Jesus condescended to come down from His throne in Heaven, became like us, and died for us. It’s amazing. I know this truth and I appreciate it, but there is something I never really thought about.
He came down to be man, like us, in all its pain and hardship… pain and hardship that man created in the first place. Jesus would not have had to die if it wasn’t for our sin, which is the the sin of Adam & Eve’s disobedience to God. Death, pain, suffering, etc. all come with being man because of the decision that they made in the Garden of Eden.
So Jesus had to die because of that sin. In order for Him to die, He had to become man. Becoming man subjected Him to all the pains, suffering, trials, and such that we have to go through and which are a result of the very thing He was trying to fix. So not only did He have to fix our mistake, but he also had to suffer the results of our mistake to do so.
That is so deep. It drives home even more just what He did for us. Before even dying for us, He still had to suffer the discomfort of living on this earth in the midst of fallen man. Wow.
What a Saviour! What a love! Thank you, Lord.
I’ve always known that He suffered the same temptations that we do and could totally relate to any earthly pains we may have, but just now I truly UNDERSTOOD it….
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
“[Praise to the God of All Comfort] Praise be to the God and Father of our
Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who
1 day ago
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