So, I read and heard that Kathy Griffin won a creative arts Emmy a few days ago and decided to say something really offensive about my God. Apparently, she said something along the lines of "So many people get up and thank Jesus when they win this award. Well, this award has nothing to do with Jesus. Jesus can suck it. This award is my god now."
Hmmmm.... Where is the ACLU on this one? If she was saying something like this towards Mohammad or Alah, there would be hell to pay (no pun intended). The whole world would have been breathing down her neck for an apology at the very least, but for Jesus. Eh... he's just the God of those crazy Christians and, sometimes we forget, still the God of THE MAJORITY OF THIS COUNTRY. Why isn't there a bigger uproar about this? I love the double standards here. If she can sit here and insult my God, which in reality she has every right to do, then none of our great Christian leaders should catch any flack for preaching against the dangers of radical Islam,which are a real and ever-present threat. Wake up, people...
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
“[Praise to the God of All Comfort] Praise be to the God and Father of our
Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who
1 day ago
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