano Studies courses, I was somehow conditioned (more like brainwashed) to think that Puerto Ricans and Cubans were nothing like us Mexicans and that the media and world really needed to understand that. I literally got upset when Jennifer Lopez, a Puerto Rican, got cast in the role of Selena, a Mexican. "Don't they know that the the Island hispanics are way different from the central-/south-American hipanics? We don't even look alike or talk alike." Geez! (LOL)
So needless to say, I really never cared too much about the affairs of the island brown folk, including Cubans. (But I sure did think that Che was some great revolutionary... I guess because my professor looked at him as a South American and not a Cuban anyway.)
Well, now that I've been de-brainwashed, I've done some REAL learning and discovered that Che Guevara and Fidel Castro are no kind of heroes. They are/were evil, sadistic, murderous men who only care(d) about control and power.
I've done so much reading on Castro's Cuba and the plight of the Cuban people and it makes me sick! (Check out this blog for daily updates on what's REALLY going on in Cuba.) As a Christian, I can't stand back and ignore the injustice and inhumanity in that country. What's worse is that our media and government want to turn a blind eye to it all and start buddying up to Castro, even offering to end an embargo that was specifically designed to prevent American dollars from funding that horrible regime. They are trying to paint him as some kind of great leader who has provided his people with the best that socialism has to offer.
The Cuban people are starving to death. Their "free" medical care consists of run down clinics with no access to medication. Their old are dying in assylums, surrounded by their own feces. Their education solely involves indoctrination and propoganda. Their once-great universities are vacant and boarded up. Their prisons are full of men and women who's only crimes are speaking out against the injustice. And the list goes on and on.
Can you blame these people for getting in little make-shift rafts and risking shark-infested waters to get here and get OUTTA THERE?
We have to do something about this. It's not okay. These aren't just "those other latinos from the islands." These are our fellow human beings and children of God. They deserve better than this.
For now, I signed this petition. You should too...
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
“[Praise to the God of All Comfort] Praise be to the God and Father of our
Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who
1 day ago
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