This last weekend, I went down to Long Beach for some drinks with my boss and a few other people, one of which was "Mr. F." OMG, that guy is so sleazy. I was so proud of myself though... I totally stayed clear of him. I made sure to keep at least one person or chair in between the two of us and you could tell it was driving him crazy. I was also just being really bitchy to him, which I think also drove him crazy. It was quite funny actually.
I'm sure he wanted me to sit next to him so he could hold my hand under the table or stroke my arm or what have you, but I wasn't letting it happen. I kept making smart remarks. Then Liz asks him if he thinks he is ready to get married and I just laughed and said "no." Then the conversation went elsewhere and I remember saying that all men are evil. He gives me this look like, "Huh.... not me." Oh yeah, you. I'm sure I sounded so bitter, but I made sure to throw in there all the info about Juan, the guy who rejected me, because I didn't want him having the satisfaction of thinking I could be heartbroken about him, which in actuality I'm not at all. I would still take Juan over "Mr. F." ANY DAY.
So, later on, I see him all over a certain someone. In the past that would have bothered me big time and I think he was doing it to bother me, but this time around all I could think was "better her than me" because that guy seriously gives me the heeby-jeebies at this point. Blech!
The best part of the night though was when the guy that he brought with him was totally hitting on me, gave me his card, and told me we should hang out, all right in front of Mr. F. You could tell that it bothered him and it made me crack up inside. I knew it bothered him because he turned around and gave me a deep hug in front of his friend and then kept holding on to my lower back when I tried to pull away. It was like he was saying, "remember me." It was quite amusing.
Muahaha! I am so evil. I don't care how much game you think you have, buddy, I see right through you, and I'm not a stupid, naive little girl...
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
“[Praise to the God of All Comfort] Praise be to the God and Father of our
Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who
1 day ago
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