After a big to-do about nothing, I finally broke down and told my sister everything I knew about her lying to my friend about me. Turns out, the friend was the liar the whole time. She made up everything. B****. Because of her stupid pride, she almost ruined my relationship with my sister.... Someone who means more to me than she ever could. I don't understand how people can be so underhanded and dispicable. What an awful thing to do to somebody.
(I guess I can't say too much though. In the process of our "to-do," I left Sandy a very mean message that I later found out made her cry. I felt so awful and I apologized immediately. I was mad at my sister and I took it out on the wrong person because I just wasn't thinking and I allowed my anger to control me. I guess I'm not too much better than my ex-friend, but at least I can apologize when I'm wrong... Lucky for me, Sandy didn't hold it against me.)
All I can do is say "thank you." Thank you for making my relationship with my sister even stronger.
After we talked about the whole thing and sorted it out, I felt much better. We also discussed how our relationship hasn't been the best as it is, but what was different this time from previous conversations was that we seemed to actually sit there and listened to what the other had to say.
In the end, I apologized for just believing that she said those things without checking and I apologized for any of my part in us not having the best relationship lately. We are cool now. I am happy. I may have lost a friend, but I renewed my relationship with my sister, and that's more important...
Isaiah 25:1
“[Praise to the LORD] LORD, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise
your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done wonderful things,
things plann...
1 day ago
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